All Chapters of Alpha Brian’s Beloved Seer: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
130 Chapters
Chapter Ninety One
“Baby, I understand the fact that you want to see your daddy so badly, and trust me I also want that too.” I said and pulsed for a while before I finally continued.“But you also have to understand that I need to rest for the night.” I finally told her, making her sigh softly and let go of my hand.“Okay mummy, but hopefully you will wake up early enough?” She asked me, while I just nodded my head in agreement.“Mummy, we are still on the road, so how can you sleep knowing that we are not home?” She asked me, making Me glance at her.As much as I don't really want to admit to her, I also know she had a point on what she had said.“Ava, just try and get some sleep too, you will really need it.” I told her, but she shook her head negatively, sighing that she wasn't going to sleep.“Your brothers are sleeping, so I will advise you to also sleep so when you finally meet your daddy, you can spend quality time with him.” I suggested, but she frowned her face instead.“Mummy thank you, but I
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Chapter Ninety two
"Alpha Brian is your daddy." I finally spoke up, as I turned around to look at her."Wow, I can't wait to see him then." She giggled, while I just shook my head, and face forward again, as I waited patiently for him to finally come out.After a few minutes, I saw Brian walking out of the house, with the guards, and immediately I couldn't help but smile seeing how handsome he still looks after all these years.I really couldn't stop myself from staring at him, as he finally stopped walking."Alpha, this is the lady that wants to see you." The guard said, but he didn't bother to gaze at me.Somehow I felt hurt that I had come all this way to see him, and he couldn't even spare me a gaze."Who are you? And What do you want?" He asked me, without still bothering to look at me.The hurt I was feeling earlier increased, and somehow I wished I never came here."Why aren't you answering my questions?" He asked me, while I quickly tried to compose myself, realising I was becoming too emotional
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Chapter ninety four
I smiled as I just stood still staring at them. These kids were really something else, and I really can't help but smile."I didn't really bring you here, but your mother did." I finally responded to them, but they glanced around instead, making me wonder what they were looking around for."What are you looking for?" I asked them, making them stop as they looked at me finally."Mummy is not here," one of them said, while they continued glancing around again."Where is mummy? where did you take my mummy to?" They asked me, and I could see their eyes getting teary."Come with me, let me lead you to your mummy?" I said, stretching out my hand to them, but they moved anyway"Don't come closer to me, my mummy will fight you if you do." They said, making me smile deepened as I couldn't help it."My mummy is the Alpha, and she would make sure you pay for taking us away from her." They spoke again, while I just stared at them adorably.My kids were really something else, and I bet they would
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Chapter ninety five
"Where are you going?" I heard Ariana ask me, making me sighed softly before speaking up."I'm going to tell the cook that we have more than one person in this house, so she could prepare the table for everyone instead." I told her, and she nodded immediately, signaling me to go ahead.I made my way to the dining room, and once I was there I met the cook standing there. Just like I had thought, she had prepared just my food there."Welcome alpha." She said, and walked closer to the table."I'm not here to eat now, I'm just here to tell you to prepare the table again." I said and pulsed, while she glanced at me with a questioning look."Alpha, you don't want to have sandwiches?" She asked me, making me sighed softly as I shook my head."I'm not going to be having breakfast alone today, my entire family is here so prepare the table for them." I told her, making her sighed softly."How many people should I prepare the table for?" She finally asked me, while I kept calm for a while, and c
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Chapter ninety three
"Ava you really need to get some sleep at least." I told her, but she held closer to her father, signing she was unwilling to sleep."Baby, I think mummy is right, you have really come from a long distance, so you should rest." I heard Brian whisper to her."Daddy I want to stay with you, I don't really want to go anywhere aside from staying with you." Ava responded to her father, making me swallow hard.This girl is really so hard to convince, and I really don't know what more to say to her, since her father can't even convince her to get some sleep."I understand that you really want to be with me, but trust me baby I also want to be with you so much, but you still need to sleep, because it's important." Brian tried to convince her.I just remained there watching as he continued trying to talk her into laying down."Okay Daddy, but I really don't want to sleep." She insisted, making Brian finally give up, as he waved at me, before leaving my bedroom with her.Once they were finally
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Chapter Ninety Six
I sighed softly as I glanced at Ariana, and tried to plead with her with my eyes to stop yelling at her.Thankfully she understands my glances, and took a deep breath, before focusing back on the food.I also turned back to little Ava, who was still staring at me, with teary eyes."Baby, it's wrong for you to ask me to feed you, when you can always eat by yourself." I told her softly, while I tried wiping the tears in her eyes."I'm also eating now, so you should also understand that and allow me to eat too okay." I said, but she didn't say anything, but rather she continued staring at me."I'm going to feed you today, but next time, you don't have to do this again." I spoke again, while stretching out some food to her."Okay daddy," she said and finally opened her mouth for me, with a smile plastered on her face now.I also returned the smile and continued feeding her, as I finally stopped eating my food.Just then a maid walked into the dining room uninvited, making me sighed softly
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Chapter Ninety Seven
I made my way back to the bedroom, and just as I thought they were all waiting for me there. "What took you so long?" Ariana asked me immediately she noticed my presence in the bedroom, making me sighed softly as I took a deep breath and move closer to where she was seated on the bed. "I wasn't actually talking to the Chief, and he even want to meet you and the kids." I told her, making her swallowed hard immediately, as I finally walked closer to her even more. "Okay then let's go." She said and tried to stand on her feet immediately, but I was quick to stop her. "Not so fast," I said, making her turn to me immediately, as she glanced at me with a questioning glanced. "We have so much to talk about, so I told him, you aren't going to see him today." I said, while she sighed softly and sat down again. "Oh okay, that's better then." She said, making me sighed as I finally had my seat closer to her, and just then my kids jumped into my hand. "So tell me," I said and sighed softly
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Chapter Ninety
I thought within me and took a deep breath, as I finally turned back to look at Adrian who was busy trying to get my attention."Daddy let's go to the couch." Adrian said, as he pulled my hand hard, while standing up now."Come on not now." I said, but he wasn't willing to listen to that, as he kept insisting.I glanced at Ariana for support, but just then Ava and Andy joined him as they continued pulling my hand now.To be honest I really want to decline but seeing that they are now three, I have to stand up immediately."Alright then, lead the way." I said, and their faces turned into a smile as they all started walking towards the couch immediately while pulling me along with them.We finally arrived at the couch and they made me sit, while they also sat very close to me, before we finally started talking like friends.To be honest my kids are so smart, and it really so surprising her kids of their age could be that way.According to Ariana they are just four years old, but they ar
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Chapter Ninety Nine
My son's understand me and are really patient when it comes to things like this unlike Ava who is always too fast to speak up.To be honest it's kind of annoying as she was just too impatient, and I really don't like that Part of her.But that doesn't make me love her any less as my daughter. I love her so much that's the actual truth, and I can't love her any less no matter what she does.But on a second thought, the maid was actually taking too long to come with their fruit juice, I thought within myself."Why aren't you supporting your sister now?" Brian asked the boys, who looked up at him, making me also look at them too."We know mummy always gets us something to drink whenever she is having wine, so we are also sure today wasn't any different." Andy said, and Adrian supported him immediately."Oh, I guess you know your mummy so well." Brian said, and they nodded in agreement immediately.I just took a deep breath as I continued staring at them lovely. They are really my happin
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Chapter Hundred
Once the maid left I turned back to face my family. "I actually planned to tell a maid to clean up a bedroom for them before, but I totally forgot about it, but it's a good thing you remembered." He told me.I just sighed softly and smiled as he finally also returned the smile too."Does that mean we aren't going to stay with daddy tonight?" Adrian asked me, making me sighed softly before responding to her."Yes baby, you would all have your own bedroom, and don't necessarily need to sleep in daddy's bedroom." I responded to them, hoping they would be happy to have their own bedroom."We don't want our own bedroom, we want to sleep with daddy." They protested, making me gasped, and so was Brian as we both stared at them."You all need your own bedroom, because daddy needs his own privacy." I spoke up, as I looked at them from one to another, hoping they would understand.But they kept insisting that they don't want to have their own bedroom, as they want to continue to share a bedroom
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