All Chapters of Pregnant on the Cusp of Divorce: Chapter 621 - Chapter 630
730 Chapters
Chapter 621
Jessamine and Jerome were stunned when they heard the sound. Then, they heard a familiar-sounding voice."Are you a peacock? Why are you asking if you look good when you see someone?""How annoying. Do you speak to your ex-wife like that too? I think both of you are quite boring. How did you two used to live? Was there no communication even in bed? Did you just go straight into the action?""If you like prying into other people's privacy so much, why don't you join the paparazzi? What kind of celebrity are you? I think you're more suited to be a stalker!""What's wrong? Does Mr. Holt not like being called 'Mister?' Do you not like my tone? If you don't like the mature woman style, I can do a cutesy voice.""Are you crazy?"Outside the stairwell door, Yara tightly grasped Thaddeus' suit and didn't let go. She had seen plenty of aloof men before, but they were all just pretending to be serious. She didn't believe that a man could remain unmoved when facing such a beauty like hersel
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Chapter 622
Thaddeus felt like dying inside. He had just thrown away his suit jacket, and now his shirt was also tainted with this woman's scent. He took a few steps forward, distancing himself from Yara.He guessed that Jessamine must have heard everything just now after he saw her expression.Thaddeus was super annoyed now. No woman had ever flirted with him like this before. Fortunately, it was his beloved who saw it. Maybe it would just be another misunderstanding that couldn't be cleared up.His pursuit of his wife would now be even more full of difficulties and obstacles."Jessie…" he called out pitifully. He seemed to be trying to explain that this really wasn't something he caused!Thaddeus silently prayed that Jessamine wouldn't misunderstand him. He really had nothing to do with Yara. Today was only the second time they had met, and he hadn't even had a good look at what she looked like.Jessamine had calmed down by now. She turned to Jerome, who had been silent for a while, and sa
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Chapter 623
Thaddeus opened the back door of the car and followed Jessamine in so he could sit closer than in the front seat."Jessie, now that there's no one around, you can speak freely, right?"Jessamine cleared her throat. "Why did you send Jordan away? Did you not drink today?"Thaddeus felt a warm feeling bloom. She still cared about him after all. She was afraid he would feel uncomfortable after drinking. He wondered why he should keep the third-wheel Jordan around.He looked at Jessamine, who was exceptionally beautiful and well-dressed today, and resisted the urge to kiss her as he said, "It's a bit late, so I let Jordan off work. I can drive."Jessamine didn't respond further and hesitated for a moment before speaking again, "Thaddeus, does your family know about Noah's illness? Does he have dissociative identity disorder?"Thaddeus was taken aback. "You said you had something to talk to me about, and it's this?"Jessamine was curious about his expression. Didn't this matter deser
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Chapter 624
Thaddeus' eyes flickered as he stared into Jessamine's eyes. Her eyelashes casted a shadow in the moonlight."I'll have someone keep an eye on him. Jessie, your makeup is a bit smudged."The topic changed too abruptly, leaving Jessamine slightly stunned. "Where is it smudged?"Thaddeus leaned closer and wiped at the corner of her eye. The perfect eye makeup was now marked with faint black smudges."Jessie, it won't come off. Why don't you sit in the passenger seat and take a look yourself? There's a mirror there."Jessamine was easily persuaded and opened the car door to sit in the passenger seat. She was familiar with Thaddeus' Bently, so she went straight for the glove box in the passenger seat. When she saw the familiar mirror inside, she hesitated before taking it out.Meanwhile, Thaddeus had already seated himself in the driver's seat and turned on the car light for her to use the mirror."How does it look? Smudged, right?"He thoughtfully handed her a pack of wet wipes.
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Chapter 625
Jessamine fell silent for a moment before asking, "Then why didn't you tell me?"Thaddeus felt wronged and replied, "I wanted to tell you that time, but when you opened the glove box, your expression changed. Who knew what was going through your mind? You even said you wouldn't sit in my passenger seat again and gave it to other women."Jessamine did recall this incident. That time she had ridden in his car back to Holt Manor. On the way, she wanted to grab a tissue but ended up opening the glove box, which was filled with women's items.Those things weren't hers. It must have been Amy's. Who else could sit in Thaddeus's car except for that bitch? She had insisted on getting out of the car at the time, but he didn't agree, and they returned home with a tense atmosphere.She pursed her red lips and asked, "Then can you explain the sanitary pads in the storage box? Are you, as a grown man, using sanitary pads?"Thaddeus chuckled. "If I had known you wouldn't appreciate it and would
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Chapter 626
"Jessie, I'm taking you somewhere.""Where to?"Thaddeus didn't reply but instead stepped on the accelerator, speeding up the car.Jessamine was jolted by the sudden acceleration. She looked at the street outside. In the four years since she had left, there had been significant changes in the urban area. She couldn't recall if she had ever been to this street before. Even if she had, the shops would have changed owners, and the storefronts would have new signs, making it unfamiliar to her.She clutched her phone and sent a message to Jerome on WhatsApp, telling him not to wait and that she would apologize by treating him to their dinner another day.The car turned countless corners and eventually drove onto a quiet street with fewer cars.Every streetlight and tree that followed was familiar to Jessamine. Since the car accident four years ago, she hasn't returned here.It wasn't until Thaddeus drove the car into the garage that Jessamine snapped back to reality.They had retu
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Chapter 627
After encountering Jessamine again, Thaddeus slowly emerged from the silence of his past life. His life now had hope and light.Jessamine played with her hands, keeping her head low. She knew that these past few years hadn't been easy for him either. He had even needed to see a therapist at one point to lead a normal life. Even if he hadn't truly liked Amy, his past actions had directly caused these unsettling misunderstandings. She couldn't let go of this grievance.The car fell into a dreadful silence once again.At this moment, a familiar voice asked, "Has Mr. Holt returned?"Lana had already gone to bed but, upon hearing the sound of the car, she put on some clothes and rushed out. For the past few years, she had been staying here alone, guarding this house and waiting for the young couple.Thaddeus had instructed her that even though Jessamine wasn't at home, the house should remain arranged and decorated just as she had been accustomed to. The bedding in the bedroom was
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Chapter 628
Jessamine raised her head, trying hard to control her emotions. "Let's not go up."Thaddeus chuckled softly, then took her wrist and said, "Let's go up and see your handbags. They've been bought back here but haven't been properly looked at by their owner. They must feel neglected."He led her up the stairs.Passing by the second floor, Jessamine couldn't help but glance toward the direction of the study. At this time in the past, Thaddeus would mostly be in the study working. Now, it was dark.The motion-sensor staircase lights turned on with their steps, bringing life back to the silent villa after four years.They quickly arrived outside the bedroom. Jessamine choked up slightly, feeling a bit hesitant to go in. The memories of the past came rushing back, reopening old wounds that had never truly healed.She dared not deceive herself. She hadn't truly let go in these past years. She had just used work to numb herself.Thaddeus turned on the bedroom light. The bedding set on t
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Chapter 629
"Then let's leave them here," Jessamine said."Jessie, do you want to pick out a bag?"Jessamine lifted her head and glanced over. The wall cabinet had been built up to the ceiling, and each compartment was stuffed with bags, most of them still with their tags attached. The top compartments required her to stand on a ladder step to reach them."Thaddeus, to be honest… These styles are a bit outdated now."Jessamine spoke the truth. Women's handbags weren't really meant to carry things. They were just fashion accessories. These bags were expensive, some of them even rare items from previous years, but that couldn't change the fact that they were outdated.Just like their marriage, even if she had cherished their relationship back then, they couldn't return to the past after what happened.Love really couldn't be preserved, especially when only one party was making an effort. Their feelings were out of sync. When she loved Thaddeus intensely, he didn't understand his feelings, lead
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Chapter 630
She gently pulled open the drawer and saw that her things were still untouched there."Thaddeus, there's actually something I've been unable to understand. How did my sketches end up in Amy's hands? When I finished drawing, she hadn't even started working at Holt's. Did she…"Before she could finish her question, Thaddeus interjected, "She never came to our house."Thaddeus had answered quickly, his voice raising a few decibels."Jessie, she never came to our house, so don't be upset. Your sketches probably got mixed up with my files. Later, I thought about it carefully. She might have seen them in my files and taken them."Jessamine believed this explanation. Amy was capable of such shameless acts."Jessie, I'm sorry," he apologized for the theft of her sketches. "It's my fault."The study had a small balcony. Jessamine opened the door to the balcony and walked out, gazing at the night sky. A solitary crescent moon hung in the pitch-black sky.Thaddeus followed her."Jessie,
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