All Chapters of Pregnant on the Cusp of Divorce: Chapter 611 - Chapter 620
730 Chapters
Chapter 611
Thaddeus furrowed his brow. "Did she say such outrageous things to you?""If you don't believe me, just forget I said anything. She's your mother, and you choose to believe her over me. I can understand that."Jessamine had already gotten used to him not siding with her. Now that they were divorced, there was nothing to blame him for any more. In her heart, nothing was worth it anymore.Thaddeus' lips twitched. "Jessie, I believe you. How could I not believe you? Whether the doors of the Holts are open or closed is up to me to decide. Whoever I want to let in doesn't need anyone else's say. "If you don't like Mom and Sasha, you don't have to interact with them. I won't force you to do anything. You're the one I want to spend my life with, not them."Jessamine's gaze sharpened as she asked, "Who wants to spend their life with you?"This shameless guy. What beautiful dreams was he having!Jessamine refused him outright, leaving Thaddeus looking defeated. "Jessie, besides you, a
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Chapter 612
Jessamine was still more accustomed to his cold and indifferent demeanor."Don't drink anymore, especially when Jordan isn't around."She felt that his alcohol tolerance was really poor—he'd black out after just a few drinks, and the next day he wouldn't even remember if he'd been taken advantage of. If Jordan wasn't there to accompany him, she didn't know how many times he'd have been manipulated by women. He might've even had his pants pulled down.Getting deceived by Amy after drinking was nauseating. Although nothing substantial happened, the fact that he fathered a child after drinking was disgusting to everyone.Thaddeus thought Jessamine was caring for him, and his dark eyes flashed with warmth. "Jessie, if you don't want me to drink, I won't. I'll quit.""It's up to you. I'm just reminding you not to black out at social gatherings anymore. Getting someone pregnant after a drunken night is not something Mr. Holt would want to experience again."Thaddeus fell silent for a
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Chapter 613
Thaddeus took a deep breath, feeling a bit unsettled. He was not a man of many words, nor did he like to explain himself, but he didn't want to create misunderstandings between them that couldn't be resolved.He had never looked down on Jessamine. On the contrary, he thought she was too beautiful. Even in gatherings filled with celebrities and socialites, she stood out. He just wanted to keep her hidden away.In the past, he hadn't understood his own feelings. Looking back now, he realized that it was his possessiveness toward her. If any man glanced at her, he would feel uneasy. That was probably what love felt like."Jessie, I didn't look down on you. Don't you think your makeup at that time was too heavy and glamorous? And your dress had a slit up to your thigh. Was that appropriate for others to see?"This time, Jessamine laughed in exasperation. "Mr. Holt, it's the modern era. Can't I show my legs? Look around. How many women are completely covered by their dresses? According
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Chapter 614
"Moreover, we're husband and wife. In our marital life, we're both important participants. Instead, I feel like you should give me gifts after we sleep together. After all, I'm the one putting in more effort, but it seems like you're the one who enjoys it the most," Thaddeus claimed.Jessamine blushed fiercely at being caught off guard. She wanted to cover his mouth. She glanced around cautiously, making sure no one had overheard before relaxing."What nonsense are you spouting?"Jessamine stopped in her tracks, hitting him on the shoulder in annoyance.Thaddeus closed his mouth but felt a warming sensation blooming in his heart. He rarely had such close contact with her. He felt like he had a better chance of pursuing her after finally opening up and dispelling these misunderstandings that made him uneasy.On the other side of the dance floor, Jerome and Yara moved mechanically, like two emotionless dancing machines without any communication. Both of them had their eyes fixed on
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Chapter 615
Jessamine rubbed at her ankle. High heels were like torture specifically designed for women. Despite wearing them often, her feet still blistered, and if she kept dancing, they would surely break open soon.Thaddeus followed her movements and noticed the redness behind her feet. His brows furrowed, and he immediately took out his phone and dialed Jordan's number."Bring a pair of flat shoes for Mrs. Holt. Also, go to the pharmacy to buy some iodine, topical medicine, and band-aids. Come over right away."Jessamine looked up at him."No need. It's not that serious. I'll just sit here for a while without moving, and then I'll go home."Jessamine guessed that Jordan also had a family. They got engaged four years ago, but he still hadn't brought his wife home. It was probably because of Thaddeus, who had him on call 24/7 without any breaks. Jordan might resent her in the future for troubling him to bring shoes for her late at night.Thaddeus didn't understand what Jessamine meant.
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Chapter 616
After all, working under Thaddeus was tiring, but the money was genuinely earned. For office workers who had no luxury to choose where they worked, they went where the money was.But now, when Thaddeus saw Noah staring at Jessamine with that predatory look in his eyes, he felt a chill run down his spine.Jessamine couldn't evade Noah now, even if someone reminded her to do so.She quickly turned her face back and asked, "Do you think there can be two completely identical people in the world?"Thaddeus handed her a piece of dessert and even thoughtfully picked up a disposable fork for her."How can there be two completely identical people? That would throw the world into chaos. What's on your mind?"Jessamine couldn't help but confide, "It seems like Noah has mistaken me for someone else. Someone very close to him. Probably his girlfriend."Thaddeus felt like his mind exploded."Has he done anything to you?"Jessamine shook her head."Not really. When I was in the Holts, Noah
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Chapter 617
"Other than the incident at the golf course, has he ever bothered you?" Thaddeus asked, his nostrils flaring with anger.Jessamine swallowed the food in her mouth before replying, "There was also the time when you were sick with a fever. He came to your house after daybreak, but I ran away quickly, so he didn't catch up with me."Thaddeus was furious to learn that Noah had chased after his wife all the way to his house, right under his nose. It was simply outrageous!"Jessie, do you want to move back to Jardin Estate? Come back and see all the things you left behind—your favorite cup, kitchenware, the handicrafts you made, and all your clothes are well-preserved. Lana has been taking care of the flowers you planted, and they bloom every year."Jessamine raised an eyebrow. She wasn't falling for his trap. How could he think a few words would lure her back? She wasn't the naive girl who married him right after graduating from college anymore.Ending things meant moving forward. Why
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Chapter 618
Thaddeus took the bag from Jordan's hand, pulled out the shoes, and started to help Jessamine change them. Jessamine felt uncomfortable. Even when she was Mrs. Holt, she had never received such treatment. Now, in this public setting, she found his actions rather strange. The esteemed CEO of Holt Jewelry was helping a woman change her shoes, not caring if anyone saw. It felt like a display of dominance, letting the whole world know that they were back together. But Jessamine wasn't foolish. She wouldn't fall for his tricks."You can go," she said.She took the flats out of the bag and placed them on the ground to change. Surprisingly, Jordan had brought the pair she bought four years ago, barely worn and looking new.Thaddeus looked satisfied with the shoes she chose. He turned to Jordan and said, "You can go back and rest. I'll save a discount card for you from today's private sale."Jordan suppressed his joy and said, "Mr. Holt, should I wait outside? In case Mrs. Holt needs s
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Chapter 619
A cough confirmed Jessamine's suspicions. She calmed down. There was no escape route since she wasn't familiar with the place, and she didn't even know where the stairs were. So, she decided to stay put."Noah, so the patient number nine was you?" Jessamine placed the water bottle on the table."Here, this water is for you. My task is complete, and I need to go downstairs for new clues," she said.Noah had turned around, his back facing away from Jessamine, She couldn't see his face clearly. "Jessie, I need to discuss something with you. Please don't rush to leave," he said.Jessamine held her phone, ready to dial a number anytime. As Noah approached, her heartbeat intensified."Noah, can we talk about it tomorrow? I just remembered that my bag is downstairs, and it contains some valuable items. I need to go down and get it," she said.In the end, Noah didn't come closer. He sat on the couch instead."Jessie, I just have a few things to say. Please listen to me," he continued.
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Chapter 620
Jessamine felt a bit frantic. She wanted to leave immediately. Downstairs, Jerome was restless, holding his card.He had already arranged a safe passage through his assistant. Once Jessamine arrived, he would take her away from here, away from Thaddeus' sight. That guy was openly trying to undermine him. Jerome couldn't let him have an easy time, especially since they were now rivals.Jerome glanced at his watch. The game had started more than 20 minutes ago. If everything went as planned, Thaddeus should be tangled up with Yara by now. But Jessamine's card clearly stated that she needed to find the patient. So why hadn't she come up yet?He called his assistant, "Check the surveillance and see where Ms. Patton is right now."Shortly after, the assistant called back, "Mr. Langston, Ms. Patton went up to the top floor and hasn't come down since."Jerome put his hands on his hips and looked out the window. This sudden power outage was too suspicious. He couldn't shake off his worrie
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