Semua Bab The Amazing Doctor: Bab 431 - Bab 440
748 Bab
Chapter 431
Stephen huffed and rolled his eyes before he snapped, "Did you have something to do with Rosalie's attempted kidnapping?"Sebastian frowned in annoyance. "What are you trying to say?" he asked in a low voice.Stephen scoffed. "Isn't it obvious? I suspect that you're the mastermind behind this! I bet you staged this just so you can heroically save her and make her fall for you even more!" he sneered."You have such a strong imagination, Mr. Beckard. Have you considered becoming a writer?" Sebastian mocked."Drop the act!" Stephen snapped. Then, he turned to his men and ordered, "Take down this bastard!"Stephen's bodyguards, who had been standing at attention behind him, quickly sprang into action. They moved to grab Sebastian."That's enough!" Rosalie snapped. Her expression was thunderous as she continued, "What do you think you're doing, Stephan? Sebastian just saved me! How could you accuse him of planning this?""You've been blinded by him, Rosalie! Think about it. Besides
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Chapter 432
Stephen paled at the sight. "Impossible!" he exclaimed in disbelief.Shadow was a professional archer he had recently hired from Janover to beat Sebastian, yet Sebastian had easily defeated him!Just how powerful was Sebastian?Shadow clutched his chest as he spat out another mouthful of fresh blood. His eyes were filled with terror as he asked, "How are you so strong? Which sect are you from?"Sebastian glared at him disdainfully as he replied, "You don't deserve to know that. However, I see that the Thunder Bow Sect is still as weak as ever."He sneered, "Besides being able to use a bow and arrow, everyone in your sect is practically useless!"Sebastian's words had their intended effect, and Shadow stared at him in horror as he asked, "You… you know my sect?""Is there a problem?" Sebastian challenged with a smile.Ignoring Shadow, he turned his attention to Stephen, who looked as pale as a sheet. "Mr. Beckard, if you have any other tricks up your sleeve, you can just revea
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Chapter 433
Whitney was rendered speechless before her temper flared, and she snapped, "What are you trying to say? Don't beat around the bush!"She was livid. How could Sebastian say that?Sebastian chuckled. "Ms. Sutton, have I not made myself clear? Do you need me to be more direct?"Whitney frowned and shouted into the receiver coldly, "Go on then! Be more direct! I would love to hear what you have to say!""Alright. Let's never meet again. Just prepare for your wedding to Fergus," Sebastian replied curtly. His finger then hovered over the "End Call" button."Sebastian!" Whitney screeched before he could hang up.Sebastian brought the phone back to his ear. "Do you need something else, Ms. Sutton?" "You were the one who forced me to get married to Fergus!""I forced you? When did I do that?"Whitney huffed and opened her mouth to vent her feelings but swallowed her words at the last minute."Whatever, I don't have the energy to argue with you," she huffed instead. "I wanted to talk
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Chapter 434
Stephen returned to his hotel and was in a foul mood."Useless trash!" he roared as he kicked an already injured Shadow.Shadow crashed to the floor and mumbled gruffly, "I'm sorry, Mr. Beckard. I was no match for him."Stephen was furious as he snapped, "Aren't the disciples of the Thunder Bow Sect always saying that they are undefeatable? Look! You were defeated by a useless idiot! How embarrassing!"Shadow had nothing to say to defend himself, and Stephen planted himself onto the sofa with a huff. Once his anger had subsided slightly, he turned to Shadow with a dark expression."What do we do now? That Sebastian bastard is so arrogant that I won't feel good if I don't teach him a lesson!"Shadow scrambled to his feet and bowed respectfully. "Mr. Beckard, I have a senior who is one of the best disciples of my sect. He would only need three arrows to kill Sebastian, and he doesn't even need to be close to him to do so." Stephen's mood visibly brightened. "Really?""Yes."
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Chapter 435
"Why are you here?" Sebastian asked with a frown when he saw Whitney and immediately stopped messing around with Rosalie."Do you really think I wanted to come?" Whitney scoffed. "Asshole!"With that, she turned and stormed off.She was furious!How could Sebastian be so close to Rosalie?She just saw Rosalie kiss him, and he didn't even reject her advances!What an asshole!Whitney's anger only rose when she realized that Sebastian hadn't come chasing after her to explain himself.She stomped angrily as she stood by the road and grumbled, "Why did I leave? It's not like I was the one who did anything wrong! Why did I have to leave?"At that thought, Whitney got even angrier, and finally, she returned to the convenience store.Seeing Whitney storm back into the convenience store, Sebastian frowned. "Why are you here again?" he asked. Whitney stomped into the convenience store and tossed her bag on the couch before sitting in front of Rosalie.She folded her arms and crosse
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Chapter 436
Whitney's tone was mocking as she asked, "The best man you've ever met?"She scoffed. "Ms. Griffin, I really don't understand how someone as useless as him is the best man you've ever met. I've been married to him for three years and know exactly what kind of man he is."We're both women, so let me warn you. He's not worth it."Rosalie flashed Whitney a light smile. "Whether or not he's worth it is up to me to decide. You'll never know how good he is because, to you, he'll always be useless. "However, it's precisely because of your bias against him that leads to so many misunderstandings between you two."Whitney frowned, her expression souring. What an unpleasant interaction.After a while, she sighed. "Regardless, nothing's going to change now. My impression of him won't change unless he really does something to change it.""You'll understand in the future just how foolish your decision was, Ms. Sutton," Rosalie said with a smile, but the glare that she shot Whitney was fille
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Chapter 437
Sebastian frowned. "That's not what I meant," he explained with an exasperated sigh.When did their relationship deteriorate so much?Whitney's expression was frosty as she snapped, "Then what do you mean? All I want is a letter of understanding from you so Shannon can be free. Is that too much to ask?"Or are you just preventing Shannon from attending my wedding as revenge to humiliate me?"Sebastian remained silent.Whitney didn't mind his silence and continued, "I'm getting married to Fergus in two days, and everyone who's anyone in Steinberg will be present! Why can't you just let me get married in peace?""Why… Why do you have to make things so difficult?" Whitney asked finally with a shaky voice as she knelt on the floor."Why is everyone forcing me to do things I don't want to do? Even you are forcing me!" she cried.Sebastian sighed as he stood silently to the side. He used to be able to comfort her whenever she cried, but he couldn't do that now. They were already divo
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Chapter 438
"I know more than you think, and it's precisely because I know so much that I chose to maintain a low profile. "I'm not interested in the petty squabbles that come with being at the top. And I know full well the second I allow myself to get entangled in that mess, I'll never know a day of peace," Sebastian saidWhitney smiled as she eyed him with disappointment and thinly veiled disdain. "How could you say something like that now? Do you have no shame?" she demanded."Such words would've probably worked on me in the past and Ms. Griffin now, but it won't work on me now," she sneered.Sebastian simply shook his head, unwilling to explain himself to her. Perhaps it was for the best that she didn't believe him."I'm warning you, if you don't actually like Rosalie and you're only using her for your personal gain, let her know! Don't lie to her like that! She's innocent and naive, and I don't want to see her hurt by a jerk like you," Whitney hissed as she glared at him.Sebastian tur
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Chapter 439
The Carlton family was shaken to its core as the general had returned. A monumental celebration was in order!Kevin hurried inside from the backyard. Upon entering the living room, he was met with the sight of a tall, imposing middle-aged man standing in the hall. His commanding presence radiated authority and fierceness as he stood there, hands behind his back."Lucas! You're finally back…" Tears streamed down Kevin's face.Lucas Carlton was Kevin's eldest son and the only general in the Carlton family. He held a prestigious position in the western military district, commanding thirty thousand soldiers. If all went as planned, he would earn another star in the latter half of the year. By then, the Carlton family would be the undisputed leading family of Sunway!Lucas turned and quickly helped Kevin to a grand armchair. With a flourish of his cloak, he kneeled on one knee and said, "Father, I have returned.""Good, get up," Kevin replied, visibly moved.Lucas quickly rose and
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Chapter 440
Lorraine burst into the room and flung herself into Lucas' arms, her voice filled with distress. "Lucas, you must avenge me this time. Catch that scoundrel, and let me torment him thoroughly!"Lucas looked at Lorraine, nodding firmly as he said, "Alright! I promise you, I'll capture that brat and let you have your revenge."Lorraine was pleased with his words. "How are your injuries?" Lucas asked. "They're mostly healed, thanks to Richard from the Hundred Heaven Sect. He gave me a healing pill that sped up my recovery," Lorraine replied.Lucas nodded just as Richard entered the room, exuding an air of wisdom and serenity. He bowed to Lucas. "Greetings, General Carlton."Lucas returned the gesture. "No need for such formality, Mr. Jett. You're a great benefactor to our family. Without you, Lorraine's recovery wouldn't have been so swift."Richard chuckled and said, "General Carlton, you jest. With the relationship between the Hundred Heaven Sect and your family, it was but a sm
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