All Chapters of The Amazing Doctor: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
776 Chapters
Chapter 181
Sebastian chuckled and said, "Whoever it is, you would know better than I do."This statement made Whitney enraged! "Sebastian, you scumbag!" she cursed him.Mabel rushed over, accusing him, "Sebastian, you're really disgusting and disappointing! How dare you suspect Ms. Sutton? She's trying so hard to help you. Have you lost all sense of decency?"Upon hearing her rebuttal, his eyes grew cold. He said in annoyance, "Who would be the least hopeful for me to start a company? Do I need to spell it out?""You… you're really thinking the worst of her!" Mabel scolded him.Sebastian couldn't be bothered to argue with them and turned away. Whitney's chest was heaving with anger, and her eyes were full of tears.She glared at him hatefully. "Sebastian, is this how you see me in your heart? Do you think I don't want you to start a company?" "Isn't that it?" Sebastian retorted. His tone was exactly the same as Whitney's earlier.She chuckled dryly—her laugh sounded bitter. "Okay, now
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Chapter 182
"I can let anyone open a company, even if they're an idiot! If I want to shut down someone's company, even if he was the biggest company in Steinberg, I can shut them down easily!"Fergus immediately flattered him, "That's right, Mr. Jenkins has the authority in Steinberg Pharma! Sebastian, if you dare hit me again and provoke Mr. Jenkins, let me tell you, you're done!"He added, "You'll never remove the barrier tape from your company! Of course, if you kneel and publicly beg us for mercy, we might consider letting you off the hook."Sebastian chuckled and said, "Then let's wait and see." With that, he took out his phone.When Wallace saw that, he sneered and said disdainfully, "What, you want to make a call to pull some strings? Let me tell you, it wouldn't work! No matter who you try to reach, they'll all redirect you to me!"He continued, "If you don't kneel and beg for mercy today, the building will be sealed off until you die!"As he finished speaking, Rosalie smiled fain
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Chapter 183
Upon hearing the angry shout, Wallace shuddered and quickly turned to look. When he saw Zeke walking over angrily, he felt a shiver down his spine.He rushed forward and said humbly, "Mr. Fisher, why are you here?"With a loud smack, Zeke slapped Wallace in the face. He scolded him, "You still have the nerve to ask why I came? What did you just say? It would be useless even if I came?"Zeke was furious! Wallace actually dared to seal off Sebastian's company! Wasn't he just causing trouble?Wallace covered his face, explaining aggrievedly, "Mr. Fisher, I… I misspoke in the heat of the moment. I hope you won't take offense. It's all because of this kid! He provoked me!"With another loud smack, Zeke slapped him again. He yelled angrily, "You insolent fool! How dare you address Dr. Ballard like that?"This time, Wallace was dumbfounded. What was going on? Who was Dr. Ballard? He watched as Zeke hurried over to Sebastian. He politely apologized, "Dr. Ballard, I'm really sorry. I di
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Chapter 184
Wallace trembled and frowned as he looked at Sebastian. Wallace inwardly cursed Sebastian and all his future generations but squeezed out a smile and said, "Mr. Ballard, look, this is all just a misunderstanding. I'll remove these tapes personally, alright?""That won't do at all." Rosalie crossed her arms over her chest and smiled. Wallace's eyes flickered. He saw that Sebastian was unmoved, so he clenched his teeth and bowed in apology. "Mr. Ballard, I was wrong. I was wrong, alright? I apologize for today's incident, and I'll remove the tapes. Please have mercy and let it go just this once."Zeke squeezed out a smile too and said, "Look Dr. Ballard, why don't we just forget about all this?""Forget about it?"Sebastian laughed coldly and said, "Mr. Fisher, I know he's your man. However, this won't be over unless Wallace kneels down if he wants to remove the tapes." "You—!" Wallace was furious. However, Zeke glared angrily at him and shouted, "What are you standing ther
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Chapter 185
Fergus immediately grinned and said, "How could I do something so shameless? Although Sebastian and I have never seen eye to eye, I wouldn't do something like that."Whitney frowned, and she said doubtfully, "It really wasn't you?""Whitney, you should believe me," Fergus said. She exhaled and said, "Alright, I believe you."Fergus breathed a sigh of relief. He had been afraid that he would slip up. However, he immediately tried to stir up conflict again. "Whitney, there are some things that I still have to say. Sebastian isn't reliable."Look at what happened just now! He doubted you even though you helped him so much. I thought he was being very unreasonable! Don't talk with him so much in the future." Whitney sat down and raised her eyebrows. "Okay."She felt even more resentful and unhappy about Sebastian. He had doubted her even though they had been married for three years!It made Whitney very sad. She also felt that Sebastian was being an ass. In their three year
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Chapter 186
Whitney looked up at the second floor and nodded. Then, the two of them waited in silence. At the same time, in one of the premium rooms on the second floor, Howard was reverentially inviting Sebastian to take a seat. "Please sit down, Dr. Ballard." Howard personally pulled out a chair for him. Sebastian didn't refuse and sat down calmly. He got straight to the point. "You said that the Twin Killers of Zuebonia have a mentor in Steinberg?""Yes."Howard hurriedly sat down and replied, "That guy last night has already confessed everything. I know who was targeting me behind my back now too. It's my rival in Janover, Tony. He's the head of the Wright family.""The name of the Zuebonia Twin Killers' mentor is Westley Mitchell. Ten years ago, he was a renowned figure in the world of martial arts, and he once dominated the Salava area. "He had many followers, and the Zuebonia Twin Killers were his star pupils. However, the two of them committed a severe crime and went on the ru
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Chapter 187
"Dr. Ballard?" Whitney thought to herself. Her brow wrinkled, and she looked confused."I'm sorry, Mr. Tuffin. Could I ask for Dr. Ballard's full name?" she asked politely as she smiled in embarrassment. Howard frowned and looked Whitney up and down. He smiled and said, "It seems that you don't know who Dr. Ballard is, Ms. Sutton. That's fine. I have matters to attend to, so I'll bid farewell to you here."He turned to go upstairs.Mabel saw this and hurriedly stood out. She smiled and said, "Mr. Tuffin, we may know who Dr. Ballard is if you tell us his full name. As you know, Steinberg isn't very big, but it's not very small either.""There are many doctors with that name too. I'm not sure if the Dr. Ballard you're referring to is the one we know," she added. Howard turned when he heard this. He looked at Mabel with a smile playing on his lips and said, "Oh, it seems that you know someone called Dr. Ballard too?"Mabel thought for a moment and said, "Yes."Howard nodded and
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Chapter 188
Whitney stopped at the entrance and looked seriously at Mabel. She was just about to ask about what had happened when Mabel stumbled and almost fell.She was sweating and had gone as white as a sheet."What's wrong, Mabel?" Whitney asked nervously. Mabel breathed quickly and said, "I'm fine, Ms. Sutton. It's just nerves."Whitney hurriedly asked, "Mabel, how did you know Mr. Tuffin was entertaining Sebastian?"Howard was a tycoon in the Janover medicinal ingredients industry!Why would Sebastian be having dinner with such an important figure?Not only that, it was Howard who was entertaining Sebastian as a guest. It was something that Whitney could not understand.Did Sebastian have a side to him that she knew nothing about?At that moment, Whitney rather regretted divorcing Sebastian.Mabel replied, "Actually, Ms. Sutton, I was just guessing."Mabel was actually extremely anxious and nervous at that moment."You were just guessing?" Whitney was very surprised.Mabel nodd
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Chapter 189
Mabel rushed after her and yelled, "Ms. Sutton, Ms. Sutton, listen to me! Actually, we don't have to be in such a hurry about this."Even if it's a lie, Sebastian is the one lying to him. You're divorced! Why do you care so much?" Mabel stomped her foot in dismay when Whitney ignored her and kept going.At the same time, in the private room on the second floor, Howard had just taken his seat again. He smiled at Sebastian. "Dr. Ballard, guess who was the person downstairs who wanted to talk to me about collaborating?"Sebastian frowned slightly. Then he shook his head and laughed. "I don't know."Howard said quickly, "Your ex-wife, Ms. Sutton of Frostwave Corporation."Whitney?Sebastian was startled. He looked doubtfully at Howard and asked, "Whitney?""Yes." Howard laughed. "Dr. Ballard, I have to say that your ex-wife is really very beautiful and also very elegant. You have excellent taste."Sebastian's brow wrinkled. He looked distracted.Whitney wanted to discuss a colla
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Chapter 190
Sebastian's expression darkened, and he laughed to himself.However, Whitney continued cuttingly, "Sebastian, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. If you're using your superstitious tricks to deceive Mr. Tuffin, I advise you to go and apologize to him right now and explain everything. I'll help you take care of the rest." She spoke forcefully and was very domineering. It seemed that Whitney already assumed that Sebastian was a conman. Sebastian snorted, and there was a note of sarcasm and exasperation in his voice. "Ms. Sutton, am I that terrible in your eyes? Do you think that everything I do is just a scam?" Sebastian spoke slowly, and his tone was ice-cold. Whitney's brow furrowed, and she said, "What are you trying to say?""I want to tell you that I'm not deceiving anybody. If you don't believe me, we can ask Mr. Tuffin right now!""Ask him right now?"Whitney was furious, and she said angrily, "Sebastian, how long are you going to keep up this act? Why can't you
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