All Chapters of The Amazing Doctor: Chapter 421 - Chapter 430
770 Chapters
Chapter 421
Alvin clearly wanted to tell Sebastian that he was not worthy of being friends with them.Rosalie looked very angry. She said grimly, "What are you saying, Alvin? Stop throwing your weight around and bullying Sebastian! If you keep doing that, I'll leave."Rosalie took Sebastian's hand and turned to leave.Alvin immediately became anxious. He stopped her and smiled, saying, "Rosalie, I was just joking. Don't take it so seriously."As he spoke, Alvin looked down and saw that Rosalie was holding Sebastian's hand. His eyelid twitched, and he felt rage rise up inside him!What right did Sebastian have to hold hands with Rosalie!"Hey man, since Rosalie brought you, we'll let you hang out with us." Alvin spoke loftily to Sebastian.He did not want to make Rosalie angry. Sebastian frowned slightly, looking very displeased.He was about to open his mouth to make a retort, but Rosalie tugged at his arm and said apologetically, "I'm sorry about Alvin. That's just what he's like. Don't
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Chapter 422
Alvin, Jason, and Cassandra's expressions changed slightly.Alvin scoffed and walked over to the course. He said coldly, "Let's have a competition, then."Jason and Cassandra looked disdainfully at Sebastian and followed Alvin.Sebastian fell into step behind them.Rosalie stamped her foot. She had no choice but to catch up to them.When they arrived on the course, Alvin rested his club on his shoulder and pointed at the flag of the hole in front of them. He said confidently, "Hit the ball into that hole within five strokes. How about it?"Alvin glanced at Sebastian and saw that the latter was still fiddling with his golf club. Alvin shook his head and laughed scornfully. Sebastian didn't look like he knew how to play at all."You don't look like you know how to play. How about ten strokes, then?" Alvin relaxed the rules. He was being very arrogant.Sebastian swung his golf club and looked over at the hole, which was several hundred feet away. He smiled and said, "Let's do it
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Chapter 423
Jason's expression twisted.Eat the ball?He couldn't do that!Sebastian scoffed at Jason's incredulous expression. "What now, are you going to go back on your word?"Jason blanched and he hesitated for a second before he stammered, "I…"However, Rosalie cut him off with a cold scoff. "Jason! A man shouldn't go back on their words! Don't make me think any less of you!" "I'm not fucking eating the ball!" Jason snapped indignantly. "I bet this bastard set me up just to humiliate me!" That was a golf ball!Who in the world would willingly eat a golf ball?He would end up in the hospital if he did!"You think I set you up? It seems like you're saying that you want to go back on your words, Mr. Wellington," Sebastian said with a mocking grin.Jason's eye twitched in annoyance at Sebastian's smug expression.He had planned to humiliate Sebastian but now he was the one getting humiliated!Just then, Alvin cleared his throat before he said, "Alright! We're all friends here to
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Chapter 424
After that, the five of them unhappily moved to the rest area.Alvin, Jason, and Cassandra sat together as they sipped their wine.Meanwhile, Sebastian sat with Rosalie on the other end.Cassandra was scrolling through her phone when she suddenly remembered something and exclaimed, "Oh, right Mr. Janssen. Your family business has to do with cosmetics right?""Have you heard of this viral face mask? The Artic Snow Mask?" she asked. "I heard that it's incredibly effective and a lot of my friends have recommended it to me!"Alvin nodded. "I've heard of it. Though Rosalie is the reason why I came to Steinberg, I'm also here because of that face mask.""My analyst has already analyzed that face mask and has deemed it as a face mask comparable to most of the high-end face masks that have been released thus far," he continued."I've heard of this face mask as well!" Jason chimed in. "My mom is using it as well! I heard that it managed to rank top two in sales in Steinberg without any
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Chapter 425
Everyone's jaw dropped at that and Alvin, Jason and Cassandra's expressions were of utter disbelief.What did Sebastian mean by that?Why did he need to approve?What did he mean?Was he saying that he was the owner of the Artic Snow Mask?Alvin frowned at Sebastian. "What do you mean by that? Are you the man behind the Artic Snow Mask?" "Yes," Sebastian replied mildly.Jason and Cassandra burst into mocking giggles at that."No way! You're the owner of the company behind the Artic Snow Mask?" Jason exclaimed in disbelief as he laughed boisterously.Cassandra also giggled as she asked, "Rosalie, your friend is hilarious. How could he even think to say something so outrageous?"She then turned to Sebastian before she said, "How could you be the owner of the company of Artic Snow Mask and still dress like that?"Sebastian remained stone-faced even as everyone else laughed at him.Rosalie opened her mouth to defend him but before she could say anything, Sebastian placed his h
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Chapter 426
To show off just how powerful he was, Alvin then turned to Scorpio and challenged, "Fight me!"Scorpio raised an eyebrow before he scoffed. "I admit you have some skill but that won't be enough for you to defeat me!"Scorpio then roared and stomped his foot, making spiritual energy roll off him in waves.After that, he swung a fist right at Alvin's face at the speed of light.Alvin didn't even have time to react and he was thrown backward.Alvin's face was stained with blood and he clutched his broken nose as he got back onto his feet."Fuck you! Don't you know martial arts etiquette?" he snarled as he glared at Scorpio.However, Alvin knew deep down that Scorpio was not an easy opponent."Come on then. Fight me!" Scorpio mocked, beckoning Alvin with the same hand gesture that he had used moments ago.Alvin felt his temper rise and he roared, "How dare you mock me! I'll give you a chance, if you beg for mercy, I'll let you live. If not, I'll attack and you'll definitely die!"
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Chapter 427
The three men wore equally bloodthirsty expressions and it was clear that they were nothing like Scorpio and his men.These three men were true killers!The energy they radiated was oppressive and filled with bloodlust and it made Jason and Cassandra shudder.The both of them then scrambled behind Alvin.Alvin, for some reason, seemed oblivious and he arrogantly scoffed, "Oh look! Another three people who have a death wish!"The man wearing the black martial arts robe took one look at Scorpio and his men, who were on the ground, and asked, "You did this?""Yeah! What about it?" Alvin replied confidently. "What is it? Do the three of you want to end up like them too?""What a cocky bastard. I'm looking forward to seeing you beg me for mercy," the man in black replied coldly."Fuck you! You're the one who's going to beg for mercy!" Alvin growled. "Do you think I'm scared of you? I graduated from Janover School of Martial Arts as one of their top five students!"After that, Alvin
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Chapter 428
Alvin was shocked and his terror only grew when he saw the gleaming dagger.Fugitives!These men were fugitives!He was doomed.However, Rosalie was still watching him so he couldn't possibly back down. He gritted his teeth and snarled, "If you have the balls, you'll tell me your names!"The man in the black robes smiled coldly before he replied, "Listen up then, we're the Demonic Trio!""What? The Demonic Trio?" Alvin stammered in disbelief as sweat beaded on his forehead."Fuck! They're The Demonic Trio…" Cassandra and Jason muttered fearfully.The Demonic Trio were notorious for their crimes and were the most feared criminals in the northwest region.These three brothers had murdered hundreds of people and were the epitome of a criminal!They were so terrifying that they could scare off stray dogs with just a glare and Cassandra, Jason, and Alvin were also shocked into silence at this revelation."It's doomed. The Demonic Trio are the worst of the worst criminals," Cassa
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Chapter 429
Sebastian frowned and raised an arm to grab at the man in green's fist.After that, there was a crunch as Sebastian broke the man's arm effortlessly.The man let out an anguished howl of pain. His right arm was currently at an odd angle and his bone was exposed.Before the man could do anything else, Sebastian grabbed his neck and with a flick of his wrist, he broke the man's neck.It all happened so quickly that the man probably didn't even know how exactly he had died.The man in green's body slumped lifelessly to the ground and everyone present was horrified.That was terrifying!Sebastian had killed him in a matter of seconds… was he a demon?Jason and Cassandra's expression shifted from fear to confusion and now terror and it was as if they were seeing Sebastian in a new light."Brother!" the remaining man, who was wearing a grey martial arts robe, yelled."You bastard! You killed my brothers! Prepare to die!" the man howled.After that, spiritual energy rolled off his
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Chapter 430
The man spat out a mouthful of blood and his expression was one of pure terror as he stared at Sebastian."Who… who are you? Why are you so powerful?" he stammered."How could you call yourself a part of The Demonic trio with your measly skills?" Sebastian asked mildly.Everyone was shocked into silence at that. Jason looked like he had seen a ghost and Cassandra couldn't believe what she had just seen.Alvin was also rendered speechless.Jason swallowed unconsciously. "Impossible… is he a monster?" he stammered.The Demonic Trio were notorious and everyone knew how powerful they were and yet Sebastian had easily defeated them.Cassandra's eyes were as wide as saucers and were filled with pure terror."How is he so strong?" she asked in disbelief.She thought that Sebastian was nothing more than a pretty face but it seemed like she was wrong.He was definitely more than just a pretty face and he might even be more powerful than Alvin, who was quite well-known within the mar
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