All Chapters of Pregnant on the Cusp of Divorce: Chapter 601 - Chapter 610
734 Chapters
Chapter 601
After seeing off Xander, Jessamine wasn't in the mood to tidy up the house. She was brought back to reality by Lucas' excited shout. "Wow, there's a magical dinosaur LEGO!"Lucas hugged the newly opened box of building blocks. He was unable to put it down. This LEGO set was a limited edition released this year, and he had wanted it for a long time. He had asked Jessamine for it several times before, but she couldn't get it through the official website."Mommy, which uncle gave us these gifts? He's amazing to be able to buy the limited edition," Lucas exclaimed excitedly.Jessamine fell silent for a moment. "It's an uncle you haven't met before. He used to be Mommy's boss when she worked in Zenville."Lucas's eyes seemed to sparkle. "Then Mommy, please thank him for me. I love it so much!"Jessamine smiled. "Enjoy playing with them."Lucas couldn't resist opening the other toy boxes. To his surprise, the more he opened, the more delighted he became. They were all toys he liked—rob
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Chapter 602
"Did you rent your words? Is it a waste if you don't speak?" Thaddeus finally couldn't bear it anymore. What kind of talk was this from his so-called friend?He had come to Benji for advice because he had a relatively good relationship with Jessamine before. He thought maybe he could help him say some good words to her. But who knew this "friend" couldn't be of any help and instead, every word he said hit him where it hurt.He regretted making friends with him.Benji finally shut up and laughed suddenly after a few seconds. "You feel uncomfortable watching someone live as a family of three? "I bet your ex-wife must have felt even more uncomfortable in the past. That bitch of yours couldn't sit still for a day, not only sickening people but also plotting against her. It's a wonder she survived."Thaddeus' expression didn't look good. He had been sick for a few days in a row and had lost a lot of weight. He spoke weakly, "Tell me, what should I do for her to forgive me?"Benji too
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Chapter 603
Thaddeus squinted and held in his emotions before speaking, "If you keep laughing, I'll just change doctors."Daniel then got serious. "Well, tell me then. How come the big revelation I gave you before didn't cure your old illness, and suddenly it's better now? Did something special happen recently?"Thaddeus confessed truthfully, "I found her in another city. She didn't leave this world four years ago. She miraculously survived."Daniel slapped his thigh. "Well, that's good. Then why did you come to me? That girl is more effective than any treatment plan. She's the antidote to your illness."Thaddeus fell silent for a moment. "Yes, she is effective. I hardly have hallucinations anymore, but I often tremble uncontrollably at night, feel anxious, and break out in a cold sweat, especially when she ignores me during the day. It's very uncomfortable."Daniel looked serious. He cured one problem only to have another one pop up. Thaddeus really knew how to keep him busy. "Come with me t
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Chapter 604
"I'm leaving." Thaddeus was stunned for a moment, then stood up and grabbed his car keys to leave.Daniel advised, "Don't hesitate. Go and do what you want to do in your heart. If you manage to win her back, remember to bring that girl over for me to see when you have time. Maybe I can help you out a bit."Thaddeus waved his hand and walked out the door.Night had fallen, shrouding everything in darkness. He drove aimlessly on the streets, unconsciously ending up outside Jessamine's villa. Under the lush French plane trees, it was pitch black, and his car was parked there, completely hidden from view. It was as if this place had been tailor-made for him.Thaddeus lit a cigarette, feeling bitterness in the smoke today. He looked at the villa in front of him and smiled bitterly. Now, all he could do was hide here and secretly watch her.This villa was bought with his money from Amy's hands. When he got the house, he went in once. He remembered that the room on the left side of the t
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Chapter 605
In the darkness, Jessamine's breath got choked up. She wondered if the staff had said something they shouldn't have to the two children, leading Lucas to have such a terrifying thought."Lucas, do you know Dad?"Only then did Lucas realize that he had misspoken. He hadn't paid attention to what he was saying and accidentally blurted out what he had been thinking.He quickly corrected himself, "I don't know. I've never seen him. Didn't you say he went to learn magic?"Jessamine relaxed slightly. But then she thought about it. Lucas was generally more emotionally and intellectually mature than children his age. She couldn't let her guard down.She was mainly worried that being from a divorced family would harm the children's psychological development, especially since Lucas had said such things."Lucas, do you want a dad?"Lucas replied softly, "I do. But I don't want a bad Dad. I want someone who knows how to fight, can fly over rooftops, and treats Mommy well!"Jessamine couldn
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Chapter 606
Without waiting for Jessamine to respond, Jerome began introducing, "This charity banquet is hosted by Langston Media, and many celebrities will attend. "Since you want to establish your own brand, this is a promotional opportunity. I will also help introduce you to some of the prominent celebrities in our company."Upon hearing about the company, Jessamine felt tempted. "Do I need to prepare anything?"Jerome chuckled lightly on the other end of the phone. "You don't need to prepare anything. I'll come to pick you up in the afternoon.""Okay."Just as Jessamine was about to call Xander to see if he had time to take care of the children, she heard the door opening downstairs.Since Xander had a key to the main gate, he entered the courtyard while carrying takeout containers in his hand. Even though he could enter the house straightaway, Xander still knocked on the door.Xander was quite a particular person, and he would always knock a few times before entering. Jessamine opened
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Chapter 607
The stylist was much more approachable than Yara and wasn't as arrogant. "Ms. Patton, please have a seat here. Let's discuss the details."Jessamine felt relieved and sat down. Since she was already here, she might as well go along with it. If she didn't tidy up properly, she wouldn't be able to promote any jewelry at the gala. She might as well go home and take care of her children.After discussing Jessamine's preferred makeup style, the stylist began to work his magic on her face.The dresses that Jerome had ordered arrived while Jessamine was getting her makeup done. The assistant brought in a large selection of dresses in various styles for Jessamine to choose from.When she looked at the row of dresses behind her in the mirror, Jessamine felt that the extravagance was a bit too much. If she had known this, she would never have come with Jerome.She had a strange feeling as if she were an international superstar, especially with the occasional visits from Jerome's secretary,
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Chapter 608
"Sir, I might really look like your friend, but I'm not her.""No, you are!"The foreigner was already so worked up that he dialed Noah's number, and as soon as the call connected, he spoke rapid Anglish.Having worked at Swan for many years, Jessamine had no problem communicating in Anglish. The foreigner was so excited that he couldn't stop talking, recounting the miraculous encounter with "Burry" at the charity gala and claiming that Burry had amnesia and needed to be taken back by Noah immediately.Jessamine ignored him and planned to leave. Jerome walked over and asked, "What happened, Jessie?""He mistook me for his friend."Jerome chuckled. "Well, your face isn't exactly common, is it? Come on, let me introduce you to some influential celebrities. Get to know them first. If you want any of them to endorse your brand later, just let me know.""Okay."Jessamine didn't want to linger here. Firstly, she was a bit afraid of Noah, and secondly, being mistaken for someone els
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Chapter 609
A woman's keen sixth sense made Jessamine feel the hostility from Yara.Jessamine wondered if it could be that Yara had taken a fancy to Jerome. Maybe her being Jerome's companion today made Yara feel jealous?Jerome had a good character, an above-average appearance, and was also the boss of one of the top three media companies in the country. He was regarded as one of the best marriage candidates by the socialites in the circle, and it was fair for their female talents to like him.Jessamine smiled slightly and said, "Good men are indeed a limited resource for humanity. I wish Ms. Lockwood success in her endeavors."Yara pursed her lips and smiled as though she knew a secret, "Then I'll use Ms. Patton's good wishes and strive to win him over tonight!"On the side, Jerome teased, "Stop bragging here. Where's your male companion? Did he even agree to come with you?""Mr. Langston, don't make fun of me. Would I say something uncertain? He just went to the restroom and will be back
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Chapter 610
"Mr. Holt, why did you take so long in the restroom? Do you need help with the toilet paper?" Yara had just finished speaking when a voice from the crowd said, "I'm here." Everyone turned around to make way, and Thaddeus, dressed in a high-quality suit, stood tall and distinguished behind them. Yara hung up the phone, pouting coquettishly. "How annoying! You're already here and still taking phone calls. Is your phone bill cheap?" Suddenly, the scene quieted down, with only the sound of music playing. Jessamine never expected that the high-class man mentioned by Yara was actually Thaddeus. She chuckled inwardly. Obviously, that woman had investigated her thoroughly, knowing everything about her and Thaddeus' relationship. No wonder her hostility was evident.Thaddeus didn't respond to Yara's words but his gaze was fixed on Jessamine. After a few seconds of silence, he strode through the crowd. "Jessie, you're here too. I'll give you a ride later."Jerome stepped forward to b
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