All Chapters of The Amazing Doctor: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
748 Chapters
Chapter 151
A moment later, the livestream comment section exploded!"Whoa! Looked it up, it's true!""You young folks don't even recognize Mr. Salvatore! If I were your parents, I'd want to smack some sense into you!""Haha, where's that guy from earlier? He had it rough, so now he's probably begging his grandpa to log in."At this moment, a certain young person holding their phone felt utterly defeated. What was once a moment of triumphant banter with fellow viewers had now turned into a humiliating situation.Then, a sharp viewer in the chat exclaimed, "Whoa! Look, Mr. Salvatore is actually in the livestream!""@RandallSalvatore, hi, Mr. Salvatore, I have nothing to do with this. I'm just here for the show.""@RandallSalvatore, me neither. It's this guy @Artemisxo. He's the one arguing with your grandson."Suddenly, the comments section was filled with a chorus of "Mr. Salvatore".The host, upon seeing these comments, immediately put on a respectful expression and said, "Dear viewers
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Chapter 152
She knew Randall, of course. He was the President of Steinberg's traditional medicine organization and held a high position.If a man like him gave Sebastian such high remarks on his acupuncture technique, then it meant Sebastian was really good at it.But how?Whitney frowned.However, Mabel scoffed coldly and said, "It's just an acupuncture technique, so it can't showcase his medical skills. We're talking about his medical skills today, not his acupuncture technique. Is he really that great for using a few needles, huh? What a joke!"The host smiled and said, "Ms. Lucero is right. Let us continue watching Sebastian's skills."…Sebastian was done with the treatment and began storing his needles. "It's done," he announced. Joseph quickly moved his body and exclaimed, "My god! It's really not painful anymore! Dr. Ballard, your acupuncture technique is really top-tier! I was wrong for not recognizing you at first. I hope you forgive me."Sebastian smiled lightly. "All good. Bu
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Chapter 153
Dispel their doubts?The entire livestream suddenly became unusually lively and intense."Why does he think he can dispel doubts? He's just a freeloading scumbag! What right does he have to say that?" "Hilarious! What medical skills does he have?""Look at all those protective charms and mirrors of symbols in the room. If that's not the setup of a superstitious charlatan, what is it?"Of course, some alo started supporting Sebastian based on the acupuncture technique he displayed earlier."I think he might know a thing or two.""Yeah, even Mr. Salvatore praised his acupuncture technique. Someone like that surely must have medical skills.""He doesn't look like a scumbag. Maybe someone's intentionally trying to smear him?"Instantly, the two sides erupted into a heated argument within the livestream.In the studio, Whitney stared at the screen, her brows furrowed deeply. She then texted Mabel, "Are these comments from people you brought in?"Mabel replied calmly, "Yes, Ms. S
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Chapter 154
"Just admit that you don't have any medical skills, and I'll take care of the aftermath."Inside the shop, a phone chimed with a notification. Sebastian picked it up and glanced at it before he chuckled indifferently and replied with a message, "Ms. Sutton, you needn't worry about me. Unfortunately, I can cure him."After that, Sebastian paid no more attention to his phone. Upon seeing his replies, Whitney was furious beyond measure!Back in the studio, she saw on the camera feed that Sebastian had gestured for the middle-aged man to take a seat. After briefly examining him, Sebastian looked at the staff member holding the microphone and asked calmly, "Can I speak now?""You're done?" The staff member was puzzled.Sebastian nodded. "Yes."The comments in the livestream went wild again."He's done?""He just took a glance, and he's done?""Does he really know how to treat people…""Haha, let us wait and see."In the studio, the host seized the opportunity to ask, "Ms. S
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Chapter 155
"Holy crap! He actually got it right! And not a single detail was wrong!""Oh my goodness! Is he a miracle doctor?""Weren't they saying he had no medical skills? What's going on now?"The audience went wild, flooding the comments with excitement. The most amusing part was that, half a minute later, the comments in the livestream were completely uncontrollable. The word "Dr. Ballard" filled the screen. In the studio, the host turned toward Whitney and Mabel, looking quite surprised. Whitney frowned, feeling a bit shaken but maintaining a composed demeanor. On the other hand, Mabel wore a look of astonishment. Clearly, she hadn't expected Sebastian to actually be accurate. This livestream was originally intended to ruin Sebastian's reputation, but it had unexpectedly elevated him to the status of a miraculous doctor."Impossible! This medical report must be fake!" Mabel shouted at the camera without caring for her image."Enough!" Whitney's face sank as she glared at Mabe
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Chapter 156
Upon hearing his words, everyone was stunned.The patient and his family were also staring at Sebastian in confusion."Is it really curable?" asked the patient.Sebastian nodded. "Trust me.""You brat, you'd better think about this properly. If you can't treat him, I'd get really mad!" The patient's son glared at Sebastian angrily.Sebastian just smiled back.The staff member immediately said, "Okay, let's connect with some experts from Callaway Hospital and hear their opinions."Soon, the call was made.Addressing the camera, the staff member asked, "Hello, Dr. Powell."In the conference room at Callaway Hospital, Dr. Powell glanced at the other experts and unequivocally said, "Hello, I'm also watching your livestream. I can clearly tell the viewers that this patient's condition is very unique and challenging." He added, "It's a complicated case and practically incurable. We can only manage the pain with medication to sustain basic living.""Understood. So, you're saying t
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Chapter 157
The livestream descended into chaos. Did the patient really hug Sebastian's legs? What on earth was happening here? The patient's son, bewildered, hastily pulled his father up and anxiously asked, "Dad, you aren't in pain anymore?""Not in pain, truly… Dr. Ballard's medical skills are just too incredible!" the patient exclaimed with joy. He added, "Dr. Ballard, you have no idea what those seven years were like for me. Constant check-ups, medication every day… And now, with just a few taps from you, the pain is gone."With that, the patient seized the microphone from the staff, glaring into the camera. "Dr. Powell, you are nothing but a mediocre doctor! All of you at Callaway Hospital are quacks!"This moment instantly set the livestream on fire! The audience of 150 thousand fell oddly silent. Subsequently, the comment section was flooded with comments of sheer astonishment."No way? It got cured just like that?""My god… Is he really a miraculous doctor?""This isn't ju
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Chapter 158
Mabel smirked coldly.The more arrogant Sebastian was now, the more humiliating it would be later on if he couldn't cure the patient.Noah was stunned. Anger coursed through him, and his chest started to heave. "What did you just say? We're mediocre doctors? You're the first ever to call us that in so many years! You brat, you'd better cure this patient by tonight, or I'll make sure you can't survive in the medical field!"Then, Noah hung up and glared at the screen with a red face.The experts present sharply rebuked Sebastian, but he remained calm and unafraid. The patient and the patient's son, however, looked at Sebastian with a different gaze.The son, who moments ago had an imposing presence, immediately knelt down. "Dr. Ballard, I beg you to help my dad! As long as you can cure my dad, I'll be your servant for the rest of my life."With that, the burly man knocked his head against the floor.In the livestream, positive comments flooded the chat."That guy is really a
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Chapter 159
The staff exclaimed in surprise. Meanwhile, the comments in the livestream were filled with admiration for Randall.Ignoring the reactions, Randall hurriedly approached Sebastian, lowering himself respectfully as he asked, "Mr. Ballard, do you really know Expalyrium?"Sebastian looked up at the elderly man and asked, "Who are you?"For a moment, the scene seemed frozen, and the livestream fell silent. However, after a brief pause, chaos erupted."What the heck! He doesn't know Mr. Randall?""Does this guy really know medicine? He doesn't recognize Mr. Randall?""Damn! He doesn't even recognize the authority in Steinberg's medical field. I wanna run over and tell him that's Mr. Randall Salvatore!"In the studio, Mabel chuckled and said, "He doesn't even know Mr. Randall but claims to know medicine and talks about Expalyrium. It's truly laughable. Ms. Sutton, have you seen Sebastian's true colors now?"Whitney frowned but remained silent.Noah and the other experts from Callaway
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Chapter 160
"Superstitious practices?" Sebastian smiled faintly and said, "Continue the livestream. If anything happens, I'll take responsibility.""Um..." The staff hesitated and immediately sought guidance from their superiors. The leadership made a decisive decision to continue with the livestream! After all, the current engagement level was very high. Besides, with Randall Salvadore present, what was there to worry about?In the studio, Whitney couldn't help but raise an eyebrow when she saw what Sebastian was doing.Was he out of his mind? This was a live broadcast, and he was actually engaging in these superstitious practices!The host turned to Whitney and asked, "Ms. Sutton, what are your thoughts?"Whitney responded coldly, "I have no opinion. What he does is his own business."The host awkwardly chuckled.Noah and the others from Callaway Hospital burst into laughter."So, this is Expalyrium? Just a trick to deceive people with outdated superstitions.""Dr. Powell, it seems
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