All Chapters of His Wicked Games series: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
116 Chapters
Chapter 71
- LOUISA -I need to tell him.I've been putting it off, trying to figure out what I might say to prepare him for what's to come. I need to just drag him into a supermarket and show him the magazine - or at the very least, get over myself and spit it out already - but every time I open my mouth to say something, he'll grin or laugh and look so happy that I can't bear to take that away from him.I could watch him for hours. Study every little movement in his face. Count the times he bites down slightly on his lower lip as he hums along to a song on the radio. Admire the variations of color in the stubble on his cheeks and jaw.Soon, that face will be everywhere. All over the gossip sites on the internet. All over the tabloids in every supermarket.I only saw the magazine last night. Maybe he can live in ignorance for another few days. But if the situation were reversed...I'd want to know. And if he's going to hear it sooner or later, it's better that he hears it from me. Before thi
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Chapter 72
- LOUISA -I tell myself that Ward and I are ready for anything, that no number of magazine articles or posts on gossip sites will shake us. Let them say what they want. Let them speculate about our relationship and dig up our secrets. It won't change how Ward and I feel about each other.But I'm used to this. Not that you ever really get used to that sort of attention - but at the very least, I've learned how to live with it. It never stops being strange seeing your face on the cover of a magazine.Ward, on the other hand, is dealing with this for the first time.The day after I tell him about Celebrity Spark Magazine, we stop at a gas station to refill and pick up some snacks. I slip away to the bathroom, and when I return to the front of the convenience store, I find Ward looking through the racks of magazines.He has the latest issue of Celebrity Spark in his hands, and he stares down at the cover for a long time before flipping it open and finding the article. I don't try to
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Chapter 73
- LOUISA -I've never seen Ward like this. Not at Huntington Manor. Not even when I was punched. He's perfectly still.And then all of a sudden his hand darts out. He grabs the magazine off of the rack. Tears through the pages.They didn't even bother to come up with a different title for the accompanying article. They just repeat the same, cold phrase across the top of the page.Edward Carolson: Dead at 58.I know that headline. I saw something similar on dozens of publications when my father died. On a hundred websites. It's always the same: blunt and sensational at the same time. Like the people who appear in these magazines are fictional characters, and every event of their life is just one more scene in that massive soap opera. Like they don't leave behind real people who have to see reminders of their loved ones wherever they turn.Ward's hands are shaking. He's still holding the magazine open, but the pages are fluttering. I don't think he can even read the article.I'm s
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Chapter 74
- LOUISA -"I'm thinking of going to the funeral," he says the following morning.We're sitting on the bed, munching on tiny boxes of cereal - a.k.a. the motel's "complimentary breakfast" - and pretending to pay attention to the morning show flashing on the television. Those are the first words either of us have said in the last hour.Everything feels so strange between us now. Something has shifted between us, opened up - but while part of me welcomes this new sense of vulnerability, there's an awkwardness between us that wasn't there before. We've both stripped ourselves bare, and now we don't seem to know what to do.I grab some cereal with my fingers and shove it into my mouth. I haven't even thought about Carolson's funeral, but it doesn't surprise me that Ward wants to go."I have to figure out where it is and how I'll get there," he says. "But I shouldn't be gone more than a couple of - ""If you're going, I'm going," I tell him.He blinks at me, looking shocked. Does he
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Chapter 75
- LOUISA -St. Augustine's Church is enormous. It's beautiful, yes, but in a cold, regal way, which seems fitting for our current circumstances. I wrap my arms around myself as I look up at the massive stone face. Beside me, Ward is quiet and still.I reach out and take his hand. He grips my fingers. We stand across the street from the church, watching from the doorway of a small bistro. There's a crowd around the steps, and it's not just funeral attendees. There are a number of people with cameras and at least three news crews - their vans are in a line just down the street - plus a bunch of casual bystanders who have gathered to gawk at the commotion. As we watch, a black limousine pulls up to the curb. The reporters all crowd around the sidewalk, their microphones and digital recorders outstretched as the door slides open."Mrs. Carolson!" some cry."Laura!" say others.They elbow each other as they try to get closer to their target.But instead of Laura Carolson, Edward's wid
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Chapter 76
- LOUISA -I notice quite a few things in those first couple of seconds.First, that my dress is still bunched up around my waist and Ward's pants are still around his ankles.Second, that the person on the other side of the gate looks rather comfortable - and he's partly hidden, which means he's probably been there for several minutes, if not longer.Third, there's something familiar about him. I'm not sure whether it's his hair, or the set of his shoulders, or...He moves his camera slightly, and my stomach sinks.It's Asher Julian.Asher Julian is the one who tried to blackmail me back at Huntington Manor. The one who first printed the story about Ward's connection to Edward Carolson only a week ago. He got his big break printing rumors about my brother and Lily. This guy owes his career to my family and the drama we've caused. I should have guessed he'd be here at Carolson's funeral. He's been chasing this story for weeks.And now he's caught us like this. Violated this per
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Chapter 77
- LOUISA -The thing that surprises me most about jail is how absolutely frigid it is.I've been here four hours and twenty-seven minutes. My fingers started to go numb about two hours and three minutes ago. I know because there's a clock hanging over the holding cell. It looks ancient. In fact, it reminds me of the ones you see hanging on the walls of high schools in cheesy '80s movies.I wrap my arms around myself and shiver. They must make it this cold on purpose. Maybe it's an intimidation tactic. But as I glance around the other women sharing the holding cell with me, I suspect I might be the only one.The cop who put me in here said I was lucky. He said if I'd been arrested last night, or the night before, it would have been a lot more crowded in here. There are still almost a dozen women. About half of them appear to be sleeping. At least a couple smell like booze. One girl - who looks several years younger than me and has a bunch of tattoos and a nose ring - just looks bore
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Chapter 78
- LOUISA –Calder insists on putting me and Ward up in a hotel for the night. I hate the idea of taking charity from my brother, especially after everything he's already done today - and judging by Ward's expression, he feels the same way - but before I can say anything, Lily cuts me off."I'd love the chance to get to know you better, Louisa," she says, smiling.I remember the last time I talked to her. I was sneaking out of Calder's apartment in the middle of the night and she tried to stop me. My neck goes hot remembering some of the things I said to her.But Lily's obviously trying to play nice, to bridge this gap between us, and honestly, the only thing holding me back is pride. This is my chance to make things right.I look back up at Ward. His eyes are on me, and he gives me the smallest nod, leaving the decision to me. "Okay," I say.Which is how, less than an hour later, Ward and I find ourselves in an enormous room at the Royal Suites Hotel.After all the motels we've
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Chapter 79
BOOK SEVEN: THEIR WICKED WEDDING- LILY - In seven days, I will be Lily Cunningham.Even after everything we've been through together, even after nearly a year of engagement, it still seems unreal that Calder Cunningham and I will be getting married next Saturday. I've looked forward to this day for so long that I'm almost afraid to believe that it's nearly here. That I'll finally be his wife.I look down at my hand, at the engagement ring that still shines as brightly as it did the night Calder gave it to me in this very apartment. In seven days, I'll have a second ring on this finger, one that symbolizes the promise of a lifetime."Are you ready?" Calder says behind me.I turn to find him coming out of our bedroom, his suitcase in his hand. He's in a button-down and dark slacks - a casual look for him, but one that's still undeniably sexy - and his hair is still just the slightest bit damp from his shower. His dark eyes meet mine, and I feel that little thrill that always cour
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Chapter 80
- CALDER - Lily should know better than to tease me.It's clear by the end of our first night back at the estate that she means to have fun with this little "arrangement" of ours. It's all a game to her - the looks over dinner, the brush of her fingers against my leg beneath the table, the lilt in her voice when she says she thinks it's time for her to go back to "her" room. You'd think, though, that given our history, she'd know better than to challenge me. Or that she'd at least have the sense to recognize that she's woefully outmatched.Oh, she knows how to arouse my imagination - I'll give her that. By the time dinner is over and we're heading back upstairs, I've imagined myself taking her in a dozen different ways. Hell, my cock has been aching since this afternoon, when I had her writhing and panting beneath me on our dining table. Being back in this house only increases my hunger because it reminds me of how this all began. I'm tempted to suggest a game of Hide and Seek and
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