All Chapters of REKINDLED LOVE: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
191 Chapters
Chapter Eighty One
Kylie's PovThe moon's gentle glow dances on the serene lake, casting a mesmerizing spell over our intimate moment. Arnold and I share a swim, but an unspoken unease hangs in the air, like a shadow intruding on our celebration.I catch the subtle shift in Arnold's demeanor. “What's on your mind?” I ask, concerned about wrinkling my forehead.He hesitates, then confesses, “I don't know. It just feels like something is wrong.”Worry floods my gaze as I suggest we head back. Arnold reassures me, pulling me into a comforting embrace. “It's just a feeling; it might be nothing.”In an attempt to lighten the mood, he twirls me in the water, and I respond with a playful splash. For a moment, we lose ourselves in the simple joy of being together.As we float side by side, our brief escape is shattered by a sudden intrusion into my mind. Bob's urgent voice echoes through our pack link, breaking the spell. “The pack is under attack.”My heart quickens, and the weight of his words settles over us
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Chapter Eighty Two
kylie's PovAllegra's mysterious disappearance leaves me in stunned silence. I collapsed. Arnold attempts to catch me, his reassurances about finding her falling on skeptical ears. Deep down, I sense his words are more for my comfort than a genuine belief in success. Frustration builds within me, saying we'll find her. But deep down, I know he's just trying to comfort me, and I know he's lying.I pull away, frustration bubbling up. “We couldn't sense him in the same room. How are we supposed to find his pack?” Another child is gone, and all I can do is cry. I'm angry at myself for feeling so powerless.Arnold's attempts at consolation only intensify my anger at my perceived weakness. Pulling away from his embrace, I return to the epicenter of the struggle.I headed back to where the fighting was fiercest. Bob's there, and I go up to him. He gets up, standing at attention. “Any survivors?” I ask, already knowing the answer.Bob looks at Arnold, then back at me. “Yes, Luna. Two survivor
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Chapter Eighty Three
Allegra's PovUgh, ugh.” I'm sparring on the training grounds, honing the skills that have defined my life. Miles, my training partner, tackles me to the ground, and we share a laugh as I finally pin him.“Well, Allegra, you've really gotten good. I see why Beta Richard keeps singing your praises,” Miles says, helping me up.I roll my eyes, dismissing the compliment. “Oh, please, Miles. Mr. Richard hates my guts. I'm sure he'd leave a dagger in my chest if he got the chance.”Miles bursts into laughter. “No, for real, Allegra. He's proud of you. You were the first student to beat him hands-down in combat ever. He's definitely not going to like that, but it doesn't mean he doesn't like you.”I chuckle confidently. “I know I am that good; I threaten his authority. He's probably scared of me," I say, not realizing Beta Richard is close and has overheard.His throat clears, and my eyes widen in shock. “Beta Richard, uhm, I was just explaining to Miles how good you are at combat,” I stamme
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Chapter Eighty Four
Allergra’s Pov As I take my seat, Silver grabs my hands and says, “Allegra, the alpha is so into you.” I laugh at her silliness. “What are you talking about? I'm nobody. Why would the alpha be into me?” Silver rolls her eyes.“You keep saying you're nobody yet to get more special treatment than anyone in this training house.” I smile awkwardly. “Yeah, that's true, but it doesn't mean anything. Maybe it's because I'm the best fighter.”Miles interrupts me by ruffling my hair. I turn to glare at him as he laughs. “Don't you mean I'm the best fighter?” I roll my eyes, remembering the one and only time me and Miles sparred and he won.“Just because I let you win doesn't mean you're better than I.”I try to put my hair in order, but one stray piece keeps falling into my face.Miles helps me tuck a stray piece of hair behind my ear. Miles and I lock eyes, the world fading away. As he leans in for a kiss, a loud roar interrupts, and before I know it, I'm being ripped from my seat. I'm sudde
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Chapter Eighty Five
Allegra’s Pov Shaking off the encounter with Alpha Xander, I head back to the training ground, where the session is in full swing. I scan the area for Miles, but he's nowhere in sight. Deciding to ask Silver, I approach her, and she abandons her sparring partner to envelop me in a tight hug. Seated on a bench, she dives into her dramatic interpretation of Alpha Xander's anger, thinking I was in mortal danger.Laughing at her exaggeration, she gives me a skeptical look. “Were you and Miles about to do something indecent in public? Alpha Xander looked like he was about to kill you.”I consider how much to reveal about the intimate moment with Miles. “It was fine, honestly. He just told me I should be… more decent in public.”Silver scrutinizes me, clearly not buying my story. “Allegra, you don't have to lie to me. It's okay if you would rather not tell me.”Shaking my head, I try to explain, “No, it's not like that. I just don't understand what happened between us.”Silver presses for
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Chapter Eighty Six
Xander’s PovI lay lounging in my room, basking in the moonlight streaming through the window when a sudden sensation coursed through me. My wolf surges to the surface, eager and hungry for a connection with her. I resist, determined to keep control, and immediately mind-link my beta, Richard.“Richard, we have an important mission. Can you come up to my room? We need to discuss,” I convey through the link. Within minutes, Richard walks through my door, questioning, “What's up, Xander? What's the issue?”I share my vision with him, explaining that we need to attack the Crystal Stone Pack. Richard stares at me, surprised by the request, “Why, Xander, did they do anything to us?"I clarify, “They didn't steal what's mine. They came into possession of it, but it is mine, and I can't have my enemies using it against me when they find out.”Richard nods, comprehending my motives. “Very well, Xander. I'll get the team prepared. When would you like us to leave?”“As soon as possible, maybe b
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Chapter Eighty Seven
Xander’s PovAs her parents venture to the lake for a swim, leaving her momentarily unguarded, I signal Richard to initiate the attack. My warlock abilities enhance my werewolf senses, allowing me to hear the division's uproar, which the parents remain oblivious to due to their distance. I wonder about their choice to stay far from the pack and their newborn.Pushing aside my thoughts, I stealthily approach my mate's house, going upstairs to retrieve her.As I ascend the stairs to her room, the connection between us strengthens with each step. The anticipation builds, and when I open the door, she's there, nestled by her ceiba. Holding her in my arms, an overwhelming sense of warmth and tranquility washes over me, almost prompting a pleasurable moan. Being both werewolf and warlock, the intensity of the mating bond amplifies these emotions.In her embrace, she coos, and a smile graces my lips. Just then, Richard's voice echoes in my mind, updating me on the diversion they've managed i
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Chapter Eighty Eight
Xander’s Pov As little Allegra grows, I notice a special connection forming between her and Emma. It strikes me that Emma would make the perfect governess for her until she's old enough. I approach Emma with the idea, and she eagerly agrees, thrilled to take on the responsibility.Observing from a distance, I try to keep my watchful eye on Allegra without drawing attention to my deepening attachment. It's a delicate dance, wanting to be close to her without revealing the extent of my feelings. As she blossoms, I decide it's time for a new chapter.Approaching Richard, I share my plan: "Richard, it's time to start training Allegra. Teach her how to fight. We need her to be strong and capable." Richard raises an eyebrow but agrees, recognizing the importance of Allegra's preparedness.Training sessions become a routine, and it becomes apparent that having Allegra close but not in my arms is a form of torture. Whenever the conflicting sides of my nature stir restlessly, causing headache
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Chapter Eighty Nine
Xander’s PovAs the days pass, I stick to my decision to avoid the training house where Allegra and Miles spend their time. Instead, I find solace in confiding in Richard, the only person I feel comfortable meeting at the training house for now.One evening, I approach Richard, who's overseeing the training sessions. “Richard, we need to talk,” I say, my tone serious.He glances at me, sensing the gravity of the situation. “What's going on, Xander?”“I can't be around Allegra right now. It's too difficult. But I need to stay connected to what's happening, especially with the training. You're the only one I can trust with this. Keep me updated on her progress,” I request, a tinge of vulnerability in my voice.Richard nods understandingly. “I get it, Xander. It's not easy for you. I'll keep you informed, but remember, you can't avoid her forever. Eventually, you'll have to face this.”I clench my jaw, acknowledging the truth in his words. “I know, Richard. But for now, let me keep my di
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Chapter Ninety
Xander’s PovAs her palms make contact, my wolf purrs, and an overwhelming sense of contentment washes over me. Cupping my cheek, she notices my ragged breath, signaling that this connection isn't one-sided. I can't comprehend what's happening, but I can't deny the strange comfort in her touch.She wraps her arms around my neck, and I'm surprised at my allowance. There's an instinctual pull, and despite the warmth of the hug, self-consciousness creeps in. Just as I contemplate pulling away, she tightens her grip, and I find myself burying my face in her hair, absorbing her scent.A low growl rumbles through me unexpectedly, revealing the turmoil within. Opening my eyes, I catch sight of Miles at the door, hurt evident in his gaze. I try to release her, but she remains in my hold, caught between the unexpected connection with me and the strained friendship with Miles.As I let her go, she gazed up at me, curiosity shining in her eyes. I find myself caught off guard as she challenges me
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