All Chapters of His Wicked Games series: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
116 Chapters
Chapter 51
- LOUISA -I'm a bitch.I never should have let Ian come here. I never should have gone into his motel room. I never should have kissed him or undressed him or let him think even for a minute that I could return the feelings he has for me. But once again, I allowed myself to get caught up in my own emotions. My own needs.Tears burn in my eyes as I drive back to the estate, but I refuse to let them fall. I don't deserve to cry. I'm never going to change, am I? Every time I show signs of being a decent human being, my true nature has to rear its ugly head again.I can still see Ian's face in my mind. Still see his eyes full of anger and disappointment. Somehow in the past two months he's convinced himself that I have the ability to change. To learn from my mistakes and become the girl he always thought I was. The girl that never really existed in the first place.It's past ten o'clock by the time I reach the estate, and though I know I should go to bed, there's no way I'm going to
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Chapter 52
- LOUISA -Surprise, surprise - I don't get much sleep that night. It doesn't seem to matter how exhausted my body is. The minute I lie down, my mind starts to race, and on the occasions I do manage to drift off, strange dreams keep waking me up again.I use the time to my advantage, getting to work on the wine bottles. A quick Internet search brings up several ways to remove a wine label without damaging it, and a short time later, I have the labels from both bottles in my hand. I consider keeping the one for the Miel Doré, but it's not worth the risk. Tomorrow, I'll sneak back into the cellar and glue these labels on other bottles - ones that haven't made it into the database yet - and if I pull this off, no one will notice that either wine was gone in the first place.The project keeps me busy, but it doesn't keep my mind from drifting back to Ward. To the way he looked at me. I already know what it feels like to kiss him, how fully my body responds to his. If I'd wanted, I coul
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Chapter 53
- LOUISA -Those last few days before the press members arrive go by in a blur. Mr. Haymore apparently thinks I'm the Energizer Bunny. He has me doing so many things I'm shocked that I'm still standing.But I like being busy. I feel productive. And that's a much better alternative than stewing on my problems. I don't have time to think about the fact that Ian hasn't responded to my message - whether to worry about how he's taking the news or to be relieved that he's accepted my decision. And I don't have time to think about Ward - to wonder how he's recovering from his injuries or think about the fact that the impending grand opening means his work here is very close to done. Even if he's well enough to get back on the job, there's a chance I'll never see him again.By the time the big morning comes, I'm both physically and mentally exhausted. The only reason I'm not in a puddle on the floor is that I'm jacked up on four cups of coffee. If I stand in one place for too long, my enti
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Chapter 54
- LOUISA -The next morning, I'm still in a daze.I'm exhilarated and confused and... I don't know what. Completely addled. Maybe last night was a mistake. Maybe I'm just doing it again - distracting myself with physical sensation when I should be sorting myself out.But something about this thing with Ward feels different. Crazy, yes, but not crazy in my normal way. Crazy in a my-world's-been-turned-upside-down kind of way. It feels like I've been flipped around and set on my feet in a strange new place.Maybe it's just some side effect of coming back to the estate. All of my emotions have been on overdrive these past couple of weeks. It's no wonder I should have a strong reaction to my new delicious acquaintance. But the funny thing is, I'm not even sure what that reaction is. I'm not sure whether I want to yell at him some more or spill everything to him or just throw myself into his arms for another round.And honestly, this morning I don't really feel like questioning it too
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Chapter 55
- LOUISA -I lean against the wall for a long time after we hang up.I deserved that. I deserved every word he said. And I know I'm going to be carrying around the shame of this for a long time.I close my eyes and try to find the emptiness deep inside of me. I know it's buried in there somewhere. The hard part is over, and now I just want to drown in numbness for a while.But it's not enough.I don't stop to think about what I'm doing. I shove my phone in my pocket and head down to the eastern wing of the house.Ward's exactly where he said he'd be. There are a couple of other contractors down here, too, all helping with the moldings, but I don't give them a second glance.Ward looks up as I draw closer, and his face brightens. I answer with a very wicked expression of my own, then continue past without a word. I wouldn't want any of the other workers to hear.He gets the hint.I continue down the hall, and I don't even have to glance over my shoulder to know that Ward is fo
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Chapter 56
- LOUISA -He knows. Holy crap, he knows.It's the only thing I can think about for the rest of the day. Asher knows the truth about my identity. And Asher isn't just anyone - he's a reporter. Someone who could take this public in an instant and make tons of money for it.So why hasn't he? If he wants dirt, then why doesn't he just break that story? "Crazy Ex-Heiress Takes Menial Job at Former Mansion" - it's sure to be a hit.Does he think there's a bigger story here at Huntington Manor? Is this just some sly attempt at blackmail to get me to do his dirty work for him? Or does he think there's more to my story? He must know that I'm not going to spill the whole thing to him just because he's recognized me. Maybe he's hoping to make me nervous, make me crack - and be here to catch every moment of it live.What the heck am I supposed to do?He wants me to feed him some information. I could do that. I could tell him whatever he wants to hear, and maybe it will be enough to keep hi
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Chapter 57
- LOUISA -That reporter Asher is watching me. Yeah, I know I haven't had a full night's sleep in a couple of weeks - really, it's been more like months - but I know this isn't just exhaustion-fueled paranoia. I run a lot of errands for Mr. Haymore, all over the estate, and I seem to run into Asher more than I should.Most of the time he doesn't say anything. He doesn't even let me catch him looking in my direction. But I can feel it. Like a tickle down the back of my neck.I consider finding Ward and letting him help me forget my worries for a while, let him finish what we started last night. But today, instead of feeling giggly and satisfied with the things that happened between us last night, I find myself with a knot in my stomach. He told me things last night about his past. About himself. He's opening up to me, little by little. And I still haven't told him my real name.Is it worth the risk, letting him know the truth? He has no love for the people who run this place, so I
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Chapter 58
- LOUISA -Ward's already up at the rooftop pool when I arrive. He's abandoned his sling for the night, and he's lounging in one of the chairs, his arms behind his head as he stares up at the stars. For a moment, I just stand at the door and stare at him. He looks so peaceful. His face is relaxed, his body spread out. I don't mind the view one bit.There are so many things I need to tell him. The truth about my identity. The fact that some reporter thinks he's hiding some big secret. But those things can wait. I don't want to think about them right now.He glances over as I approach, and his face spreads into a smile. Butterflies explode in my stomach. God, I don't want to lose him. Whatever this crazy thing is between us, I need it right now.I don't wait until I'm next to him. I strip off my clothes piece by piece, leaving a trail of garments behind me as I approach the pool. It's balmy tonight, and the air is so warm and humid that I won't be surprised if we get rain later."Y
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Chapter 59
- LOUISA -We make love again that night, and we drift in and out of sleep between our explorations of each other's bodies. It's the best sleep I've had in recent memory. When I finally wake up, the sky has lightened a little - just enough to signal that dawn might not be too far away. It hasn't stopped raining, but it's still a light, peaceful drizzle.Ward stirs beside me, as if somehow in his sleep he's sensed me waking beside him. We're still on the chaise lounge, our arms and legs twisted around each other, and his eyes drift slowly open. A smile curls across his lips, and he tilts his face forward and leaves a soft kiss on my temple."Can I ask you something?" I say softly."Mmhm." He's moving his mouth across my hair now, as if making up for the lost kisses during our earlier embrace.There are so many things I want to say. To confess. But now that the moment's here, I'm terrified. My tongue doesn't want to move. Somehow, while I slept, I lost a bit of that emotional intim
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Chapter 60
- LOUISA -Apparently, though, after I insisted on staying here against the advice of, well, everyone, the universe has decided that it's not going to let me escape this place easily.Staff members and journalists have already started making their way out of the house by the time I slip through one of the side doors. Some are looking up at the house with curiosity, still trying to figure out where the fire is, if there's one at all. I spot Mr. Haymore (who's almost unrecognizable half-dressed as he is) running back and forth, his face looking dangerously purple. And there are the Carolsons, standing together - and the look of dismay on Edward Carolson's face is amazingly satisfying. I can only imagine the damage those sprinklers are causing right now. Carpets, furniture, decor - all getting drenched. Some of it will be completely ruined. I wouldn't be surprised if they have to consider pushing back the grand opening for a few weeks or so.I stroll right past them. Everyone's too fo
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