All Chapters of The Amazing Doctor: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
770 Chapters
Chapter 161
Noah frantically yelled at his phone, "Impossible! That's impossible! What form of trickery is this?"Randall huffed coldly as he roared at the phone, "Are you questioning my authority, Dr. Powell?" Noah was taken aback momentarily but quickly came back to his senses."No… of course not…" he stammered."That's what I thought," Randall said coldly before he continued, "I remember that you made a bet with Sebastian before this. Isn't it time for you to fulfill your end of the bet?"Noah froze, and his expression twisted."Don't tell me you're going back on your word, Dr. Powell," Randall said frostily. Then, he declared to everyone, "I'm going to use this livestream opportunity to make it clear to everyone that Sebastian's Expalyrium is not a trick!"Randall paused to take a breath before he continued, "Sebastian's medicinal skills are comparable to the professionals working at Callaway Hospital! So, I'm going to make sure that everyone who made a bet with Sebastian just now fu
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Chapter 162
Sebastian smoked a cigarette on his couch in his shop. His mind was going a mile a minute, but he was particularly hung up on the scene of Whitney publicly apologizing to him."I've never wanted to be your competitor," he muttered under his breath.Now that the situation had been settled, everyone had left. Before Randall left, he invited Sebastian to his house as he was interested in Expalyrium.Then, the patient and his family thanked him and left in high spirits.The last to leave were Joseph and his students. However, they made sure to mention that they would be staying in Steinberg for a while to consult him on martial arts and Shastia.Now that everyone had left, the shop was quiet, and Sebastian was left to sit alone.The livestream just now was gratifying since anyone who had offended him had to eat their own words, but Sebastian didn't feel satisfied at all.Eventually, Sebastian got up to roll down the blinds, but he caught sight of a car outside of his shop.Whitne
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Chapter 163
Whitney rushed to Theresa when she saw her friend had been hit and asked worriedly, "Theresa, are you alright?"Theresa sat up and gingerly touched her cheek, and there was also blood at the corner of her mouth.Whitney hurriedly took out a tissue and passed it to Theresa for her to wipe the blood from her mouth.Whitney then got to her feet and glared at the men who leered at them both. "I am Whitney Sutton of Frostwave Corporation! If you keep acting like this, I'm going to call the police!"This was a bar, and Whitney knew there would only be more trouble for them if they stayed there any longer. As such, she could only threaten them with her identity and the police.However, Benjamin was not even the slightest bit phased. With his hand still on his head, he flashed her a wicked smile before he said, "Frostwave Corporation? Never heard of it. Also, the police? Go ahead and call them! I would love to see if they can come faster than I can fuck you up!" Benjamin laughed befor
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Chapter 164
"Goddamnit! Turn the music off!" Benjamin howled as he angrily kicked a few of his men when they failed to move fast enough.His men scrambled to their feet and rushed to turn on the lights in the bar and turn off the music as well.With the lights fully on, the young men and women in the bar who had been enjoying themselves finally saw Benjamin's blood-soaked head, and they scrambled away to hide in terror at the bloody sight.Benjamin's piercing gaze scanned the crowd, but no one seemed to stand out as the perpetrator."Fuck! Coward! Show yourself! Who threw that ashtray?" he yelled.What he got in response instead were multiple beer bottles that flew straight at his men.The men that were hit were knocked down immediately, and they knelt on the floor as they let out anguished moans.The strength and accuracy with which the bottles were thrown were terrifying, and everyone in the bar was stunned.However, this only angered Benjamin more, and he roared, "Show yourself!"Just
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Chapter 165
Whitney glared at him as she snapped, "I don't need you to save me! You're only making things worse!"After that, Whitney helped Benjamin to his feet as she asked, "Mr. Lautner, are you alright?"Benjamin shoved Whitney away, and with his hand still on his head, he glared at Sebastian before he growled, "You maniac! You must be the only person brave enough to hit me!"He continued, shouting, "Do you know who I work for? The third son of the Whitaker family, Marcus Whitaker! I swear you're going to die today if it's the last thing I do!"Whitney, Theresa, and the others were shell shocked by that revelation. None of them expected Benjamin to say that he works for Marcus Whitaker!This was the Whitakers he was talking about!Marcus was Nathan's favorite grandson and one of the most powerful men in the Steinberg entertainment industry!As such, because of his grandfather, Marcus lived a very comfortable life in Steinberg and got anything he wanted.Even Hans, who held immense powe
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Chapter 166
Piles of tattooed and muscular bodies were lying on the bar floor.Benjamin had been thoroughly shocked as he watched Sebastian throw punch after punch at the speed of light. With not a lot of men left, Benjamin dashed behind Whitney and pressed the dagger in his hand at her throat."Stop! Keep moving, and I'll kill her!" Benjamin warned.Whitney was trembling in fear. The dagger had nicked her neck as well, and she was bleeding.Theresa was frantic now that Whitney was bleeding, and she screeched, "Sebastian! Look what you've done! If anything happens to Whitney, I will never forgive you!"Sebastian frowned and kicked away one of the men in front of him before he turned to glare coldly at a furious Benjamin."Let her go," he commanded.Benjamin scoffed. "Let her go? Kid, I admit you've got some skills, but do you really think you can get away with this? You want me to let her go? Sure! If you break your knees and kneel before me as an apology, then I'll let her go!"Sebastia
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Chapter 167
The bar descended into a dead silence at the man's arrival. He was clearly not a person to be messed with!Benjamin got to his feet and rushed to the man as he cradled his broken arm."Mr. Whitaker! You're finally here! This kid was causing trouble and hurt a bunch of my men and even broke my arm! You have to teach him a lesson!" he cried.Everyone present was shell shocked."So he's Marcus Whitaker?""Oh no, that kid is doomed.""He offended Mr. Whitaker. He's practically dead."The crowd whispered amongst themselves as they shot Sebastian gleeful and sympathetic looks.Marcus was Nathan Whitaker's favorite grandson!He was practically the head of Steinberg's entertainment industry!All he needed to do was snap his fingers, and the entire entertainment industry would descend into chaos!So, hurting his men was basically a death sentence.Marcus glanced at Benjamin's arm, then at the men's bodies scattered across the bar, and he frowned.He took off his sunglasses and turn
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Chapter 168
"What did you say?" Whitney demanded as she turned her head to glare at him in disbelief.Cause more trouble? Didn't he realize that he was the one causing trouble for her?Stupid Sebastian! She stuck her head out for him, yet he said she was making things worse."What do you mean? Explain yourself!" Whitney huffed.Sebastian simply pulled Whitney behind him without another word and faced the bodyguards.There was a whoosh as the bodyguards took action and swung the baton right at Sebastian's head.Sebastian's gaze darkened, and he was just about to fight back when suddenly, a delicate woman's voice came from the entryway."Stop!" the voice commanded.The crowd turned to the source of the voice and saw that it belonged to a woman in a red suit with her hair down.She wore a pair of black high heels, accentuating her height and figure. Her facial features were also delicate and elegant, and she looked extremely regal as she stalked into the bar."Miss…" the two bodyguards mu
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Chapter 169
Whitney hesitated momentarily before replying, "Thank you." "No need to thank me," Sebastian said indifferently.Upset, Theresa stood up arrogantly. "Sebastian, what's with this attitude? If it wasn't for you coming forward, would things have escalated like this?" she asked, blaming him for the trouble. He frowned and felt that she was being unreasonable. He retorted, "I noticed you seem to have eyes on the back of your head! Didn't I just save you two?""Who asked you to save me? You're just sticking your nose into other people's business!" Theresa replied coldly. Rosalie couldn't stand it anymore and said, "If he hadn't come forward, Benjamin would've taken away both you and Ms. Sutton!"Did you not see what type of man he is? I'm surprised you two could even stand here with no harm, yet you still accused Mr. Ballard of sticking his nose into other people's business!"When Theresa saw Rosalie standing up for Sebastian, she raised an eyebrow. She asked annoyedly, "What does
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Chapter 170
When they saw that Whitney was okay, they let out a sigh of relief."Ms. Sutton, you're okay? That's great! How was the incident resolved? I heard that Mr. Lautner was there. Did he do anything to you two?" Mabel asked nervously.Whitney shook her head. "We're fine…"Mabel replied immediately with a smile, "It must be thanks to Mr. Cobb! As soon as he came, he called someone to contact Mr. Lautner to put a good word in."When Fergus heard her words, he pretended to be modest and replied, "Oh, Ms. Lucero, it was nothing. As long as Whitney is okay."However, Whitney and Theresa both frowned and looked at them. "Called someone?" Theresa asked.Fergus faked a cough, then with a smile, he said with certainty, "Yes, I have a friend who knows Mr. Lautner. I just asked them to call him."With those words, he looked at Whitney, waiting for her to praise him. Instead, she rolled her eyes coldly and turned around to enter the car.Fergus was confused. This wasn't how he thought it woul
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