All Chapters of The Amazing Doctor: Chapter 411 - Chapter 420
770 Chapters
Chapter 411
The leader of the assassins was furious, wielding his sword and slashing toward Sebastian fiercely! They were accustomed to such treacherous killings, so their actions were swift and ruthless, not giving Sebastian any chance to react.Seeing the blade coming down, Rosalie paled in fright, and her expression turned ashen.In contrast, Sebastian remained calm, raising his hand calmly. With a flick of his fingers, a silver needle shot out!The silver needle swiftly and accurately pierced the chest of the leader. He stiffened and stood still in place. The long sword in his hand also clattered to the ground.He knelt with his body trembling."What's... happening? Why can't I move..." The leader was horrified, his face changing drastically as he collapsed to the ground with his eyes wide with fear. This young man before him was not to be trifled with! His skill with the needles was extraordinary."I thought you were so tough, but it turns out you're so weak, yet you still dare to a
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Chapter 412
"No, you saved my life, and I must repay this kindness!" Rosalie pouted, looking serious. Then, with a mischievous smile, she grabbed Sebastian's arm and said, "How about I marry you then…""What?" Sebastian spat out his drink, turning to stare at Rosalie in disbelief. This girl sure had some nerve. Alone together in the dead of night, she still dared to say something like that.But he couldn't deny that Rosalie looked stunningly beautiful, bathed in the faint light of the grocery store. She was a captivating beauty, and her smile at that moment was enchanting and irresistible.Sebastian couldn't help but steal a few more glances at Rosalie. Perhaps due to the effects of the alcohol, his heart was racing. But in the next moment, he shook himself out of his reverie, quickly averting his gaze. "Ms. Griffin, please don't joke like that. I have no interest in romantic affairs right now.""I was just kidding! Look at you. You're so taken aback!" Rosalie burst into laughter, causing
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Chapter 413
Watching Rosalie's frightened and pitiful appearance, Sebastian sighed helplessly.Sebastian got up, spread a blanket on the floor, and said, "I'll sleep on the floor."Rosalie didn't insist. She lay on the bed and turned to her side, looking at Sebastian sleeping on the floor with a shy smile on her face. "Sebastian, doesn't this make it feel like we're dating." Sebastian frowned and replied bluntly, "No.""Oh." Rosalie's expression changed instantly. She snorted and turned away from Sebastian, facing the other side. What a dense guy!Sebastian sighed helplessly as he glanced at Rosalie, feeling his mood fluctuate instantly.Rosalie lay on her side, and her figure was extremely alluring, especially with the shirt that reached just below her perky buttocks. That added to her allure, for sure.Her exquisite curves were irresistible to any man.Sebastian quickly recited a calming chant, rolled over, and forced himself to sleep.The next day, upon waking up, Sebastian saw a st
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Chapter 414
"Can't handle it? Impossible! No matter how tough or exhausting it is, I'm determined to learn!" Rosalie pounded her chest, showing great interest.In the past, Rosalie had tried learning martial arts, but she quickly lost interest. One reason was that her teachers were all elderly and boring, and the other was that she wasn't very motivated to learn.But now it was different. Sebastian was teaching her, and even if she had to endure hardships every day, she was determined to learn."I'm going to be your bodyguard, so why bother learning?" Sebastian countered.Rosalie answered, "There will be times when you're not around. Learning self-defense is necessary."After a moment of thought, Sebastian nodded and said, "Alright, I'll teach you."As if remembering something, Sebastian stood up and rummaged through a drawer in the back room, then handed Rosalie an emerald pendant."What's this?" Rosalie took the emerald pendant and curiously examined it."It's for defense. I've inscrib
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Chapter 415
Sebastian's expression darkened. He raised a hand and grabbed the woman's wrist as he said impassively, "Physical violence is wrong, don't you think?"Rosalie was so scared that she hid behind him."Bastard! How dare you fight back?" The woman in the sunhat was furious. She lifted her other hand to slap Sebastian. Sebastian frowned and slapped her first. "This is for not following the traffic laws. You made an illegal turn and ran a red light!"He slapped her again. "This is for being unreasonable and not obeying the law!"He slapped her a third time. "And this is for being irrational and even trying to attack us!"Sebastian was angry too. He slapped her viciously as he scolded her. He used so much force that he sent her sunhat and sunglasses flying. The arrogant woman was completely dazed, and her face swelled up on both sides. Her nose, chin, and cheekbones, which she had just had plastic surgery on, were now completely out of place. She could taste the blood in her mouth.
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Chapter 416
The car door opened. Crystal and Dante rushed out, followed by about a dozen thugs.Sebastian raised an eyebrow when he saw them."Shannon, are you alright? What's going on?" Crystal rushed over when she took in the scene. She asked Shannon, "What did you crash into? Where's the other party? Don't worry, I've brought people.""Aunt Crystal, look at my face! Look at what's happened to it! How can I attend Whitney's wedding when I look like this?" Shannon whined. When Crystal saw the injuries on Shannon's face, she was furious. She yelled, "Don't worry, I'll get justice for you! No matter who the other party is, I'll hack them to pieces for being so bold in Steinberg!"Dante stepped over to them importantly and shouted, "Frickign hell! How dare they hit my cousin? Do they have a death wish?""It's that guy, Dante!" Shannon pointed at Sebastian and Rosalie.She rushed over to Sebastian and shouted, "Weren't you pretending to be cool just now, you asshole? Let me see what you'll
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Chapter 417
When Shannon heard that Crystal wanted to call the police, she yelled, "Aunt Crystal, you can't call the police…""What's wrong, Shannon? Didn't you say that he crashed into you and hit you? We should call the police. What are you afraid of?" Crystal asked. She challenged Sebastian. "Sebastian, call the police now if you dare!"Sebastian shook his head and smiled in resignation. He lifted his phone as if he were about to make the call.Shannon panicked. She knew that she was the one who had broken the law. If they called the police, she would be arrested for sure!"You can't call the police!" She bawled. Crystal and Dante looked at her in confusion, and Crystal asked, "What's wrong, Shannon? What are you afraid of? I'll take care of everything!"Shannon pulled on Crystal's arm and said tearfully, "Aunt Crystal, I, I…""What is going on? Spit it out! You're making me nervous!" Crystal shouted.Sebastian laughed and said, "What else could it be? She made an illegal turn and ra
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Chapter 418
Crystal and Dante followed them anxiously.When they arrived at the police station, Sebastian gave his statement and handed over the footage from his dashcam. He and Rosalie went out after that. As for Shannon, he didn't care what happened to her. Outside, he saw Crystal and Dante. The two of them were waiting anxiously and making dozens of phone calls to try and use their connections."You asshole! I won't let you get away with this!" Crystal hissed as she glared at Sebastian.She added, "Winnie is about to arrive! You can explain to her when she gets here!" Sebastian frowned. At that moment, there was the sound of harried footsteps outside. It was someone wearing high heels. A slender figure entered, wearing a face mask and sunglasses. "What's going on, Mom? Why has Shannon been arrested?" Whitney ran in with Mabel, looking anxious. Crystal grabbed Whitney and wailed pitifully, "Winnie, you're finally here! What else could the reason be? It's that asshole Sebastian's
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Chapter 419
Dante sidled up and said, "That's right, Winnie! What Ms. Lucero said makes sense. Mom and I think so too."I mean, why did he have to get into a car accident right before your wedding? Not only that, he just had to crash into Shannon! Isn't it obvious that he did it on purpose?"He just wants to mess up your wedding. He wants to embarrass you and make you angry so that you'll keep thinking about him!"Crystal added, "Winnie, do you finally see what kind of person Sebastian is? He's not a good person! He knows you're getting married the day after tomorrow, and he's making trouble like this to embarrass you on purpose!"Whitney's eyes flashed under her sunglasses. She said coldly, "Alright, stop it. I get it. What about Shannon? What's the situation now?"Crystal said anxiously, "The police are still taking her statement."Whitney frowned. She looked back at Mabel and said, "Ms. Mabel, find out if we can use some connections to minimize the consequences of this incident."Mabel n
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Chapter 420
Alvin Janssen frowned and looked rather unhappy.He was the heir of the Janssen family in Janover and was very wealthy. He was also a passionate suitor of Rosalie's. He and Stephen Beckard were dubbed the "Janover Gentlemen". Stephen was the second son of the Janover Beckard family. They had been given the nickname because both of them were courting Rosalie, and they had fought over her many times. "A boy toy? How could that be? Rosalie is such a proud woman. She even turned up her nose at Mr. Janssen and Mr. Beckard. Would she go for a boy toy in a tiny city like Steinberg?" the woman in the blonde man's arms spoke up, looking disparaging. "Maybe Rosalie likes that kind of thing?" The blonde man laughed.Alvin frowned and glared at him. He said coldly, "Don't slander others without reason, especially Rosalie! Don't speak ill of her in front of me!"The blonde man was startled. His smile dropped at once, and he said formally, "I'm sorry, Mr. Janssen."Alvin snorted. He look
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