All Chapters of Aurora: Breaking Illusions: Chapter 61 - Chapter 68
68 Chapters
61 ~ Leo
I woke up startled. Rubbing on my eyes furiously, I opened them and glanced at the time. It was a little past midnight.I just had the craziest dream...I was in a car and I just kept hearing the cry of a baby. There was no child in the vehicle when I looked but it would not stop ringing in my ears. So I stopped the car and looked everywhere for where the cry was coming from and could not find anything. I walked further into what seemed like a park and found a cradle. The sound seemed like it was coming from there and just as I was about to get to the cot, I woke up.I hardly ever dreamt about anything so something like this was strange. "What could this mean?" I asked myself in a haze of confusion before my eyes fell on Natalie who was asleep next to me. I immediately wondered if she was pregnant. But then I shook my head, it wasn't possible. I used protection every time I was with her no matter how many times we had to go at it. Sometimes she wanted it raw but I never agreed. I ma
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62 ~ Aurora
"Did you see the blog post?" River almost jumped over someone to get to me, shoving her phone in my face."Yeah I did." I breathlessly answered her as I stopped the treadmill. It was three months postpartum and I was back to taking care of my body. It was a good thing I did not add too much weight when I was pregnant with Dante."You're not bothered by it?" She asked me.I rolled my eyes just before I brought the water bottle to my lips, "He's my ex-husband, River. I'm over it." I told her after taking a few gulps of water.She sulked, folding her toned arms over her chest, "You guys made such a beautiful baby, I lowkey want you two to be together." "I rebuke that want in the name of Jesus." I said half-joking."Don't be so dramatic." She laughed."He's in a happy relationship, let us be happy for him." I said. I actually was happy for him. I was just a little surprised at his choice. I never pictured him as someone who would go for a black girl because he had mostly been with Caucas
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63 ~ Aurora
Dante was fussy. So fussy, I knew something had to be wrong with him.River and I had taken turns in trying to put him to sleep but nothing was working. His temperature was running high so we had to get him to the hospital.His loud cries echoed as we reached the hospital. A doctor attended to us as soon as we rushed in.It wasn't until things had stabilized and my son had stopped crying that I fully saw his face. "Doctor Jason?" I said in shock.He looked confused for a second before his face morphed into a look of realization. He was one of the doctors I used to see in hospital with when I was trying to have a baby back in Washington."Mrs Adams." He said with a polite smile."Just call me Aurora." I said.He nodded with a polite smile, "Alright. This is your son?" A smile of relief crossed my face as I answered, "Yes my baby boy.""He looks very much like his father." He remarked."Indeed he does." I nodded. Everyone who knew Leo would say the same and I was used to it."You mov
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64 ~ Aurora
Pretty girl privilege was a thing. Now I didn't even look like a mom anymore. I was more in shape than I'd ever been in my life. My choice of clothes had changed and now I was beginning to get more favors from men and women alike. Dante was growing so fast, it became surreal that he was a tiny newborn just a matter of months ago. And no, that feeling of awe that he came out of me had still not waned. I was not sure it ever would. When I walked past, I could feel the stares of lust and admiration from men. I could not blame them, if I was in their shoes I would have stared too. For once in my life I could look myself in the mirror and be proud of what I saw. I loved my body, I felt healthier. I was not running out of breath anymore. I did not feel my body weighing me down as I moved. I took pictures with confidence now even though I never posted them on any of my social media pages. ~~ "Hello Miss Lopez." "Hi doctor Jason." I said with a smile as we entered his office.
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65 ~ Leo
"When are you going to propose to her?" I shut my eyes and let out a groan, "Mom don't start." I knew that her unexpected visit to my office so early in the day had to be more than just checking on me like she had said. "You two have been together long enough for you to know it's about time you take the necessary steps." "We're not ready for that kind of commitment yet." I said, speaking for myself mostly. "You two are in a relationship yes?" She asked. "Yes." "So what are you dating for? Sex?" "Mom..." I groaned, rubbing my palms over my face. I did not need this kind of conversation on a Wednesday morning. "Leonardo you're my only son. I am not getting any younger, neither are you." She was going through the emotional blackmail route. "Mom, I'm thirty-one." I deadpanned. I was not a fifty year old or something of that sort. "Old enough to be a father. You're my only child for goodness sake!" "Give it time. I'll propose and we will get married at the right time." I said t
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66 ~ Omniscient POV
Lauren was relieved. Finally her son was doing the right thing. She could not wait for him to settle down and have the heirs she had been praying for for so long. They had a huge wedding to plan and she was not going to let her husband spare any costs to make it a success. At least her son had fallen in love this time around (at least that's what she thought) and it was going to be nothing like that sacrilege of a union that happened with that overweight girl.And yes, she was finally going to have the grandchildren she had always dreamed of. Oh she had waited for so long for this day to come and now that it was close she could not contain her excitement. "It's going to be perfect," She said aloud, dreamily as she pictured her dreams finally coming through.~~~Natalie was overjoyed. Finally the man of her dreams was going to be hers. She was about the enjoy the luxuries of being the wife of the only child of Governor Rowan Adams."Girls I can't believe it! It paid of!" She said ove
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67 ~ Aurora
"Wow." I sighed when I saw the post. Dante was laid on my heaving chest so I tried to not make a sound as I placed him next to me gently, hoping he would not wake up as soon as he felt me leave."Riv,""Hey what's up?" She answered, raising her head up from Antonio's shoulder. My brother came around a few days before and I was glad to see that they had finally made up."Leo just got engaged," I showed her the post."Wow." She sighed just like I did. We had stayed together for so long, we had started to talk alike."I saw it on a friend's story last night." Antonio said."Hmm. Congrats to him." I shrugged. "Yeah. But Aurora...?""Yes?"River heaved a breath before speaking, "Don't you think it's about time you let him know about your son. He's about to get married and probably start a family in a not so distant future, and still has no idea he has a son somewhere. It's unfair don't you think?" I let out a breath as well. "I'll tell him when the time is right.""On his wedding day or a
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70 ~ Leo
I got to Rick's place, bottle of wine in hand. I just wanted to get drunk, eat pizza and sleep on his couch."You look stressed.""I am. I found out where Aurora is." I said. I found out a few weeks back and I only just mentioned it to someone else because it was weighing me down.He seemed appalled at my statement. "You still think of Aurora?"I kept mute. How was I supposed to respond to that when I had hardly mentioned her or any of our interactions after the divorce."You're engaged man!" He exclaimed."I know but I can't get her off my mind," I finally admitted. "I sent her flowers a couple of weeks ago." I added."How did you find her address?" He asked. I could tell he was trying to not be judgemental."Her friend. River only friend who had always been an obvious pointer of where she would be posted a picture with her and tagged her handle." Somehow she had popped up on my news feed for the first time ever and that was it."Hmm." Rick hummed as I showed him the picture. "She l
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