All Chapters of The Amazing Doctor: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
770 Chapters
Chapter 171
In the courtyard of Howard's villa, more than a dozen bodyguards brought back from Janover stood guard. When Sebastian got out of the car, he went straight to Howard's room and saw him lying on the bed, pale-faced and weak.He looked like he was in a coma. Sebastian frowned and went up to him. Silver needles in his hand flashed, hovering midair before piercing Howard's chest one by one. Sebastian's spiritual energy flowed from his body into Howard through the silver needles. After a moment, Howard's eyes flung open. He took a deep breath and shivered. When he saw Sebastian before him, he trembled and sat up. He exclaimed, "Thank you… for saving my life, Dr. Ballard!" Sebastian removed his needles and frowned. He asked, "How did this happen? Didn't I give you a charm for protection?"Howard shook his head and clutched his chest, gasping. "It was all my fault. I slipped when I was taking a bath earlier. I hit my head, and blood stained the charm. Then I passed out."With that,
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Chapter 172
Sebastian remained indifferent, with no fear on his face. Beside him, Rosalie was the same, calm and composed. "Oh, there's three of them! Looks like we'll have to charge extra!"The two figures stepped forward, mocking and sneering. Their faces were twisted into an evil smile. The shorter figure laid his eyes on Rosalie and smirked perversely."There's a beauty here too. This mission is great! Just enough for the two of us to enjoy."The taller figure looked straight at Howard. His eyes were cold. "Mr. Tuffin, today is the day you die. Are you going to kill yourself, or do we have to do it?"None of them paid any attention to Sebastian throughout the whole exchange. They were extremely arrogant. Howard panicked, looking at Sebastian reluctantly.The shorter guy sneered. "Mr. Tuffin, there's no need to look. No one can save you today!"Sebastian calmly placed his cup down and said, "Is that so? What if I want to save him?"The two finally acknowledge Sebastian with cold eyes.
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Chapter 173
But in the next second, they only saw Sebastian lifting his hand up indifferently. He had grabbed the assassin's wrist! He barely even moved!The courtyard suddenly fell silent. The atmosphere had turned solemn. "What is going on!" The tall man was shocked and glanced around in a panic. No matter how much he used his strength, he couldn't move the dagger at all!Suddenly, Sebastian mockingly chuckled. "Is this all the strength of the Twin Killers of Zuebonia?""You! You're just looking to die!" As soon as he heard Sebastian's words, he was furious. He raised his foot and kicked the side of Sebastian's head!There was a cracking sound, and even the surrounding tables and chairs shook under the power of his kick! His kick exerted the force of at least a thousand pounds! Even an adult bull's skull would shatter under the power, let alone Sebastian, a human being! "With such ruthless power, it seems the only thing I can do is to eliminate the threat to others," Sebastian said col
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Chapter 174
With that strength, at the very least, he trained under a martial arts expert! Why would someone with such prowess reside in the small town of Steinberg? When did Howard get such a formidable expert by his side?"It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is, who sent you?" Sebastian asked him, his voice cold and condescending.Sabre chuckled coldly and replied, "Just go ahead and kill me. I won't betray my employer.""I see." Sebastian thought for a moment before looking at Howard and asked, "Mr. Tuffin, would you like to interrogate him, or should I?""Dr. Ballard, I don't want to trouble you with this. My people will do it," Howard replied quickly.Sebastian nodded. Howard made a call and seven to eight bodyguards rushed in from outside. The assassin, who was lying in his pool of blood, was dragged down the hall. Sebastian quickly took care of the guards' injuries. After everything was settled, Howard kept thanking him."Thank you, Dr. Ballard. Thank you for saving my life t
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Chapter 175
Tony's face darkened when he looked at the dead body on the ground. He said coldly, "Mr. Mitchell, I hope you won't disappoint me again."Wesley replied heartlessly, "Don't worry, Mr. Wright. I will personally kill him this time! Howard Tuffin won't be the only one dying tonight. The man who killed my disciple must die too!"…Sebastian went straight back to the small shop after leaving the courtyard. To his surprise, a Porsche 718 was parked outside the store. Behind the car was a woman standing with her hands on her hips.Her hair was tied in a ponytail, and she had a cold air around him. She was extremely captivating under the moonlight.Sebastian got out of his car and took a few steps when the woman walked over. "Dr. Ballard."He furrowed his brow and turned to look. It was Lorelai. What was she doing here?"Do you need something?" Sebastian asked calmly. Lorelai was about to speak but glanced at Rosalie beside him and immediately frowned. She was a very beautiful woman,
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Chapter 176
However, she felt hands on her butt. She had never been touched there by a man before! Sebastian had not only kicked her there, but now, he was also grabbing it.She let out a scream, followed by a slap. However, he caught her hand. He said disapprovingly, "Ms. Turner, this is too much. I was just trying to help you.""You shameless, disgusting jerk! Let go of me!" Lorelai shouted angrily. Her cheeks were flushed. She was ready to burst into tears any second. "Alright, you asked for it." Sebastian shrugged helplessly and let her go. Lorelai fell with a thud. Her perky butt fell right to the ground, but because of their perkiness, they even bounced. "Ah! You bastard!" She was so angry. She got up, clutching her butt, and pointed angrily at him. "You told me to let go." Sebastian shrugged. Lorelai stomped her foot in anger and glared at him angrily. "Just you wait! I'll be back."With that, she got into her car as she clutched her butt. She revved her engine, seemingly ven
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Chapter 177
Whitney raised her eyebrows indifferently. "Send him two flower bouquets.""Bouquets? Are you serious, Ms. Sutton?" Mabel found it unbelievable. Her face immediately showed annoyance. Whitney turned around to look at her. "Just because we're divorced doesn't mean we have to avoid each other. We were together for three years, after all. Besides, his company is just across the street from ours. Not sending congratulatory flowers would make me seem petty. Just do as I say."With that, she sat down and began working on some documents. Mabel frowned and replied, "I'll see to it."Then, she turned and left.…At the entrance of Rosé Corporation, Rosalie and Sebastian got out of the car.The workers and employees Rosalie had hired for him were bustling about. They were all smiles and bowing with a greeting. "Ms. Griffin, Mr. Ballard."When Sebastian heard them addressing him as such, he felt a wave of emotions. It had been two years, right? Once again, he had become a CEO. For a
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Chapter 178
"Personally, I would love to help you, Mr. Cobb. But you know, these things need some arrangements," Wallace said. Fergus replied, "Mr. Jenkins, you don't have to worry. I understand. Once the job is done, I'll send you fifty local specialties and not a cent less!""Hahaha, Mr. Cobb, you do know how to get things done. Alright, I'll make the arrangements." Wallace chuckled. Fergus hung up the phone, and his expression turned sly and cold. "Sebastian," he muttered, "if your company can continue operating in Steinberg, my name might as well be destroyed!"With that, he made another call. He ordered two bouquets and prepared to head down and watch the show.…In the afternoon, at the entrance of Rosé Corporation, two rows of bouquets were arranged. Sebastian and Rosalie stood at the entrance. They were getting ready for the ribbon-cutting ceremony.Suddenly, Sebastian's phone rang. He saw that it was the chief director of Steinberg Pharma, Zeke Fisher. "Mr. Fisher, what's wrong
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Chapter 179
"Seal it up?" Sebastian's expression changed instantly. He asked, "We just opened it. Why would there be any illegal medication production?"The middle-aged man said condescendingly, "We received mass reports. This type of situation requires your cooperation with our investigation."As they spoke, several Steinberg Pharma employees approached the building with a sealing tape. They were getting ready to seal off the premises.Rosalie immediately stepped forward, displeased. She shouted, "For what reasons are you sealing off the building? What illegal productions? Where did we violate regulations?"The middle-aged man's expression turned dark. He said sternly, "I said you're involved in illegal productions, so you are! If you dare obstruct our law enforcement, I'll take you all in for questioning!"You there, seal the place. Anyone who dares to block our way will be taken away for questioning!"With that command, several employees moved forward. They pushed aside people who blocked
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Chapter 180
"Mr. Jenkins, I believe we should try to minimize the issue. Let's not seal up the building for now and allow him to conduct a self-inspection, or let Sebastian cooperate with your investigation first," Whitney said.She added, "You know better than anyone that sealing a business on the day it opens will have a bad impact."The reason Whitney was going through all this trouble was because Sebastian saved her at the bar last night. She didn't want to owe him any favors. Otherwise, she wouldn't have even batted an eye.Wallace frowned and glanced at Fergus, who winked at him. He immediately understood the silent message.He shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, Ms. Sutton. But I must lock the building today! Whether there's a misunderstanding or not, we'll figure it out after the investigation.""Mr. Jenkins…" Whitney felt anxious. However, Wallace completely ignored her. He turned to Sebastian and said coldly, "Sebastian, right? I'm officially announcing that your company has to b
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