All Chapters of Alpha Brian’s Beloved Seer: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
130 Chapters
Chapter Hundred and One
"What are you still doing at this time of the day?" I asked the maid immediately, but she just stood still blinking her lashes rapidly.I could sense that she was nervous, but I really don't care. She made the mistake of cleaning at this time of the day."Answer me a question." I told her, making her swallow hard, and bowed her head."I'm really so sorry Alpha, please forgive me." She apologised instead of responding to my question, making me sighed softly as I just shook my head and glanced at her."I will just pardon you for a day, since you haven't done something like this before, but I will take this next time." I warned her, while she quickly nodded her head in agreement, before I continued."A maid is supposed to wake up extremely early and make sure she is done with the chores even before the owner of the house wakes up." I explained, but she kept calm while listening to me."So I really hope this won't happen again." I warned her, and she immediately nodded in agreement, makin
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Chapter Hundred and Two
I thought within myself, as I smiled curved at the side of my lips, but I quickly hid it before the kids could notice it."Mummy you are blushing." Adrian said, making me realise he had already caught me, before I could turn to face the other side, but anyway it's all good."I'm not, baby, so saying what you don't know." I told him, but he insisted that I was blushing, making me feel ashamed even more, and I guess Brian noticed and quickly changed the topic.We were also served out food afterwards, and just when we were about to start eating, a maid rushed in."What's the matter? Is the chief here already?" Brian asked her, but she quickly shook her head negatively, as she tried to catch her breath."Then why are you here?" He asked her, making me sighed softly as she finally started."They are two men outside that claim they want to see ma'am here." The maid spoke up, making me gasp as I looked up at her."Are you expecting anyone?" Brian asked me, making me shake my head immediately
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Chapter Hundred and Three
After having dinner Brian helped me put the kids to sleep, and once they had finally slept off, we both Started walking out of their bedroom."So, are you going to be right away?" Brian asked me, making me sighed softly as I shook my head."I'm also not feeling sleepy yet, so can we just hang out for a while before going to bed?" He asked me again, and I didn't hesitate to agree."Okay then, let's go to my bedroom." He said, and grabbed hold of my hand, as we both made our way to his bedroom immediately.We sat together on the couch in his bedroom, but he excused himself and left the bedroom, as I waited patiently for him to return, as I was already missing him.After a few minutes he returns back with a bottle of wine and two glasses, making me smile immediately realising we were going to drink together.Once he got to where I was, he dropped it before me and opened the wine, before pouring out some content into my glass."Here I have this." He said handling the glass filled with wi
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Chapter Hundred and Four
I'm really glad they were all wrong, and I didn't decide to stay back there with them all because of what they were saying back then.I'm really happy that I'm back here now, and I really can't be more happy about that.I really love the fact that I came across Brian in my life, because he is totally an amazing man, and I really feel like to be the woman he loves.I thought within myself as I remained on the bed still laying down, despite the fact that I knew I should go and clean up."Let's go and clean up." I heard him say to me, making me swallow hard, as an idea popped into my head."I'm so tired right now, and I don't think I can stand up all by myself." I said, but he got down from the bed immediately, and soon started walking away without saying anything else to me.I frowned immediately, as I took a deep breath. I actually thought he was going to carry me into his hands but he just left me without saying anything.That's really so mean of him I must confess, and I never though
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Chapter hundred and five
They didn't make any sign of standing up, making me take a deep breath,as I started tapping them one after the other. "Wake up now." I said, as I continued tapping them. After a while they finally opened their eyes, making me sighed softly as I took them out of the bedroom. We soon went into the bathroom as I helped them undress before mixing their bath. After I was done bathing them, I quickly made sure they were dressed, before proceeding out of the bedroom with them. A maid stopped me, making me turn to her fully, as I stared straight at her face. "What do you want?" I asked her, making her swallow hard, as she finally spoke up. "Some men are outside and they claim they want to see you." She spoke up, making me gasped as I wondered who could be there again today looking for me. "Have they come here before?" I asked her, while she nodded her head. "They were here yesterday I guess." She said, making me sighed softly. "Oh okay," I started walking towards the sitting room im
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Chapter Hundred and Six
"I promise to tell you about it before going ahead from now onwards." I told him, making him sighed softly as he finally grabbed hold of my hand."That's what I want." He said, as we finally moved into the sitting room fully.Our kids were waiting for us there, and immediately they noticed our presence and quickly stood up from where they were seated."Mummy, is that Uncle Damon?" Adrian asked me, making me sighed softly realising he must have heard his voice."Yes he is the one." I finally responded to him."Okay, but why is he here?" Ava asked me, while I turned to her, as I didn't know what to respond to her now."Why is he arguing with you?" Adrian asked, and Ava supported him immediately.I really didn't know what more to do at this moment, or what to tell him, so I just kept calm as I stared at them."Mummy, why aren't you answering us?" Ava asked again, making me swallow hard, before finally turning to her."Damon just came here to see me, and we weren't really arguing about an
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Chapter Hundred and Seven
We were still talking about Brian when he walks back into the garden. "Daddy is back." Ava announced smiling from ear to ear.I look toward to the direction and saw him strolling into the garden, making me also smiled too.I just love this man way too much, and I really don't know what more to do or say about him.He is simply the best, and I can never stop loving him, because he deserves every single love in my heart.I thought within me, as I stared at him wrapped his arms around Ava, who looks so excited."Did you guys miss me?" He asked smiling in the process."Yes, we miss you so much." Andy said, as he moved closer to his father."Is that true Adrian?" He asked him to be sure.Though within me I knew that he was only doing what he was doing right now to make Adrian talk and nothing more."Yes daddy we really miss you." Adrian said, making him opened his arms."Come here baby." He said spreading his arms even wider, making Andy stand up.Adrian also joins and Ava wasn't left out
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Chapter Hundred and Eight
"Your mummy has done so much for you all already so she deserves to also get whatever she wants," He said, making me smile immediately as I turned to my kids."You know without your mummy you won't be here right now?" He continued, and they immediately nodded their heads."So that's more reason you should allow her to have whatever she wants, she has really been so good." He added, and they also confirm that.Somehow I felt flattered, and I didn't realise I was already smiling.Indeed my kids were really the very best, as they were really so understanding, and I really wished for nothing more than to see them Happy always.I thought within me, and finally took a deep breath, as I bowed my head."Mummy, you deserve everything you need, and we are really sorry," they all apologised to me.I sighed softly, and a smile soon found its way into my face. "You are all forgiven," I said, as I soon spread my hand."Come here," I called to them, and within any delay they rushed to me, while I hu
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Chapter Hundred Nine
ALPHA BRIAN'S POVI made my way out of the house, and headed straight to the guards outside the house."Alpha do you need anything?" They asked me immediately if they saw me standing before them."Yes, " I said and tried to clear my throat, while I could see their gaze fixed on me."I want some of you to go in search of a nanny for my kids, it's really urgent," I told them."Okay alpha I will do that immediately," one of them spoke up almost immediately, but I quickly told him it was not tonight but in the morning."Okay Alpha, I will do that in the morning then," He said, making me sigh softly as I finally turned around and left.To be honest I was really sure that he knew someone already who he would bring, and that was why he was actually offering to go and get the person tonight.It's actually good though if that's the case, because it would make it easier for my wife and give her more time to herself.She would also have time to spend with me, and she doesn't have t
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Chapter Hundred Ten
I walked hand in hand with Alpha Brian, the weight of the day's responsibilities heavy on my shoulders. As we approached our home, a sense of unease crept over me, fueled by the maid's anxious expression as she greeted us."Luna, Alpha, I'm glad you're back," she said, her voice trembling slightly. "There were visitors last night. They insisted on seeing you."My heart skipped a beat as dread pooled in my stomach. Who would visit us in the dead of night? Without another word, Alpha Brian and I rushed to our children's bedroom, a sense of foreboding hanging in the air.As we entered the room, my worst fears were realized. Ava and Adrian sat on the bed, their faces pale with worry. But our youngest, Andy, was nowhere to be found. Panic gripped my chest as I frantically searched every corner of the room, calling out his name in desperation."He's not here, Alpha," I said, my voice trembling. "Andy's gone."Brian's jaw clenched in anger as he took in the empty room. "We'll find him, Arian
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