All Chapters of Alpha Brian’s Beloved Seer: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
130 Chapters
Chapter Eight one
I didn't really see the need to store it up in my head until now.But anyway I really don't have to blame myself too much. Because it wasn't really my fact, if there is anyone to be blamed here then it's no one else than Lucas.Lucas was the cost of every single thing. If he had shown up that night to kidnap me, then my kids would have been with their father by now.Honestly I wished I could just drag him back to life, and beat him up for what he had done to myself and my kids.He was really a bad person, and I hate him so much even though he is dead. To be honest, I think he deserves how he was brutally killed by the rogues.He really deserves it, and I don't even feel bad for him. I thought and sighed softly, before turning back to my children."Mummy, when did you say we would be going to see daddy?" Andy asked me, making me sighed softly, and told him soon."Mummy please I need a particular date, so I could get prepared for that date, so please mention a date." Andy said, making m
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Chapter Eighty Two
I took a deep breath as I finally went back to the bedroom, and helped them undress, before taking them back with me to the bathroom.I helped them into the bathtub, and started washing their bodies one after the other, which took me quite a while.I heard a knock on the room door, making me realise it was the nanny but I just decided to ask who it was to be sure."It's me Alpha, I have brought their clothes, like you requested for." She spoke up from outside the bedroom, making me sigh softly."Okay, come in and drop it on the bed." I told her, and just then the bedroom door cracked open, and I heard her footsteps walking in.After a while the footsteps started walking out again making me sighed softly realising she must have dropped it there already.I continued washing my kids body for a little longer, before I asked them to come out of the bathtub.I took them back into the bedroom, and helped them get dressed, before also going to the bathroom to also have my bath.The cook had a
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Chapter Eighty three
I sighed softly, as I finally walked into my bedroom. I'm really so pissed right now, and I don't think I can stay here anymore.These people are just too cruel to me. I don't really want to remain here. And again I'm so serious that Damon really wanted to be mated to me, I wasn't really expecting something like that from him.I actually thought he would refuse them immediately when they made the statement, but there he was agreeing to their madness and telling me we have been living together for a while now.I can't never have anything to do with him, because I only love just one man and that is Brian, so I would never get mated to Damon, rather I would stay single and get into a relationship with Damon.Though he has been so good to me since I came here five years ago, I really can't imagine myself being mated to him.My heart and soul belong to Brian, and nothing can make me stop loving him, and go for another man.It actually took me time to fall in love with him, and I don't thin
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Chapter Eighty Four
ALPHA BRIAN'S POVI was sitting in my office working when a knock came on the door, making me frown immediately. “Who's there?” I ask quickly, glancing at the door now.“It's me alpha,” I heard a female's voice outside my office, making me sigh softly wondering what she was looking for here.“What do you want?” I finally asked, while she told me she had prepared lunch, making me see again.“I'm not hungry, so you can go now.” I told her, hoping she would just stop bothering me once she heard that, but she didn't stop.“Alpha you didn't have breakfast, so please have lunch at least.” she pleaded, making me furious immediately.“Who the hell are you to Tell me to eat?” I barked, making her apologise immediately before running off.I sigh soft as I finally face my work again. I haven't had any food since morning and that's because I wasn't really hungry.To be Honest I have been thinking about it since this morning, and somehow I really don't feel like I haven't had a
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Chapter Eighty five
I went over into the dining room, and had my seat as I waited patiently for the cook to bring in my food.My mind was still in Ariana, but I try not to overthink about her. I really need her back in my life, so I wished there was something I could do that would get her back to me.I thought and sigh softly, as the cook finally brought in my food.She dropped it right in front of me, and also served it. Making me sighed softly as I stared at her to do that.Once she was done, I started eating immediately, until I was finally done.I left the dining room immediately, as I made my way back to my office.I actually didn't feel like working, but that was the only thing that could help me to stop thinking about her for now.I have dwells in her thoughts for too long, it's high time I relax back for a while.I thought to myself, because the more I was thinking about her, the more I wanted to see her, but I really don't know where she is or where I could probably search for her.To be honest,
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Chapter Eighty Six
"But Alpha it's really not fair that you are not willing to give the pack a luna," he said, making me frown immediately."This Pack needs a Luna, just as much as they need an Alpha, so please do the needful." He advised, but I just gazed at him softly before taking a deep breath.I didn't bother to say anything further as I just kept calm waiting patiently for him to just leave, so I could also leave."Alpha, why aren't you saying anything?" He asked me, making me sighed softly, and decided within me that it was high time I leave the sitting now."I'm not ready for this." I said, and with that I rose to my feet, and stormed off, heading back to my office.Once I entered the office, I had my seat and my mind was just centred on what he had said earlier.I can't ever move on just like I had told him, and he just won't let me be. He wants to blackmail me into getting Luna, but I really don't want to fall for it.I really mean my words, and I can't ever allow anyone to talk me into goin
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Chapter eighty Seven
In the dining room, my kids kept asking me where I had been, which made them not see me the entire day, but I just told them they shouldn't be questioning me while eating."But mummy we really want to know, as we miss you so much today." Ava spoke up, while I just sighed softly."Ava like I said before,we are having dinner, so you shouldn't be talking while eating." I scolded her, making her keep quiet immediately.I could tell she wasn't really happy that I shut her up that way, but I really had to, as it was the right thing to do.It's not good table manners to talk while eating, so that's one more reason I won't let that happen, no matter what.Adrian and Andy became quiet immediately. I said that it was bad to do it, but Ava still kept pushing.She is the only female among my kids, and also the youngest, but she is really so stubborn. Like really really stubborn, but I'm not going to be easy on her, so she could finally change.I need her to be just as good as her brothers. She re
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Chapter Eighty Eight
"I was actually thinking if we could have some drinks together." He said while staring at me, making me sighed softly."Sure why not," I responded, making him grinned immediately as he led the way, while I just followed behind him.We both walked to the bar, where I had my seat immediately, while he went to get a drink.Once he dropped it on the table, I quickly grabbed it and poured some wine into the glass in front of me, and also his."So Alpha, what do you really think about what the people said about wanting us to be mated?" He asked me, as I finally took a sip from my drink, before dropping it back into the table."I really don't know what to say, but why would they really want us to be mated?" I asked him instead of responding to the question he had asked"I think they see us as a perfect couple which might rule them in the best way." He finally responded to my question, making me sighed softly as I stared at him.It's really so obvious that he doesn't really see anything wrong
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Chapter Eighty nine
"Okay, it's fine then. You can go." He said, making me sighed softly, as I turned to finally leave, but stopped realising he would still be sitting there if I don't make him go too."I shouldn't be the only one leaving this bar, but rather it should be the best of us." I told Him, while he turned to me fully."I'm not feeling sleepy yet, so just go ahead and sleep." He told me, making me swallow hard, realising he was angry.I don't intend to leave the bar without him, because we came here together, so we should also leave here together."Come on Damon, you really don't have to be angry, because there is nothing to be angry about there." I told him, as my glance was fixed on him.He didn't bother to glance at me, and I could tell he was still so annoyed, making me move closer to him immediately."Come on Damon, we really need to go to bed now." I said while grabbing onto his hands, hoping he would listen to me that way."Alpha, I'm not ready to sleep right now, so just stop persuading
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Chapter Ninety
"They are coming with us." I finally responded to her questions, as she made an attendance to wake up her brothers.I let her do that, as I waited for her to wake them both up. Just as I thought they both didn't want to sit up, instead they started lamenting about her waking them up."This is why I didn't want to wake them up yet." I told Ava, who apologised for doing that, and I made them both lay down again, before grabbing her hands."Come with me baby, let's go outside first, I will come back for them." I told Ava, who quickly nodded, and we both Started leaving the house.It's was actually a good thing that they was no guard at the entrance of the house, which made everything so easy for us.Once we were outside the gate, I told Ava to wait for me and dropped the bag, I was holding closer to her."Mummy, it's kind of scary outside here, please you have to be fast." She told me, while I nodded my head, and promised her I won't take long to return.I finally went back in , and with
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