All Chapters of Alpha Brian’s Beloved Seer: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
130 Chapters
Chapter Hundred Eleven
Tension hung heavy in the air as Alpha Brian and his pack faced off against Damon's park, the moon casting an eerie glow over the scene.Each wolf stood ready, their muscles tensed for the impending confrontation.As the two sides prepared to clash, a member of Damon's pack approached their leader, who stood at the edge of the cliff, Andy still in his grasp.The messenger spoke in hushed tones, relaying a message from Damon."Our alpha is here with her mate and their pack. They are stronger..." the messenger said, his voice trailing off.Damon listened intently before nodding in understanding. With a flick of his wrist, he dismissed the messenger, who hurried back to his comrades.Damon's voice cut through the silence, carrying a chilling message."If they value their son, then no member of my pack must be hurt. And if they want their kid back, I need Ariana to come back."Alpha Brian's jaw clenched in frustration, his eyes locked on Damon's form. He knew Damon was using Andy as lever
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Chapter Hundred and Twelve
Narrator's POV;The exchange between Ariana and her son, Andy, was a moment fraught with tension and heartache.Led by Brian and his pack, Ariana approached the boundary of Damon's domain where the exchange would take place.Damon and his men appeared, leading Andy towards the exchange point. The sight of her son, looking frail and weak, brought a pang of anguish to Ariana's heart."You have me now, Damon. Release my son," Ariana called out, her voice filled with determination as she walked towards Damon.Damon reluctantly released Andy, who stumbled forward into Ariana's waiting arms. She knelt down, pulling him into a tight embrace."Mummy," Andy whispered, his voice barely a whisper."My baby," Ariana murmured, her eyes brimming with tears as she hugged him tightly."Are they taking you too?" Andy asked, his voice tinged with fear.Ariana's heart clenched at the question, but she forced a reassuring smile."Mummy will be back soon, I promise. For now, go and meet Daddy," she said,
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Chapter Hundred and Thirteen
AUTHOR'S POV;Damon sat at the head of the table, his gaze cold and calculating. Around him, the other alphas of the enemy packs murmured among themselves, their eyes fixed on him with a mix of fear and respect."We have gathered here today to discuss the invasion of Brian's domain," Damon began, his voice low and menacing."Our scouts have reported that his pack is weak, ripe for the taking. We must strike now before he has a chance to rebuild his defences."The other alphas nodded in agreement, their expressions grim. They knew that Brian was a formidable opponent, even in his current state of grief.But they also knew that this was their chance to finally defeat him, to take over his pack and leave him with nothing."Our defence is strong, but we must work together if we are to succeed," one of the alphas spoke up his voice firmly."We cannot afford to underestimate Brian. He may be grieving, but he is still a powerful alpha. We must be prepared for anything."Damon nodded, his eye
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Chapter hundred and forteen
ALPHA BRIAN’S POVAs I stepped out of my upper chamber, the weight of the past months hung heavy on my shoulders. The once vibrant and confident alpha now felt like a mere shadow of his former self.The air was thick with a mixture of uncertainty and anticipation as I gazed out at my domain, now shrouded in darkness under the full moon."Alpha Brian," a voice called out, breaking through the silence of the night. It was one of my pack members, their tone filled with a mixture of surprise and relief. "You've returned."I nodded silently, acknowledging their presence but unable to muster the strength to respond. The sight before me was overwhelming—the land that once thrived with life and energy now seemed barren and desolate."You look different, Alpha," another voice chimed in, this time tinged with concern. "Are you alright?"I forced a weak smile, attempting to mask the turmoil raging within me. "I'm fine," I replied, though the words felt hollow even to my ears.My pack members exc
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Chapter Hundred and Fifteen
AUTHOR'S POV;Sitting around the large oak table in the dimly lit chamber, the weight of the situation hung heavy in the air.The faces of the elders, weathered and wise, reflected the gravity of the decisions that lay before them. Adam, sat by Brian, his expression determined as he spoke."We need allies," Adam began, his voice echoing in the silence of the chamber. "We need support if we are to stand against our enemies.Our pack is in danger, threatened by invaders who seek to overthrow us and seize our land.We needed strength, unity, and above all, allies who would stand by our side in our time of need.""We could seek the aid of my cousin Logan," he continued, his voice measured. "He leads his own pack, Silverwood, and is known for his strength and wisdom."ALPHA BRIAN'S POV;I and the elders exchanged glances, a mix of curiosity and uncertainty in their eyes.It had been fifteen years since I had last spoken with Logan, our paths diverging as we each assumed the mantle of leade
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Chapter Hundred and Sixteen
ALPHA BRIAN'S POV;Our spirits were aflame with purpose and determination, the air pulsed with expectation as my pack assembled in the center of our domain.The campfires cast flickering shadows on the faces of the wolves, our eyes gleaming with fierce determination as we prepared for the battle that lay ahead.As the leader of the pack, I stood tall and proud, my gaze sweeping over my warriors with pride and admiration. I could feel the energy pulsating through the air, a tangible sense of unity and purpose that bound us together as one."My fellow wolves," I began, my voice ringing out with authority and conviction."Today, we stand on the brink of war. Our enemies encroach upon our land, seeking to destroy everything we hold dear. But we will not cower in fear." I said, and pulsed to catch my breath."We will not back down in the face of adversity. We will fight with everything we have, for the safety and security of our pack, our home, and our future!"A chorus of cheers a
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Chapter Hundred and Seventeen
ARIANA'S POV;I stood before the gathered members of Nightshade Pack, my heart pounding with anticipation as I prepared to address them.I knew that my words would be met with skepticism and doubt, but I was determined to prove myself worthy of their trust."I have come to reclaim my rightful position as the Luna of this pack. To lead these people," I declared, my voice ringing out with conviction.As my words echoed through the crowd, murmurs of disbelief rippled through the gathered wolves. How could they trust someone who had once betrayed them?"I know that my actions in the past have caused harm and distrust among you," I continued, my voice softening with sincerity."But I pledge my allegiance to Nightshade Pack, and I forsake and denounce any loyalty I once held to Brian."The crowd remained silent, their eyes fixed on me as they waited for me to prove my loyalty."I will prove to you that I am worthy of your trust," I declared, my voice steady despite the uncertainty swirling
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Chapter Hundred and Eighteen
ALPHA BRIAN'S POV;I stood alone in my chamber, surrounded by the suffocating silence that echoed the turmoil within me.Bitterness and anger seethed beneath the surface as I gazed at my reflection in the mirror. How had everything spiraled into such chaos?A wave of emotions overwhelmed me as I thought of Ariana, once the love of my life, now a distant figure who had forsaken our bond.The pain of her betrayal cut deeper than any physical wound, leaving a raw ache in my heart.With a clenched fist, I struck out at the mirror, unable to bear the sight of my own shattered reflection.Glass exploded into a thousand fragments, scattering across the floor like fallen stars. Blood welled from the gashes on my arm, a stark reminder of the agony that consumed me.As I stood amidst the wreckage, hopelessness washed over me. How could I ever find peace amidst this chaos?The woman I had loved with every fiber of my being had turned her back on me, leaving me adrift in a sea of despair.I sank
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Chapter Hundred and Nineteen
AUTHOR'S POV;Damon sat at the head of the table, his brow furrowed in deep contemplation, as Victor and the elders voiced their concerns about Ariana's true intentions.The room was filled with tension, the air heavy with suspicion and doubt."I understand your apprehensions," Damon began, his voice calm yet firm."But we cannot jump to conclusions without concrete evidence. Ariana has pledged her allegiance to Nightshade, and we must honour that until proven otherwise."Victor, the staunchest sceptic among them, shook his head adamantly. "I cannot trust her, Damon.She has deceived us once; who is to say she will not do so again? We cannot afford to be naive."The elders murmured in agreement, their expressions reflecting Victor's sentiments. They had seen the devastation caused by betrayal before, and they were not willing to risk it again.Damon sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I understand your concerns, but we cannot let fear cloud our judgment.Ariana ha
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Chapter Hundred and Twenty
"Do you know who that woman was? or where she lives?" I asked the guards, who shook their heads negatively, making me take a deep breath."She is really so strange, and I must really find out what made her that strange, and the strange scent coming from her too," I thought within me, not being able to voice it out."Alpha, do you want us to help you fish her out?" One of the guards asked me, making me sighed softly, as I kept calm for a while."No, you don't have to worry about that, I will do it myself, when I'm ready," I told them, while they just bowed, before I finally started walking away.Time was running out, and my kids and Brian needed me back, so I just had to focus on how to get them for now, and nothing else.I thought within myself, as I started walking on, while they continued following behind me.I was already so frustrated with the fact that they are always following me, so I would have to do something about it as Soon as possible.I thought within me as I finally wal
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