All Chapters of REKINDLED LOVE: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
191 Chapters
Chapter Sixty One
Arnold's expression hardens, and he pulls his hands away from mine. “Mother, you don't understand. I can't deny the connection I have with Kylie. She's the one, and I won't let her go again.”I exhale, trying to maintain composure. “Arnold, I appreciate the strength of the mate bond, but the pack's stability is at stake. You can't disregard the consequences of your choices.”He interrupts, frustration evident in his voice. “Mother, I've made my decision. Kylie is the Luna I chose, and I won't let anyone question it.”As I bring up the importance of prioritizing the pack's well-being, Arnold's response strikes me with a conviction that seems unyielding. “Mother, Kylie is my first mate. What better way to ensure the pack's well-being than by being mated to my first and true mate? It'll make me more powerful and the pack more feared.”Attempting to appeal to reason, I grasp his hands, pleading, “What about Sarah? Who will take her in? Will you be so heartless to a woman who was there for
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Chapter Sixty Two
Camilla’s POVMy heart broke at the realization that Bernard had been having a love affair with me and another lady. I cried like I had just lost a loved one. I tried to console myself that maybe it was a mistake, that perhaps he still loved me, and that I was just trapped in this marriage due to duty. But I had no way to be sure if he was in the marriage just for duty until we were invited to his wedding. My heart broke when we got the invitation. The alpha's family had been invited to their beta's wedding, so of course I had to go, being a part of the alpha's family. I took it as a chance to get Bernard alone and talk to him. I managed to slip away from my guards, and I caught Bernard in his room before he got ready to go out and walk the island. I grabbed him and kissed him, but he pulled away. And that's when I saw it in his eyes. He was in love with the girl he had impregnated. Tears filled my eyes, and I asked him if he ever even loved me, but he couldn't answer. My heart shatt
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Chapter Sixty Three
Kylie’s Pov As I walk to Arnold's room, my mind drifts back to Ryan, and I can't help but wish that he were here with me, getting to know his father.I get changed into the nightie I see in Arnold's wardrobe. As I'm brushing my hair, Arnold enters the room. I look at him through the mirror, and he looks troubled. I sigh, wondering what his mother must've told him now. I'm exhausted from her trying to ruin our lives. He walks to me and wraps his arms around my waist, then covers my neck with little butterfly kisses.He turns me around and lightly captures my lips. My hands are in his hair, tugging at his semi-curly strands, and his left hand is gripping my waist.I make a bold move, being too eager for what is to come, and tug the hem of his shirt above his head. I stare at his bare torso and admire all of his beautiful scars. He smiles and kisses my forehead, and then drags the hem of the nightie up my stomach with one hand. He tosses the thin material to the floor and then stares at
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Chapter Sixty Four
Arnold’s Pov As I walk out of my mother's room, I can't help but feel all the doubts I had tried to lock away concerning Ryan being my son spring back up again as my mother's words play in my head: 'Don't tell me you really believe that he is your son when you can't even feel the werewolf father-son bond'.My mind races as those doubts begin pushing at the trust I have built for Kylie over the past few days since we reunited.When I couldn't get past the fact that I actually couldn't feel the bond, I was tormented day and night by the thought, but when I decided to let it go and just trust Kylie, I got so much peace.I made up my mind to do a DNA test, but I'll have to tell Kylie first. I know it'll hurt her, but I just need proof and clarity.I try to school my expression as I walk into my room so she won't notice that there's something on my mind, but I don't need to bother because when I walk into the room, Kylie is dressed in a very, very transparent nightie, and all thoughts abo
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Chapter Sixty Five
Kylie’s PovMy heart aches hearing Arnold's doubts about Ryan, and I can sense his struggle. Despite his mother's influence, Arnold's acceptance of Ryan as our son brought relief. However, dealing with his mother's interference feels like battling a persistent storm. It's infuriating how she repeatedly tries to create a rift between Arnold and me.Arnold's mention of a DNA test triggers frustration, and I can't shake the feeling that it's his mother's sinister suggestion, not his own. I can't help but wonder what cunning plan she's hatching to further strain our relationship. It's maddening to think about, and I find myself grappling with the anger stirred by her meddling. Communication is key in these moments, and I hope Arnold can see through the manipulations and trust in the bond we've built.My eyes welled up as I vividly recall the day Camilla, Arnold's mother, shattered the fragile peace between me and Arnold. Flashbacks flooded my mind, leading me to the time we were being tra
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Chapter Sixty Six
Arnold’s PovFeeling Kylie's anxiety as we discuss the impending DNA test is like a weight on my shoulders. Her eyes reflect a blend of love and worry, and I recognize the concern etched across her face. “Arnold, I want to believe this test will bring us clarity, but your mother… She's always tried to tear us apart. What if she does something to manipulate the results?” Kylie asked, her voice tinged with anxiety.Cupping Kylie's face gently, I attempt to offer reassurance. “Kylie, I won't let anyone come between us. We'll take precautions to ensure the test is fair and accurate,” I assure, hoping to alleviate her fears.Kylie's gaze meets mine, a flicker of hope evident in her eyes. “I just want our family to be happy, Arnold. I don't want any more doubts or interference,” she confesses, laying her vulnerability bare.I smile softly, my thumb stroking Kylie's cheek in a tender gesture. “I know, Kylie. We'll get through this, no matter what. Our love is stronger than any obstacle,” I d
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Chapter Sixty Seven
Arnold’s PovAs I head to the woods beside the hospital, I think my beta Bob will come to the hospital and take Kylie home. While my beta heads to the hospital to assist Kylie, my wolf breaks free, sprinting through the woods in a frenzy. The need to clear both our minds propels us forward, the rhythmic pounding of paws against the earth echoing the tumult within me. It's not just the anger that fuels this mad run; it's the profound disappointment and the betrayal that gnaws at my core.Each step amplifies the realization that Kylie chose deception over honesty. The revelation that Ryan may not be my son is a bitter pill, but the lies cut deeper. The pain isn't just about the uncertainty of paternity; it's about the breach of trust and the fractures in the foundation of what we built together.It's infuriating to think that she believed weaving a narrative involving my mother would somehow justify her actions. Blaming my mother for a concocted story of infidelity and deceit is an auda
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Chapter Sixty Eight
Kylie’s Pov The weight of those words, “Mr. Norway, Ryan is not your son,” crashed upon me, shattering the fragile hope I had held on to. My eyes met Arnold's, wide with disbelief, as I vehemently rejected the devastating result. “No, no, that is not possible. That result is not true,” I pleaded desperately.I turned to Arnold, grasping him as I tried to rise from the emotional wreckage. “Arnold, you have to believe me. Ryan is your son. I haven't been with anyone except you. Please, you have to believe me.” My words fell into an icy void as Arnold responded with a coldness I had never encountered before. “I should believe you over a test run by technology,” he said, his voice cutting through my pleas.His accusation that Camilla was behind this added fuel to the fire. “It has to be her. I told you she would do anything to separate us,” I insisted, clinging desperately to the belief that there had to be a nefarious force at play.Arnold's anger boiled over, and I found myself on the
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Chapter Sixty Nine
Kylie’s Pov As the guards finish removing Arnold's belongings, the room transforms into a desolate space, devoid of the life and warmth Arnold's presence brought. The emptiness intensifies my grief, and tears flow uncontrollably. It feels as though the two pillars of my world, Ryan and Arnold, have been mercilessly torn away. The weight of their absence hangs heavily in the air, and I can't fathom why life seems determined to subject me to such suffering.Amidst my tears, a knock interrupts the silence, and I hastily try to compose myself. Opening the door reveals Frederick, whose eyes mirror a genuine understanding of my pain. His presence offers a sliver of solace. “I felt your pain; I'm sorry, I just had to come,” he says, his voice carrying a comforting tone. He continues with news that further shatters my already broken heart.Frederick shares, “I just heard from one of my guys on the team searching for Ryan. Arnold called them back. He told them the mission is no longer a prior
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Chapter Seventy
Kylie’s PovAs Sasha reveals the interference in our connection, Frederick clenches his fists, his frustration evident. “We need to find out who's behind this, Sasha. This can't go on. Arnold deserves to know the truth about Ryan,” he declares with determination.Sasha nods, her eyes flickering with a mix of concern and determination. “We need to be careful. Dark magic is a formidable foe, and exposing its wielder won't be easy. Kylie, Frederick, are you both willing to face whatever challenges lie ahead?”I glance at Frederick, our unspoken agreement echoing through our shared gaze. “We'll do whatever it takes to uncover the truth and bring Ryan back,” I affirm, my resolve unwavering.As Sasha unravels the complexities of the curse, we learn that its grip on Arnold and Ryan's connection can only be released through a confession from the one who cast it. The curse, intricately designed to sever the father-son bond, stands as a formidable obstacle that demands resolution.Sasha outline
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