All Chapters of Wanted By The Alphas : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
155 Chapters
ATHENA'S POV. It was a long letter, and seemed to convey someone's deep emotions, but I gave a good guess that it was from the Alpha she loved. The Alpha who wanted, but couldn't have her, due to the way things were run back then. “Found it?” She asked, and I looked at her. She was stuck in that mirror. Maybe if she read the letter, then she'd be cut from the threads that still bound her to the earth. I got to my feet, not caring to dust off the dirt that had accumulated on my clothes. “Tired, already? Actually, there's no bracelet. I simply wanted to test you to see if you were worth pleading for.” She said, and I looked around.I had nearly torn the whole place down, searching for a bracelet that didn't exist, but it had all been for nothing?It had been frustrating in my condition, but could I really get mad at her? Even a tiny bit? No. “So, there was never a bracelet in the first place.” I said, trying to make my voice sound even, without any traces of being frustrated.“Ther
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ATHENA'S POV.“Sera!” I called again, trying to stop her from pulling me, but she didn't. She pulled harder, and it seemed like the mirror began to suck me in. I screamed, but no sound came out of me. It was a silent scream. Being pulled through the mirror felt like what being pulled through jelly would feel like. I felt fear rub through my body as I fell onto the floor. The breeze ruffled my hair, wrapping it around my face. The breeze was chilly, and made goosebumps line my skin immediately.I looked up and saw Sera looking down at me. She was so real. She could touch me. If she wanted to kill me, she could.I gasped, and scrambled away from her, but she didn't move. “Please… please don't do this to me. Please take me back. I'm begging you, Sera. I'm begging you. Please, I read your letter for you, didn't I? I found the letter you'd have never found without me.” I pleaded, rubbing my palms together. Sera didn't say a word. She simply stared at me blankly. The breeze blew my hair
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The Horror
ATHENA'S POV.The living Sera bounced down the stairs, and went to plop down on the sofa, next to her friend.“You came so late. Why?” She asked, in a sweet voice, as she combed her wavy black hair with her hands. “I'm late? Didn't you just take your bath? I smell roses on you.” Her friend said, leaning towards her, and sniffing her skin.“Rudolph gave it to me like a month ago, but I didn't use it.”“Yes, Alpha Rudolph. Aren't you going to speak to him? I hear these days he looks like a ghost haunting the Palace.” Her friend said, placing her legs on the sofa, and handing Living Sera the sapphire bracelet. “I'm planning to leave. I'll leave with you, Matilda.” Living Sera replied, slipping the bracelet on.“But I'll return.” The friend replied, immediately.Matilda? Could she be??? Lady Matilda? My eyes widened, as I began to see the striking resemblance. The hair, the eyes. The smile. Wow… she was so beautiful when she was younger. “Yes, but I won't be returning with you.”“Why?”
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ATHENA'S POV.“What?” I asked. Sera didn't reply. She simply began to walk away. I looked at the dead Alphas sprawled on the floor, and went after Sera immediately.“I thought you'd plead with them to stop, not tell them to ask what they want from me. What if I can't do it?” She pulled open the door, and left, leaving me baffled, as to why she wasn't replying. That wasn't what I had expected. She ought to plead with them to stop all they were doing, not ask they what they wanted. What if what they wanted wasn't something I could give?I followed Sera out on the streets, where she continued to walk, without stopping. “Sera. There ought to be something more you can do for me. This won't end well. Is there a way you can just beg them to stop? I thought you said your voice soothes them?” I asked, but realized she really wasn't going to say more. Since she wasn't ready to say more to me, I decided to face my fate. She looked like she was done talking.We kept on walking across the str
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First Kick
ATHENA'S POV.I didn't have the strength in me to fight anymore, so I went with the calm water. The three Alphas had dropped their tasks, and they all were life-threatening. My head still bled furiously, but I couldn't even raise a hand to try to wipe out the ones that found their way into my eye.I was pushed to dry ground when the water had become as small as a stream, and Iay there resting, until I saw Sera standing there, staring at me. Despite how weak I felt, I found the strength to stand, and walked to her, holding my belly. My body ached with pain, and it felt like a mine in my head. There was a lot of pounding, and hacking in it. I felt like fainting, and forgetting everything that was happening at the moment. "Did I pass?" I asked, even though I knew I did, and she nodded with a little smile.Sera turned, and began to leave, while I struggled to catch up, with my hands still over my belly protectively, like something else was going to happen. Sera and I walked through th
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Taking A Break
ATHENA'S POV."Tristan. The baby…""The baby what?" He asked, flatly at first, then his eyes widened. "What's wrong? Do you feel pain, do you...?""The baby kicked!" I squealed, and his eyes widened even more. "You're sure the baby really kicked?" He asked, moving from his spot on the bed to kneel next to me. "Yeah, twice. I'm sure it's a kick.""It's not just something else?" He asked again, bending to place his head gently, over my protruding belly. "I'm approaching my sixth month. What do you expect?" I chuckled."So soon?""The fifth month is almost over.""Wow, but I don't hear it kick anymore.""Maybe he's done kicking for the day." I replied, and he burst into laughter."Must be a girl then. How can two kicks be it for the day?" He asked, lifting his head, and I laughed."There you go. Men always have the impression they're stronger. You're attributing the qualities of a man into a baby, who's yet to be called a boy, without the word baby behind it? Who says girls can't be s
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Nights Of Paradise
ATHENA'S POV."Thank you, Tristan." I said, to him, and I could tell he liked being appreciated. "What's there to thank? You should also be independent. I wouldn't want you waiting all day for me because I'm busy at work. You should also have something doing. Also, you can make new friends that way." He replied, and I nodded. "Well, thanks for… you know, just thanks. For everything.""I can't begin to imagine how many times you've thanked me for everything. Maybe I should start thanking you, too, for everything. Eating, drinking, being here, carrying a baby, taking me on a vacation…" He started to list out pointless things to thank me for, and I laughed out loud. We got to our destination, and I was surprised to see we were going to be boarding a cruise ship."Woah!" I exclaimed, and tried hastily to get out of the car, but he stopped me. "You should be a lot more careful. Consider going out gently, will you?" He said; I inhaled, and exhaled, before pushing the door open, and ste
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Getting Started
ATHENA'S POV.Everything seemed to get better, the moment I slept with Tristan. It seemed like we finally became lovers, like we finally knew each other. It had been moments of passion, all joined together to form a beautiful experience. As the rain fell, drowning all sounds out, Tristan and I tangled in the sheets over, and over, and spent hours with each other just like the rain spent hours, raining all it had. When the rain stopped, the sky was clear and beautiful, and it seemed to me like the sky was a newly-washed cloth, ready to be worn again.The cruise went completely fine. I took basic business lectures online, sitting in the relaxing sun daily, and had three tutors, along with a woman, who was going to be my personal assistant when I took over one of Tristan's companies. "Good day, ma'am. I am Lilac, and I'll be more than happy to be at your service." She said, with a confident smile.I studied Lilac. She had short shoulder-length black hair, which followed the direction
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ATHENA'S POV."In exactly two weeks, you will get what you need, ma'am." Lilac said, and I felt even more reassured, having someone capable, who could do all the things I couldn't. "Sit with me awhile." I said, stretching out my legs on the grass, and she sat next to me, although with some distance between us."How does it feel?" She asked, after some minutes."How does what feel?" I asked."Being pregnant."I chuckled. "Why?" I asked. "I always think about my future… when I get married, but I'm too scared to think of getting pregnant. I guess I'm more of a coward, but thinking of the pain I'll have to face to bring the baby out, I'm like… what if I can't do it? "What if it's too painful to go on? Every woman speak of it being painful, and the pain leaving immediately they see the child, but I don't believe it. Maybe they're really happy, but the pain would surely be there." She said, slowly, staring off into the distance and I smiled."I want to hold him, I want to see him, I wan
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Fraternizing With The Enemy
ATHENA'S POV.Did she recognize me? Did she notice me following her? Had she noticed all along?I turned away, giving Lilac my attention, and in a few seconds, someone tapped me. My heart skidded, as I turned to see it was Octavia. I couldn't even tell if she recognized me or not, because I was blinded by my own fear and guilt. "Hi." She greeted, smiling brightly, and I guessed she didn't notice after all. Lilac came to stand protectively between us, and Octavia's brows furrowed."Who are you?" She asked, looking irritated."I'm her personal assistant." Lilac replied flatly, and I touched her arm."It's fine." I said, and my eyes snapped to Octavia in a flash. My voice… She was bound to remember my voice… or…Octavia didn't even make an expression that suggested she knew something. She simply looked irritated. Lilac turned to me."Will you really be fine, ma'am?" She asked."Woah! Do I look like a thug to you, or someone dangerous? Hello, I'm Octavia Sparks, the Luna here." She sai
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