All Chapters of The Amazing Doctor: Chapter 441 - Chapter 450
748 Chapters
Chapter 441
Before anyone inside Frostwave Corporation could grasp the situation, Lucas arrived swiftly outside the company building. Two or three dozen elite soldiers accompanied him. The arrival of the military jeeps caused an immediate stir amongst the company's employees. Why would military vehicles be parked outside the building?Without waiting for the staff's reaction, Lucas swung open the car door. With a flick of his cloak, he commanded, "Seal off Frostwave Corporation, now!""Yes, sir!"The two or three dozen soldiers charged into Frostwave Corporation, swiftly sealing off the building. Every entrance and exit was manned by fully armed soldiers with live ammunition, and no one was allowed in or out.In less than a minute, Frostwave Corporation's executives and shareholders were all detained by several soldiers in the meeting room. At that moment, Lucas stood with his back turned to the executives kneeling on the floor. His gaze was cold and indifferent as he looked through th
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Chapter 442
Mabel was so afraid that she stuttered. "Where's Whitney Sutton?" Lucas asked coldly.Mabel was terrified, and her face paled as she replied, "I-I don't know…""Hmm?" Lucas' gaze sharpened. Mabel quickly amended her response, "I-I know, I know! Ms. Sutton should have gone to see Sebastian to discuss the matter with her cousin. Looking at the time, she should be returning to the company soon…"Before she could finish, a figure with a graceful silhouette entered through the door—it was Whitney.When she was downstairs, she noticed the soldiers standing at the entrance. After identifying herself as the CEO of the company, Whitney was allowed inside."I'm Whitney," she declared as she stepped into the room. Whitney cast a glance at the executives kneeling on the floor before turning her gaze to Lucas. She forced herself to appear composed and asked, "I wonder what brings you to our company so unexpectedly? Is there something important you wish to discuss?"Whitney tried to ma
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Chapter 443
At Lucas' command, two soldiers quickly stepped forward and escorted Whitney out of the conference room. They took her to a jeep and drove away from Frostwave Corporation. The company's top executives and shareholders stood at the door, visibly shaken. It wasn't until the dozen or so military jeeps had been gone for a while that they dared to wipe the cold sweat from their foreheads and speak. "It's over. It's all over for Ms. Sutton now…" "We've offended the Sunway Carlton family. What's going to happen to the company?" "Quick! Call an emergency meeting!"The group of executives and shareholders hurried back to the conference room for an emergency meeting. Realizing the gravity of the situation, Mabel quickly dialed Sebastian's number.Sebastian was in the convenience store, handling some emerald stones. He was going to refine them into safety stones. Suddenly, his phone rang. Reluctantly, he answered after the persistent ringing. As soon as he did, Mabel's furious
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Chapter 444
"Enough, I'm not here to chat. I need you to do something for me," Sebastian said coldly.Draco, clearly annoyed, retorted. "Hey, Sebastian, watch your tone. Call me Commander Kolt! And if you're calling to ask for a favor, shouldn't you start with some pleasantries? Is this how you ask for help?"At that moment, inside the Department of Defense building, in a spacious and brightly lit office, a young man in his mid-twenties sat relaxed in a chair with his legs crossed. He was dressed in a dark green military uniform with a dragon head emblem proudly displayed on his shoulder. His sharp eyes added to his imposing demeanor.Beside him stood two lieutenants, each with three gold stars on their shoulders, standing silently. However, their gazes toward Draco were filled with admiration and envy.After all, the man casually lounging in the chair was one of the newly appointed top five commanders of the Dramon Department of Defense, known as Commander Draco!At just 26 years old, he c
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Chapter 445
After Sebastian ended the call, he immediately drove toward the Sunway Carlton family estate.Meanwhile, chaos erupted at the Sutton family home. "What? Winnie was taken?" Crystal nearly fainted upon hearing the news.The day after tomorrow was her daughter's wedding to Fergus, a momentous occasion, and now this catastrophe had struck.Tears streaked Mabel's face as she cried, "You all need to think of something to save Ms. Sutton! It was General Lucas Carlton from the Carlton family who took her.""What? General Lucas Carlton from the Sunway Carlton family?" Edna exclaimed, her eyes widening in shock as she stood abruptly from her chair. Then, as the gravity of the situation sank in, she collapsed into the chair, a look of despair spreading across her face. "It's over. The Sutton family is finished… With that general from the Carlton family involved, do we even stand a chance?"Crystal's face turned pale with fear as she cursed, "It's all that damn Sebastian's fault! If he
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Chapter 446
Lorraine had been waiting for this day for so long!When she thought about how she was tortured because of Whitney, she wanted so badly to skin her and Sebastian alive!Whitney turned toward Lorraine, her eyes brimming with cold defiance. She spat out the blood in her mouth and looked at Lorraine, giving a cold laugh. "Ms. Carlton, do as you please; kill or mutilate me then."Lorraine was intensely irked by Whitney's fearless demeanor.With a sneer, she crossed her arms and circled Whitney twice. Then, bending down to meet Whitney's gaze, she sneered menacingly. "Whitney, do you think I'd let you off so easily by letting you die?"Touching Whitney's cheek, Lorraine smirked. "Oh, the wounds on your face have healed quite quickly. What medicine did you use?"Noticing that Whitney's facial wounds had almost completely healed, leaving no scars, and thinking of her grotesque scars, Lorraine felt a surge of bitterness."I won't tell you!" Whitney retorted stubbornly.Lorraine slapped
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Chapter 447
In the living room of the Carlton Manor, Lorraine walked out with an unhappy expression and asked, "Lucas, where is Sebastian?"Lucas took a sip of tea and said, "No worries. I have already put words out. If he still cares about his ex-wife, he'll apologize soon.""Really? That's great! I'll skin him alive then!" Lorraine said through gritted teeth, and her eyes were filled with hatred.If it wasn't for Sebastian, she wouldn't have suffered so much pain! Every time she recalled the things she had gone through, she would get so furious.As the lady of the Carlton family, she had always been loved and spoiled by her family. Nobody had ever treated her this way since she was young, and this remained for over 40 years!However, a stupid brat treated her so badly! Hence, she would avenge herself no matter what!"Where's that woman?" Lucas asked.Lorraine sat down and said, "I put her in the cabin with ten men having fun with her. I even asked them to record everything to release it t
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Chapter 448
Lucas let out a cold laugh before speaking, "Quite the audacity to show up alone at Carlton Manor. Saves me the trouble of hunting you down myself."Sebastian, uninterested in Lucas' words, cut straight to the point. "Where's Whitney?"Stepping forward with arms crossed, Lorraine grinned with a mix of triumph and malice. "Your ex-wife, right? Well, I've got ten men keeping her company. Bet she's having a blast."Sebastian's expression shifted dramatically at her words, his energy bursting forth with intensity."What did you just say?" Sebastian's voice boomed with anger.Lorraine shot back, "Can't wrap your head around it? Let me spell it out for you! I've got ten guys hanging out with your ex-wife, probably having a wild time. "And guess what? I've gone the extra mile and hired a top-notch director to film it all, turning it into a blockbuster shown all over Steinberg. Everyone's gonna see just how wild your ex-wife can get!" Her laughter echoed with madness."How dare you!" S
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Chapter 449
Sebastian gazed calmly at the fist charging toward him, his eyes gleaming with determination. With unwavering resolve, he met the incoming fist with his own!Seeing Sebastian throw a punch, Lucas became furious beyond measure!"You arrogant brat! Daring to exchange blows with me? You truly don't know your limits!" Lucas roared, increasing the force behind his punch. His fist, like a cannonball, broke the sound barrier as it thundered toward Sebastian's fist.A deafening explosion echoed through the entire Carlton Manor, sounding like thunder reverberating through the sky."Alright! Lucas, knock him out with one punch!" Lorraine cheered from behind, visibly excited. She could already envision Sebastian's defeat at the hands of her brother's mighty blow.However, the next moment, an astonishing scene unfolded!Lorraine and the Carlton family guards who had rushed over watched as Lucas was sent staggering backward by a single punch!He retreated for over a dozen steps, his foot s
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Chapter 450
S-Sebastian… I'm so hot. I can't wait any longer… Help me…" Whitney lost her rationality and began to beg. The ten burly men laughed even more lecherously."I told you, this drug is amazing. Who would've thought Ms. Sutton, with her pure and virtuous image, would be so full of womanly charm? Shall I go first?"Then, one of the burly men approached Whitney, tearing off her skirt and exposing her flushed skin. Although Whitney was still subconsciously resisting, she was completely powerless.Just as the burly man reached out to touch Whitney's chest, the door of the cabin was kicked open with a bang. Several burly men standing behind the door were kicked away by a powerful force, crashing onto the floor and against the wall. They vomited blood and died on the spot.Then, a tall, angry figure walked in through the door.At that moment, Sebastian was undoubtedly the Grim Reaper.Seeing the scene inside the room and Whitney's condition, Sebastian frowned and shouted coldly, "You
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