All Chapters of Alpha Brian’s Beloved Seer: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
130 Chapters
Chapter Seventy One
"Mummy, are you taking us with you?" I heard Andy ask, stopping again."Who told you I'm going out?" I asked him, while I was now staring at him.Andy hardly said a word, but here he was asking this question. It's actually Ava and Adrian that were good at asking questions, but today was just different."It's so obvious you are going out with Uncle Damon." Andy spoke up again, making me widen my eyes in disbelief."Andy, how did you know that, and what's so obvious about it?" I asked him, still staring at him, like I had seen a ghost."Mummy, I had you and Uncle Damon talking about going to see the armies earlier, and I would really love to go with you, if that's where you are going." Andy said,I couldn't believe my eyes, because he had never spoken this way before. I now understand why.He is indeed the older one among them, and I can see he is totally wiser and more observant than the other two."Mummy, are you really taking us to see the armies?" Ava asked, snapping me out of my th
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Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter 72 Taking my kids to meet with their father is the best thing for them. And I'm going to make sure I do that before they would asked me about it again. I thought and took a deep breath, as I continue staring at the ceiling. I really need a break from this Pack, it would really help me. Though I love the fact that the people here care for me and my family, and they also respect us so much, but I still need to go from here. I need to make sure,we do something else with our lives. We can't just remain here, because it wasn't really part of the plan. When I first came here five years ago, I was told to help them build a Pack, but I never knew they were going to make me their Alpha after I had succeeded in helping them build the Pack. I actually thought after building the pack then I would finally be able to return to the man I love so much, but that's isn't possible, as they just won't allow me leave, and they made me their Alpha instead. Though I have remained because I fig
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Chapter Seventy three
I was still standing by the mirror when I heard my bedroom door crack open.I quickly turned around to see who was coming into my bedroom without knocking.I saw Adrian coming in, making me sighed softly, as I faced him fully, but just then I saw Andy and Ava behind him too, making me gasped."What are you doing here so early?" I asked immediately where I was."Mummy, we want to stay with you." Adrian spoke up, making me sigh softly."Where is your nanny?" I asked him instead, but he just stared at me blankly without saying anything."You should be with your nanny right now, and get a bath and not come here." I said, as I made an appointment to take them back to their bedroom."Mummy, we don't want to go back to our bedroom, we want to be here with you." Ava spoke up for the first time."And why, if I may ask?" I asked them, while staring right at them."Andy has a bad dream, and bad people come in here to take you away from us." Ava said, while I smiled immediately, and bent over to
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Chapter Seventy Four
I continued walking on, as I had just one thing in mind and that was to warn the nanny to not let my kids run around, because I wasn't home.Just then my eyes caught sight of the three of them running towards me, making me frown immediately."She is at it again." I murmured under my breath, as I quickly increased my pace."Mummy, we have looked everywhere for you." Adrian said, while he hugged me, and Andy and Ava also did the same."Sorry about that my darling, but you have to let go of me first." I told them as I tried to unwrap their little hands from my body."Why?" Ava asked, while frowning her little, making me almost burst out laughing, seeing her that way.It was kind of really funny to see her trying to frown. "I want to see your nanny." I finally responded to her quickly, making her stare at me with a questioning look."Let's just go to your nanny first, you would find out what I want to tell her once we get there." I told her, making her sighed as they all unwrapped their h
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Chapter Seventy Five
"Baby I know you want me to play with you as soon as possible, but you also have to understand that things don't want to be the way you think they are." I explained to her, while she sighed softly and just stared at me.She tried to speak but I quickly stopped her, before she could say anything."Come on baby just relax back and eat your food okay, it's not good to talk while eating remember." I told her, making her nodded her head and grabbed the spoon as she started eating finally.I also started eating too, and just then Damon walked into the dining room too.He also had his seat and was also served his food, before he started eating. The dining room became quiet as only the sound of the cutleries and plate was heard. BRIAN'S POVIt was noon time, and I was still seated in my office working. The Chief didn't actually bring any new files for me today, but I still had so much work to do from the older one.My life was just so miserable without Ariana, and I really wished
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Chapter Seventy Six
"I don't think it's right for you to do that, Alpha." He said, making my smile deepened, as I pulsed and stared at him."Serving myself isn't really a problem, besides I have hands, so I can do that, it's really no big deal." I told him, but he kept trying to convince me that I shouldn't do that."If there isn't any maid in my house, won't I serve myself?" I asked him, but he opened his mouth to speak, but I stopped him."I'm an Alpha, but I used to live a free life before I became an Alpha, so I really see nothing wrong in serving myself right now." I said, making him sighed softly, and finally gave up.I finally grabbed hold of the bottle of wine and served myself.I took the glass to my lips, and quickly zipped it down my throat, as he started up with a random conversation, which I contributed to.After a while, he finally left the house, while I sighed softly, and walked back to my office.I glanced at the files in the table. And somehow I felt like not doing any work.I just want
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Chapter Seventy Seven
If I was given a second chance of life, I still choose to be with Brian and have his children.My kids are really so good, and I really can't deny that fact, because it's nothing but the actual truth.I sighed softly as I finally took my glances from them, and turned back to my food and started eating finally.After a while, my kids finally turned back to me. "Mummy you are still eating." Ava said, as she faked a frown."Yes baby, do you need anything?" I asked her, as I pulsed my food, and finally faced her now."Yes mummy," she responded to me immediately, while I sighed softly as I faced her fully."So what do you really need?" I asked her, while she sighed softly, and glanced at her brothers, who stared at her blankly like they were waiting for her to speak up."Mummy, I was thinking if you could take us to bed yourself, instead of our nanny." She said, making me sighed softly."Baby, I would have loved to, but I'm so sorry, I won't be able to do that." I told her, making her fro
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Chapter Seventy Eight
I thought about how my life was going to be once I finally returned to Brian, and I bet it really is what I want.I needed to feel completely happy, I really deserve it actually, so I need to be given a chance to be happy.I sighed softly as I glanced at the ceiling as my imagination went wide immediately."I really couldn't wait to have another moment with Brian, I totally missed his warm embrace." I said out loud,not minding the fact that it was night Time, and anyone could just hear me.All I wanted him was him, and thinking about him now, smiles came into my face.The fact that I was already done with this mission of saving this Pack, made me want to smile even more, and all I wanted was nothing more than to keep smiling.After a while I finally forced myself to sleep, and thankfully I was able to finally sleep.I felt little hands around me, tapping me, making me wonder what was going on, as I opened my eyes, only to see my children closer to me."Mummy is finally awake." I hea
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Chapter Seventy Nine
I thought about my kids and their father being together for a while, before finally get out of the bathtub."I bet the first day they would see their father, they would totally forget about me, and trouble him with so many questions." I said out loud, as I smiled imagining how that day would be.I grabbed a towel which tied around my chest, before finally walking into the bedroom fully.I glanced towards their direction and saw that they were playing, making me sighed softly as I shook my head negatively, before walking towards my closet.I took out some clothes, and returned to the bathroom, where I finally wore them, before returning back to my bedroom.I quickly moved closer to the bed, and soon had my seat. "So mummy now that you are all dressed up, would you play with us?" Ava asked me, as I wrapped her arms around me."Yes, I will play with you." I responded to her, making her smile, as she called to her brothers, who came to us immediately."So what do we start with?" Adrian as
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Chapter Eighty
I really hope I was wrong though, because it won't be nice if they decide to keep me here against my will.I really want to leave, I need to go back to where I belong, and that's not here, but with Brian as his Luna and wife.I have already given him an Heir, so it's only right that we be together, so we could train out children to become the best version of themselves.They weren't just any random children, they were royalty, so they really need to be different from others.Though here, they were still treated specially, but I still prefer it if they are with their father, because that would really be the best thing that could ever happen to them.Growing up with their father besides them will prepare them for the position of the Alpha too. Because they would totally see how their father would be handling the Pack, and learn from him.So that's really what I want for them, and not what they are trying to tell me here.Anyway I was sure that the people won't support Damon. They love m
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