All Chapters of His Wicked Games series: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
116 Chapters
Chapter 61
BOOK FIVE: TAKE YOU AWAY- WARD - I never thought I'd be so happy to see a fucking gas station.At first I think my brain's just screwing with me. After all, we've been in the car for fifteen hours straight and I've downed so many energy drinks that I'm shocked I haven't started hallucinating yet. We've seen nothing but empty highway for almost sixty miles. And my gas gauge has been on empty for the last fifteen. We passed a single rest stop a while back, but that's it. I was beginning to think we'd be stranded out here until that neon light lit up the sky, like a damned angel with diesel prices dangling out of her ass.Ol' Stella just barely makes it up the off ramp. There are funny noises coming from beneath her hood as I roll into the station, and she's sputtering by the time we're at the pump."There, girl," I say quietly, patting the dashboard and yanking out my keys. "You did it."I glance over at the passenger's seat. Addison - Louisa - is curled up, her head resting agai
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Chapter 62
- WARD - I push myself up on my elbows and look down at her. She shakes her head and smiles, and if somehow that'll disguise the fact that she has tears on her cheeks."What is it?" I ask softly, brushing my thumb along her jaw.She shakes her head once more, and when she looks up at me again, I see that familiar guilt in her eyes."What?" I continue to stroke her cheek, but my stomach clenches before she's even said a word."You shouldn't have come with me," she whispers. "You shouldn't have given all that up for me."And there they are. The words I'd been afraid to hear. They aren't a surprise, but that doesn't mean they don't tear me up from the inside out.But I force my voice to be light."Given up what?" I ask. "A shitty job at a place I hated?""You didn't hate it," she says. "Not all of it. And your father - ""Carolson was never going to give me the time of day. You know that. As far as he's concerned, he's already done his duty by me."She doesn't look convinced.
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Chapter 63
- LILY - Calder hasn't said anything in three hours.I've tried all of my usual tricks. Poured him a glass of wine. Slipped on my skimpiest lingerie. Wrapped my arms around his neck and sucked his earlobe into my mouth. But though those last two stunts definitely got some reaction out of him, he still won't talk to me about what's going on in his head.Not that I don't have a few very good guesses about the matter.Yesterday, he found out his sister was working at their family's former estate. This morning, when we drove out to the grounds to bring her back, Louisa took one look at him and ran. We spent the better part of the day searching for her, but she's long gone. We have no idea where she is. And we're not the only ones who want to find out - Edward Carolson, the estate's new owner, plans to hold her accountable for all the destruction she caused. I'm not sure whether he intends to have her arrested or sued for damages or - God forbid - both, but I know better than to ask Ca
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Chapter 64
BOOK SIX: LOST AND FOUND- LOUISA -"I can smell it," Ward says, his eyes lighting up and his hands tightening on the steering wheel. "Fuck me, I can smell it!"He's wearing one of those grins that makes my insides feel like mush and tilting his head toward the open window of the car. The wind pushes his auburn hair up in every direction, but he doesn't seem to notice. He's too busy breathing in that unmistakable briny scent that means we're getting closer to our destination, that we're almost to the ocean.I smile to myself and reach my hand out my own window. The air presses against my palm, and the sun beats down on my skin. I wiggle my fingers, trying to soak up the warmth. Some of my curls have come loose from my ponytail again, and they whip across my face. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, following Ward's example and tasting the first hint of our destination on the wind. By my estimation, we're still an hour away from the beach, but the evergreens on either side of th
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Chapter 65
- LOUISA -The water is cold. I stand just within its reach, right where the waves can lap at my feet and drag broken bits of shell around my toes as they attack and retreat. I don't move. I let the ocean shift the sand beneath me. It leaves thick, off-white bubbles of sea foam clinging to my skin when it draws back.I'd forgotten just how much I love the ocean.I abandoned my shoes somewhere up on the dunes, and I've rolled my jeans up to my knees. I really, really wish I had my bathing suit right now. I'd love to dive headfirst into the waves.Ward doesn't have that problem. All he had to do was strip down to his boxers. He's already in up to his thighs, and he seems to have forgotten everything but the expanse of dark blue-green water in front of him. I watch him from my place at the edge of the surf. He's standing right where the waves are breaking, and he doesn't even appear to mind that they're splashing him well past his waist. If anything, that appears to be his goal - to g
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Chapter 66
- LOUISA -There's a beach-themed restaurant called the Sand Dollar Shack right next to the lot where we left the car. I'm quick to discover that their fried shrimp is positively orgasmic - or at least good enough to make me temporarily ignore the fact that my clothes are sopping wet. Or that everyone at the patio tables around us is staring at me in my dripping jeans like I'm insane. Which, to be fair, I kind of am.The shrimp comes with what the waitress tells us is their "secret sauce," which is both spicy and sweet. I take one bite and then smother my entire basket of fried goodness with the stuff. Ward appears to be digging his crab cakes just as much."These are insane," he says around a mouthful of food. He holds his next bite toward me. "Try some."I lean forward and close my lips around the fork. The crab cake has a spicy tang that sets my entire mouth on fire, but he's right - it's amazing."Good, right?" he says."Now you have to have some of my shrimp." I grab one by
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Chapter 67
- LOUISA -We decide to get one of those giant road atlases of the United States they sell at gas stations. We have to dig through three layers of racy magazines to find one on the shelf at the place we stop, but I'm just grateful they still sell these things at all. Most people would just pull up an application on their phone or something. But my cell is back at the estate with the rest of my things, and Ward's phone is several years old - he can't do much but make calls and send text messages.We prop the atlas up against the dash of Ward's car and flip through it page by page. Each map is a web of roads, a tapestry of colored lines. There's a page for every state, as well as close-ups of all the major cities. There's also a larger map of the entire continental United States. When I look at that page, when I see how everything connects, it really does feel like we could go anywhere.I've always loved maps. But I haven't held an atlas in my hands for years. My father gave me one on
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Chapter 68
- LOUISA -It's my smell that comes back first. I smell food. Something smoky. Somewhere far away, my stomach rumbles in response to the delicious scent.I gulp in a mouthful of air. My cheek is tingling. My whole face is throbbing.And someone is shouting."...hit her! What the fuck?"I know that voice. That's Ward's voice. Ward is shouting. Why is Ward shouting?I try to move, and pain shoots through my skull. It comes back to me slowly - the fight, my interference, Ward's eyes suddenly going wide - and I realize I was hit. The waiter punched me in the side of the face."What the fuck is wrong with you?" Ward shouts at the other man.Carefully, I sit up. The world only spins for a minute, and I take that as a good sign. And then hands - Ward's hands - are on me, lifting me to my feet. Everything falls into focus around me. The newspaper stands have been knocked over, and several dozen images of my face are scattered across the floor. When I look up across the dining room, I f
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Chapter 69
- LOUISA -"Your pick," I say, nudging the atlas in Ward's direction.We're sitting in the car, our book of maps propped up against the dashboard. Ward rubs his chin as he studies the network of roads on the page."I say we follow the highway into Delaware," he says. "Then New Jersey. We'll hit Pennsylvania on the way to New York."We crossed over into Maryland this morning. We decided to skirt Washington D.C. - given the state of my face, it seemed like a good idea to avoid large cities. Ward's purchases last night also included some makeup and a pair of over-sized sunglasses for me, but neither is particularly successful at hiding the fact that the entire left side of my face is black and blue."Sounds like a plan to me," I say, sliding the sunglasses up onto the top of my head and studying the map. "They don't look that far apart. Think we can hit them all today?"He nods. "Honestly, I'm guessing it's probably only about four hours from here to New York City. But that's assumi
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Chapter 70
- LOUISA -Afterward, Ward slides back over to his side of the car, and I collapse against my seat, too exhausted and too overwhelmed to move.My body is still trembling, and my skin is burning with heat. I'm damp with sweat - both his and mine - and my hair is plastered to my neck and cheeks. I'm perfectly satisfied - stretched and sore and buzzing with the pleasure he gave me - and I let out a contented sigh.I know I should be a little more worried about the fact that we forgot the condom, but it's hard to muster any regret after an experience like that. If I'm being perfectly honest, I wanted to experience him that way - as truly and fully as possible. I can still feel the heat of him between my legs.I tilt my head and look over at Ward. He's leaning back against his seat, and his chest is still heaving. His hands are resting on his stomach, and one of his fingers taps a beat against his skin. He's staring at the roof of the car, probably listening to the rain that still pound
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