All Chapters of Choosing her heart: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
123 Chapters
Have to make it home
Everyone's attention moved to Maleigha, “Pure luck,” she whispered through a frown. Great. That is just fantastic. “There are a few texts that I’ve read that explain the best approach to a beheading. Everything that I’ve read says that taking them by surprise is key and from the front, as that is where a majority of the major arteries are. If you make one false move from the back, they will know, and recover quicker than you can blink,” she explained with a shutter. “Surprise, from the front, they’re really fast. Easy enough.” The words left my lips, but I didn't feel confident. None of this sounded easy. The look of utter shock on everyone’s faces was not surprising. “Are you sure she’s not a robot or something?” Ry asked, glancing between me and everyone else. Wyatt leaned towards him, “My money is on ninja cat,” he whispered through pursed lips. “Are you two done making jokes?” Kai groaned, glaring at Wyatt. Wyatt rolled his eyes, “Never.” Kai shook his head slow
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Blessed by the Goddess (Wyatt POV)
I put my block up back in Kai’s office. I didn’t want Felicity to be flooded with the fear and anxiety that I was experiencing at the thought of her going with this vampire. I made a promise to myself that if anything goes wrong, he’s mine. I will tear him apart limb by limb. “It’s time,” Felicity whispered, trying to untangle herself from my arms, but I held her tighter. I needed more time. “I’m not ready yet.” She pulled herself up towards my face, nuzzling her nose against mine, “Don’t worry, Wyatt. I plan to come home in one piece.” I felt my breath hitch. I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream. I wanted to lock her up so she couldn’t do this, but I knew she would find a way. Felicity was just that kind of person. She wouldn’t allow anyone else to suffer when she had the solution. It was something that I’d always loved about her, but right now, it was breaking my heart. “Promise me,” I whispered. She nodded, kissing me with an intensity that I’d never experienced f
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My path to the cabin felt eerily familiar. I’d walked the path before, dozens of times in my head. That nightmare will forever haunt me.Glancing around, it's surreal that I died here two years ago. Not much has changed. The trees look the same. The air smells the same. The only thing that's changed is Parker won't be here to save me.I may have been granted a second chance, but you never lose the feeling of desperation that I felt so many times as that nightmare and then actually living it. Shaking off the dread that had formed in the pit of my stomach, I continued on. The trees were thick with leaves right now, almost like a blanket covering the forest. They would soon turn the beautiful colors of fall and fall off, filling the ground and opening up the sky. I hoped I’d have the chance to see that again. The more I thought about what was going to happen, the more I wondered if I was even right in the first place. Abe was never the man to get his hands dirty. I doubted that
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Second guessing
“Felicity, it’s lovely to see you again,” Vincent’s face morphed into a sickly smile. “Wow, what a shocker,” I rolled my eyes, not the least bit surprised to see that he has been working with these assholes the entire time. Atlas chuckled behind Vincent, and his smile quickly dissipated. “What is that supposed to mean?” he questioned angrily. He thought he was going to come in here to see me shocked by his appearance, but after what happened in Blue Lake; I knew he was in on this. “Did you forget that I am a future teller?” His eyes widened for a brief moment before a mask of indifference fell into place. “Yeah, you missed that part. I’ve known you were a snake since Wyatt and I visited Blue Lake.” A snarl marred his features, “How did Parker take finding out his mate was a whore?” ‘The nerve of this man. Let me out, I think I can kill him quickly. I don’t even think the vampire would care,’ Iris growled in my head. “I wouldn’t know.” He stalked closer to me
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Coming for her(Wyatt POV)
“Ry just linked me. He said that Atlas is moving her to Portland,” Maleigha whispered, quickly covering her mouth with a shaky hand. “Shit, that was fast.” “I’ve linked the pilot to fuel up the jet. I’m sorry I can’t join you on this one,” Kai stood from his desk, coming around a patting his hand on my shoulder. “Felicity would prefer it this way. The less people involved, the better." My lips pulled into a deep frown, "She'd never forgive herself if any of you got hurt."This would be the first big threat that I’ve faced without Kai by my side. I’d like to say I wasn’t nervous, but fucking vampires.... The assholes were terrifying on a good day. I took a deep breath, glancing over to where Parker was holding Kiera. I hated how complicated things had become. Here I was, in charge of keeping two of the most important people to Parker safe, and I wasn’t entirely sure what I was even up against. “Are you ready?” I asked Kiera, who gave me a small smile and nodded. “Please b
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Anything for our mate (Wyatt POV)
“How far is the house from here?” She pursed her lips, “Maybe thirty minutes. Less if we shift and run the rest of the way.” I grabbed a backpack with some essentials for Kiera and I, as well as the coffin, and followed her off the plane. I walked quickly behind her until we reached the edge of a thick forest. I began to strip, throwing my shirt into the backpack and unbuttoning my jeans. Kiera looked at me in shock, her cheeks flushing bright pink before turning around. “Jeesh, you don’t have to act as if I’ve burned your eyeballs.” She shook her head quickly, “I’m just not used to the werewolf lifestyle. You did not burn my eyeballs.” “With someone as hot as myself, it’s hard not to,” I tossed my clothes into the backpack, "Been frying corneas since puberty." She giggled, “You are goofy as hell.” Her laugh sounded genuine, and I was glad that she was feeling more comfortable. “Shit, I just thought of something. How are we going to communicate? You’ve not bee
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Punishable (WYATT POV)
“You know him?” Kiera questioned. Her eyes were trained on none other than Vincent, but it was the fear that fueled another wave of anger through my body. I was sure there was a story behind them. Knowing the type of guy he was, it wouldn’t surprise me at all. Before I could answer her, Dex had pushed forward, and we were barreling down the side of the hill at full speed. Rocks shifted beneath my feet, propelling us faster than my legs could keep up with. I think you forgot to shift, I grunted as my ass slid down the steep hillside.“Wait!” Kiera yelled, causing Vincent to turn his attention towards the top of the hill. Her voice distracted him enough for us to close the distance. I was standing in front of Vincent in a matter of seconds. “Beta Wyatt, to what do I owe the pleasure of you showing up here today?” he asked, a smug smile spread across his face. I’d like to tear that smile to shreds. The anger that I’d pushed down for so long was slowly bubbling to the surface. He
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I'm sorry (Wyatt POV)
‘You two shouldn’t have come alone,’ Atlas chuckled in my head. Kiera looked over to me, asking with her eyes if I had heard the voice too, and I nodded. “Stay close, I don’t want him to have any opportunity to separate us.” She put her back to mine and we walked around, looking for any signs of Felicity. I could feel her here. My heart raced wildly within my chest knowing how close we were to her. ‘How about a little riddle to help you find your dearest friend? Beneath materialistic beauty lies the epitome of a beautiful soul,’ Atlas' voice sang melodically. I frowned, thinking of what he could possibly have meant while Kiera stood, mumbling to herself. “Beneath means below. She is under something. Materialistic beauty signifies.....” she paused, looking around, mumbling some more, “She’s under the house! Felicity is in the basement,” she whispered. How the fuck did she get that from his riddle? ‘Probably because there is something called a brain within that pretty
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I could feel every ounce of pain that was flooding Wyatt's mind and body. It was intense and grueling. And not just physical pain. Wyatt’s heart had broken. He flooded me with emotions. He felt as if he’d failed me, which was the most prevalent of them all. Atlas tossed him around as if he’d weighed nothing. His body hit the walls with such force that it crumbled the concrete. I desperately tried to break free, but Atlas was smart. The silver cuffs were too strong and thick for me to break free from. “Don’t...... look,” Wyatt choked out. From where I was sitting, I had a full view of what was happening, but I wouldn't dare look away. "Wyatt," his voice fell from my lips in a pained whisper. Atlas was going to inject Wyatt with his venom, causing a slow and painful demise. This encounter made him feel powerful and he relished in the fact that he’d, once again, outsmarted the wolf. Atlas lunged forward, plunging his fangs deep into Wyatt’s neck, just above where my m
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The emotions that I’d been holding back came out all at once. I fell to the ground, sobbing. I wanted to punch something. I wanted to kill Atlas all over again. I wanted it to be slow, so he could feel an ounce of the pain that I was feeling right now. I felt Kiera’s hand on my shoulder. I forced myself up slowly, and her eyes were full of unshed tears. I outstretched my arms and she fell into me. We cried together, allowing the weight of the day to finally fall on us. She may not be grieving the way that I am, but she left a small piece of her past back in that room and I'll never forget her strength in that moment. For Wyatt. Parker came rushing onto the plane and Kiera basically leaped into his arms. He held onto her like his life depended on it, though when he looked down at me, he seemed conflicted. I took a few more moments, focusing on deep breathing before I stood, and walked off of the plane, leaving the two of them. He wasn't my mate and as selfish as it was, I couldn'
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