All Chapters of Wanted By The Alphas : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
155 Chapters
I Want Him
ATHENA'S POV.We both stared into each other's eyes, and a lot of emotions flitted through her green ones. She looked like she couldn't believe she was seeing me. Like I said earlier, she really seemed like she was seeing a ghost.Maybe she was expecting to see a ghost. Apart from the shocked look on her face, she looked depressed, and utterly lost. Taking little uncertain steps, she approached me.“You… why, why do you look like this, and… and why are you alive?” She asked, like my being alive was the beginning of her destruction.“Can… Can you see me?” She asked, looking at me to be certain I could really see, and she wasn't the one imagining things.I didn't say a word. I just kept on staring at her. Then her eyes fell to Aiden, who was craning his neck to look at her. She couldn't stop staring at him. It was like she was torn between confronting me further, and staring, mesmerized by Aiden's sheer beauty, and loveliness.“I… Can, can we talk?” She asked, still looking at Aiden, an
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ALPHA JEREMY'S POV.I lay on my bed, not willing to go to work for the first time. I needed a desperate break. Telling my workers not to call me for anything regarding business for two months didn't work. I needed no additional problems. Searching for money was already a lot. If they began to tell me of their every move in the company, it would only burden me.So, I let the financial team take care of everything regarding finances. In short, I let the different superior teams— who make decisions with me— make their decisions alone. I was simply tired of everything. Things had gotten really worse. After a while of staying on my bed, I got up, and went to the library. Maybe if I got lost in a book, I'd be able to take my mind off everything that was happening.In the library, I checked out the different books available, and picked out a single one about business. When I picked it out, there was a picture frame there, covered in dust.I dropped the book, took it, and dusted it, looking
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I Will See Her
ALPHA JEREMY'S POV.Once, there was a time I loved Octavia. It was challenging to think back on those times. She was beautiful, smart, and witty with words. Being with her was like a puzzle… I had to figure out all the things about her. She had a mysterious air around her that made her desirable. Even if she hadn't been as beautiful as Athena was, there was just something about Octavia's beauty that had struck me hard, and I wondered if I had loved Octavia for her beauty alone. Maybe I had been blinded by my obsession for her. I didn't see how frequently she shopped, nor did I see how vain she was on the outside, and how eager she was to impress others, and hold on to the position of being the best. It wasn't until the past year, when Athena had left that I began to see Octavia for whom she really was. Countless times, I had compared her to Athena, who was more calm, laid-back, and thoughtful.It was when the comparison started that I really began to see Octavia for what she really
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OCTAVIA'S POV. When Athena left the restaurant, I had felt ashamed, hopeless, deserted… I didn't even mind if some people were staring. I had reached a stage where I didn't care much for people anymore. If only I could lift myself out of the ditch I had run into. Maybe things would be good again.Athena had it all. She had all I ever wanted. The money, the confidence, the beauty, and… the baby. He was so beautiful, and when he had come to me, it had felt like he was talking to me, like he… he admired me.Spit had dribbled down from those little lips, and the only teeth he had, had been two adorable lower teeth which shone bright as he smiled.His skin was so impossibly soft, smooth, and he smelled of Vanilla. Was that how it felt to hold a baby? Athena must be happy daily to hold such a baby, to have him smile at her, to own him, and be the one he loves more than anyone else.I sat there in the café for a very long time, thinking hard on where it had all gone wrong. Well, I didn't
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ATHENA'S POV.I couldn't help the smile that rose to my face.“We finally bought it?” I asked, and Lilac went to my desk, taking out some papers, which she handed to me.I took them hastily, and opened them page after page, checking to be certain we really bought them. There it was… Lilac's signature… I closed my eyes, and gave a sigh of relief.Alpha Jeremy was probably thinking he had been really lucky. Very soon, he'd discover he had been reduced to less than half of what he used to be. Of course, selling his assets must have been a great way to generate cash in the short term, but I was sure he wasn't investing it or using it to raise more businesses.Rather, he was going to settle all his debts with that money.“That reminds me, I met Octavia today.” I began, and Lilac immediately took her seat next to me.“You met Octavia?” She asked.“Yes. She looks exactly like I want her to.” I set the papers aside carefully. “She didn't dress flashy, and depression seems to have taken the be
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Taken Back
ALPHA JEREMY'S POV."Why am I the only one being blamed?" She asked, and I turned to her sharply. Was she actually saying that? Did she mean I was also to blame? That was definitely what she was trying to imply. "Why are you the only one being blamed? Is there another childbearing Luna in this castle? Or are you trying to say Alpha Jeremy should wed another due to your incapability to produce an heir?" Elder Martin asked, looking at her with irritation playing in his eyes.No." She said, fiercely. "Do you want to go for a test? Do you want to see which one of us actually has the fault? When we do, and it comes out that you're the foolish barren one, you will pack your things, and leave my Palace." I said, and her eyes widened in horror. She tried to speak, but words failed her.Finally, she took a deep breath, and spoke."It… I never intended to…""You don't need to worry about publicity. I'll make it quiet." I added, with anger, and her lips quivered. She held her hands together, a
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Too Late
ALPHA JEREMY’S POV.I choked so hard that the maids were forced to give me some water. Athena stood there staring at me with her brown eyes, judging me with every second. How could…? I couldn’t believe it. Why was Athena here? How had Tristan come to marry her? I had searched for her for months, so what was she doing here? How could Athena be the Luna of Tristan’s Kingdom? How could she…?Wait… I looked up into her brown eyes, and saw it was staring directly into mine.She… she… she could see?Her eyeballs followed mine as they moved, and in them was wrath. Cold wrath directed at me. How could this be? How could that happen? Why would she buy my assets? Why would Mrs. Lockwood be Athena!? If felt like I was going through a mental breakdown, trying to wrap everything around my head, and make complete sense of it. It felt like I was going crazy. All my plans had gone down the drain. How could I seduce her if she was Athena? No, no, no, I was missing the whole point of it.Why had I
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No Way
ATHENA'S POV.When Aiden's cry split the air, along with the others, it felt like my heart was being wrenched apart. I had heard him cry a thousand times, but for some reason, him crying when I was about to leave seemed like the worst he'd ever cried.He looked miserable, and so sad, compared to the other days when he cried for totally normal things. Aiden stretched out his hands for me to carry, and tears filled my ears. One of the women picked him up, and began to rock, and move him around, but he fought against her seriously. He pushed her away with the little strength in his littler hands, and kicked against her."He'll be fine. Babies are prone to crying when taken to a childcare center for the first time, or when they're separated from their parents." Mrs. Lenoir explained, looking at Aiden with a smile."So what do we do if he keeps on crying?" I asked, trying to stop my eyes from watering. "When you leave, he'll calm down. He'll cry for a while, wishing you returned, but with
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Next Target
ATHENA'S POV.A week after Alpha Jeremy had left the Palace in hysteria over the fact that he would continued to be punished, things felt a little weird. I had executed my revenge on him, but I didn't feel that sweet feeling I had expected to feel. Instead, that day, I had cried in my room, and had refused to let anyone come in. It was only when I heard Aiden's voice that I opened my door for him. Why had he bothered making my life hard? What was the use of it? What did he actually gain from it? I never expected the moon goddess to actually fight for me. Hearing him say that had been really good. It had felt nice. Someone had been enraged when he was treating me like trash.And that someone had decided to stand up for me. "Miss," Lilac called, as she knocked on my door gently. "Yes?" I turned around, and she came in."It's time to pick Aiden.""Oh!" I said, getting up, and a wide smile spread on my face. "Just give me a second." I said, fishing my wardrobe for a coat. I found a r
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For All The Wrong Reasons
ALPHA RAGAS' POV.It was well over a year since Lorrie and I got married, but I was yet to adjust to things. I had thought I'd come to love and accept her with time— that time v0uld forge a deep bond between us, but no. Time didn't do anything good to Lorrie and me. It only made it worse. It got to a point where I could not bear to see her face, or hear her discussing vain things. Everything she said from her mouth simply seemed wrong. It was like we were so far apart that we'd never catch up.My marriage felt like hell, and so many times I wanted to end it. Lorrie's father seemed to care less since she was already married, and anytime I tried to give a little complaint on Lorrie's outrageous behaviour which didn't sit well with me; he waved it off as a problem for newlyweds. Unfortunately, being married for over a year didn't sound like newlyweds to me.Due to that, I had decided not to think of him, or give his opinions much thought. If I found out Lorrie was becoming too haughty f
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