All Chapters of Wanted By The Alphas : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
155 Chapters
Have To Try
ATHENA'S POV.My shoulder shuddered, and a little sound escaped my throat. Almost immediately, I began to cry. What were they saying? My Aiden was in there dying, but I couldn't give him my blood, and Tristan also couldn't?“Athena.” Tristan called, and wrapped his arms around me. I wanted to do something, but I couldn't stop staring at Aiden and crying. “Why can't I give him my blood. Blood is blood!” I screamed, trying to push Tristan away.“You have to calm down.” He said, but I didn't calm down at all. I was going to find someone with the RhNull blood. “Well we're wasting time if we have to go through six million people.” I said, pushing, and he finally left me alone. “Ma'am. There's little time left. You have to be quick.” The doctor warned, and I ran through the hospital wards, asking. Tristan followed me quickly.“Athena, not that way.”“I'm sorry, but does any of you have the RhNull blood type?” I asked, frantically, but they all looked at me like I was speaking gibberish.
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ALPHA RAGAS' POVI sat in my room staring at the reflection of myself in the mirror. I had been miserable ever since I discovered Athena was alive, but wasn't returning to me. It had broken me to see her acting like that.I really wanted to find her those times, and apologize. Maybe I had just been too late. Maybe if I met her before she had managed to meet Tristan, she would have accepted me back. I was just too late. Too late!I poured more apple cider into my glass, and raised it to my lips. It took several bottles to knock me out, but that was my ultimate goal. I hadn't been to the company in days. Everyday was filled with drinking. In a few days, I had drank several types of alcoholic drinks, and I wasn't about to stop. I wanted to get totally wasted. She wanted to break the mate bond— how could she say that when it was the only reason I had to cling to her? How could she want to break off the only thing connecting us? No, that would be impossible. She'd have to kill me first.
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ATHENA'S POV.I hadn't intended to mention anything about Aiden being his son, but he had been asking so many questions, and I had no time. Aiden was dying, and it seemed like Alpha Ragas wouldn't stop asking his countless questions. I took in deep breaths, as it had been so hard to push those words out. It had been hard to let him know who Aiden was to him.Since he already knew, I needed him to do something. Say yes, or tell me to lead the way, but he just kept on staring at me, like he was lost in space. “My…” he began to say, but stopped like he was trying to make sense of everything. “Sierra, go to my room and bring the photos on my bed.” He said, still staring into space, and the maid left immediately. I tapped my feet restlessly on the ground, while he just kept staring into space, lost in his thoughts.We had no time. The little time we had, he was wasting it. The maid returned running, and he snatched the photo from her, letting others fall to the ground as he singled them
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ATHENA'S POV.“No!” I heard myself say strongly before I could stop the words from bursting out. That was impossible. It was the very thing I was against. The very reason I hadn't wanted to go to him in the first place. I didn't want him trying to claim Aiden for any reason at all. He looked at me with those eyes I had stared at so much on Aiden's face, and I looked away, suddenly breathing hard from anger. “Athena…” he called softly.“He is mine! He is mine, and mine alone. You do not get to come after all the struggle, and just… and just claim him like he's some property you own.” “Athena, I will make up for it. Also, I'm not claiming him. I just want to be in his life. Is that too much to ask?”“It is too much! Do you know what I think when I see you? I think, oh! Maybe things would have been better if he hadn't raped me!”“Athena.”“Maybe I wouldn't have had to go through hell with Alpha Jeremy, and spend nights crying all alone in my bed.” I spat at him, venomously, and he sta
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ALPHA JEREMY'S POV.I looked at myself in the mirror, wondering how I was to dress. I was finally breaking my mate bond with Athena, and it was a little daunting because no one I knew ever had to break a mate bond; from the stories I heard when I was younger, it wasn't quite a pleasant experience. I threw open my closet, and picked out a T-shirt and jeans. I had to look humble, so she could even give me a chance because honestly, I planned to beg her, and see if she'd reconsider her decisions. If she would be my Luna, I would do everything she wanted. Honestly, it was a huge loss for me. I lost my riches, and a woman the goddess had specially picked out for me. Everyday, Octavia irritated me, and I always felt like locking her up in a room, so she wouldn't be able to come out, and I wouldn't get to see her annoying face. After changing into a light grey T-shirt, and black jeans, I began to rehearse what I'd say. If I said my words right, there was a chance she'd be swayed. Ladies
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The Inevitable
OCTAVIA'S POV.A week after Alpha Jeremy broke off his mate bond with Athena, he had become like someone else entirely. I wondered if that was what happened when a person broke off their mate bond, or Alpha Jeremy had just become hopeless, and pessimistic.He had come and had sat at the dinner table without saying anything, placing a hand on his heart countless times subconsciously, but I didn't dare talk to him.I already knew what he was trying to do. He was trying to make me do or say something, so he'd have reason to vent his anger on me and do something that would hurt me just as bad as he was hurting.I wasn't about to let that happen.After that, he had resorted to staying on his own. It felt like he had turned the garden to his room. He didn't change clothes, nor did he take a bath. He was gloomy, cranky, and somewhere within the week, I had tried to talk to him.The elders had been worried about his behaviour, and had told me it was my duty as his wife to find out how to heal
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Head - On
ATHENA'S POV. Immediately Alpha Jeremy had broken the mate bond, it had felt like my heart had been crushed. I fell on all fours, with my mouth open in pain. It was beyond painful, and I thought if I just stayed there without doing a thing, then the pain would be bearable, but no, it wasn't. It forced a scream out of my throat, and I held onto my heart. It felt like my heart was really breaking apart. This wasn't just an emotional pain. It felt physical, like someone was truly trying to split apart my heart. Tears filled my eyes, and I began to cry out. I heard Alpha Jeremy groan, but was too focused on my pain to think of whatever was going on with him.The grass was cold, and the wind below began to blow harder. My hair was all over my face, and my dress threatened to rise above my legs. None of them were helping matters.I lay on the floor after some minutes with an intense throbbing pain in my heart. After a while, it began to recede, and the throbbing reduced. I was breathing
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Going Soft
ATHENA'S POV“Yeah, why don't we fight to the death, and Athena will have no choice, but to go with me at the end.” Alpha Ragas said, and my heart began to beat faster. They weren't really going to fight, were they?“If you can survive.” Tristan replied.“Where do we have the fight?” Alpha Ragas asked, and that was when I realized I had to step in because they were indeed intending to fight to the death. “Stop! There will be no such thing as a fight. Not when I'm here.” I said.“Athena, stay out of this. I'm trying to end all this once and for all.” Tristan replied, still staring at Alpha Ragas. “Maids are watching, we are having dinner. Do you want to shed blood here? I'm not pleased with this, Tristan, and if both of you think a fight will solve this, I'm just going to walk right out those double doors with Aiden. I mean it.” I said, in my strongest voice. “We are mates, Athena. Shouldn't you side with me?”“Alpha Ragas, I will be the one to choose the man I will stay with. Not y
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Fear Of Losing Her
ALPHA RAGAS’ POVFor the first time in years, I had cried. I couldn't stop the tears. They kept on flowing like rivers, and my heart was broken anew. Why was I crying? Tears and men didn't go along, but it seemed like I had transformed into a woman that night. I barely made it into my motel room before the tears began to crash like the waves of the sea. I sat in front of the little bed, and my tears ceased to stop. As usual, I drank myself to stupor, and passed out drunk. The next morning, I had a hangover that threatened to end me, but even with that terrible hangover, I still found myself asking the female receptionist if Tristan brought ladies in.I needed something on him.Subconsciously, my steps retraced their way to Athena's Palace, and I watched the guards do their jobs. I stayed there for a long time, and it was late in the afternoon when Athena came out. She took her hair out of the ponytail it was in, and it tumbled down around her shoulders in waves. She wasn't with A
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Old Enemy
ATHENA'S POV.When I opened my eyes, I was on a cold floor, and all around me was tons of space. My hands were tied behind my back, and there was a gag in my mouth. It hurt the corners of my lips, and my sounds were all muffled, as I tried to call for anyone who was behind me. No one answered, so I tried to recall what had happened. There had been the guy with the phone. Yes, he was the one who had abducted me. But wait? Why would anyone want to capture the Luna of the pack? Did they want to make Tristan mad? Why would they do something as stupid as that?I suddenly felt large and strong hands grip my shoulder, and I made a loud muffled sound, as I was made to sit. It turned out I wasn't alone afterall. I was in a large warehouse, and there were men in dark suits lined in two different columns with a lot of space between them. They looked like body guards, but on second thought, they looked like assassins with black glasses on their faces.It meant there was someone else—the boss. T
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