All Chapters of REKINDLED LOVE: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
191 Chapters
Chapter Ninety One
Allegra’s Pov As we file into the hall, my eyes remain fixed on the alpha. A frown creases his forehead when Miles takes my hand. Suddenly, an inexplicable urge to ease that frown overtakes me, and without much thought, I gently extract my arm from Miles' grip.He gives me a puzzled look. “I want to have a girly discussion with Silver.” He rolls his eyes and lets it be. I whisper to Silver, “Please, can you sit between Miles and me to avoid any potential conflict with the alpha? I don't want another scene unfolding if what we talked about me being the alpha's mate is true.”Silver nods understandingly, and when we take our seats, she strategically placed herself between us. Miles gives her a puzzled look, and she casually says, “I want my bestie all to myself today.” I breathe a sigh of relief at her clever excuse, hoping to prevent any tension between Miles and me. I didn't want Miles to notice I was trying to avoid him in front of the Alpha.I look at the alpha, and I see him smirk
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Chapter Ninety Two
Allegra’s PovMiles lies on his bed with closed eyes as I enter the room and take a seat beside him. Sensing something amiss, I ask, “What's wrong, Miles?” He sits up and lets out a heavy sigh, expressing his concerns about the upcoming mating ball.“Why are you worried?” I inquire, a furrow forming on my brow. His eyes meet mine, revealing a depth of emotion. “I feel like I'm about to lose you, like the scene with Alpha Xander was just the beginning of your life. I believe there's no room for me in your life,” he confesses, his vulnerability evident.I shake my head, trying to reassure him, “Woah, Miles, slow down. It was simply a hug, and that doesn't make anything definite. And I know one thing for sure: You'll always be in my life, whether it's as friends or more.” I look at him earnestly, hoping to ease his anxieties.Miles gazes at me with a longing expression, and then he utters words that catch me off guard: “I truly wish and pray to the moon goddess that you'll be my mate.” M
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Chapter Ninety Three
Xander’s Pov As the announcement for the mating ceremony echoes through the hall, I observe the reaction of the pack. The hall erupts into cheers, and I can't help but chuckle at Beta Richard's attempt to regain decorum. Glancing at Allegra, I notice her nonchalant demeanor towards the ceremony, which piques my interest.After Richard concludes his speech, he returns to where I'm seated, and we delve into discussions about pack matters. “Richard, make sure everything is well-prepared for the mating ceremony. It's a crucial event, and I want it to go smoothly,” I instruct him, leaning forward with a serious expression.He nods in acknowledgment. “Of course, Alpha, Xander. We'll ensure everything is in order, and the ceremony will be a success.”I shift the conversation to other pressing matters. “Also, Richard, keep an eye on Allegra. I've noticed some peculiar behaviors, and I want to make sure she's safe and comfortable during these events.”Richard raises an eyebrow, curious. “Pecu
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Chapter Ninety Four
Allegra’s PovIn the dim glow of moonlight, Xander and I engage in conversation, and with each word, I'm drawn more into his world. His strength and commanding presence are captivating, making me realize how much I'm drawn to him. We delve into the intricacies of the mating ceremony, a topic that doesn't exactly excite me, but I listen intently because it's him sharing it with me. As the night grows colder, I can't help but shiver, and instinctively, Xander wraps an arm around me, pulling me closer. It's a comforting gesture, and despite the mundane topic, I find myself enjoying the warmth of his proximity.My eyelids grow heavy as the night progresses, and a yawn escapes me. I nod off, drifting into a peaceful slumber with Xander's voice fading into the background. Later, I awake to find myself being carried in Xander's arms, and the first thing I ask is if it's morning yet. His chuckle rumbles through me as he replies, “No, my love, you slept off, so I'm taking you to bed.”I can't
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Chapter Ninety Five
Xander’s PovAs Richard and I sit in my study, surrounded by maps and documents, we delve into the intricate details of inviting strategic individuals to the upcoming mating ceremony. I lean back in my chair, studying the list of potential guests Richard has compiled."Richard, we need to ensure that the individuals we invite are not only powerful but also have resources that could benefit our pack. We're not just hosting a ceremony; this is an opportunity to strengthen our alliances," I emphasize, my gaze fixed on the map of our territory.Richard nods in agreement. "Absolutely, Alpha. I've categorized the potential guests into different groups based on their influence and resources. We have representatives from neighboring territories, skilled warriors, and individuals with expertise in various fields."I tap my fingers on the table, contemplating the options before us. "We need to extend our reach and form connections that will be advantageous in the long run. Look into the backgro
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Chapter Ninety Six
I stand, looking at myself in the mirror. We're not allowed to see the boys, so I can't check on Miles. I keep looking at myself in the mirror, wondering if I actually look beautiful.Silver comes and wraps her around me. “Allegra, you look astonishing; he's going to love you in your dress.” I sigh and trust Silver to know me and know exactly what I'm thinking.I chuckle. “ I hope everything goes well this evening.” Silver squeals beside me and says.“I hope the alpha is your mate.” I roll my eyes and say, “Come on, sliver, let's go.”We make our way to the car waiting for us, which is surprising because no one else had cars waiting for them, and more importantly, we are riding with Beta Richard.Which makes Silver happy because she's always had a massive crush on him. As we get to the mating ceremony, I'm completely amazed.The hall is decorated so beautifully, and I am in silver awe at how amazing it looks. I can't stop staring at the wonderful decorations.Beta Richard leads us to
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Chapter Ninety Seven
Allegra’s Pov Mile's expression is unreadable—a mix of concern and something else I can't quite identify.“Hey, Allegra,” he says softly, his voice sending shivers down my spine. “Mind if I join you?”I shake my head, trying to compose myself. “Of course not, Miles. Sit wherever you like,” I reply, gesturing to the empty chair beside me.He takes a seat, his gaze never leaving mine. “You seemed a bit… off earlier. Is everything okay?” he asks, his voice laced with genuine concern.I hesitate, unsure of how much to reveal. But then, looking into his eyes, I realize that I can trust him. “I don't know, Miles,” I admit, my voice barely above a whisper. “There's just something about tonight—something that doesn't feel right.”Miles nods in understanding, his expression grave. “I know what you mean. Ever since the Alpha arrived, things have felt… tense,” he agrees, his eyes flickering towards where the Alpha stands, surrounded by his pack mates.We sit in silence for a moment, lost in our
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Chapter Ninety Eight
Alpha Xander's words echo in my mind, and for a moment, I'm paralyzed by the intensity of his gaze. It's as if he can see right through me, unraveling the layers of my soul with just a single look. And despite the fear and uncertainty swirling within me, there's also a strange sense of comfort in being seen so fully and completely.As we continue to sway to the music, our bodies moving in perfect harmony, I find myself lost in Alpha Xander's eyes. There's a depth to them, a complexity that I can't quite fathom, and yet I can't look away. It's as if I'm being pulled into a trance, captivated by the enigmatic allure of this powerful man before me.“I've heard a lot about you, Allegra,” Alpha Xander says suddenly, breaking the silence that has settled between us. “You're quite the intriguing young woman.”I swallow hard, my heart pounding in my chest. “Thank you, Alpha,” I reply, my voice barely above a whisper. “I… I'm honored.”He smiles, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. “No ne
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Chapter Ninety Nine
Allegra's PovAs the weight of reality crashes down on me, I feel like I'm drowning, suffocating under the weight of expectation and obligation. I stumble back from Alpha Xander, my chest tightening with panic as I struggle to catch my breath.“I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I can't do this,” I gasp, my voice trembling with fear. “I'm not ready.”Xander reaches out to me, his expression filled with concern, but his presence only makes the panic worse. I feel like I'm being suffocated by the weight of his gaze; the intensity of his emotions overwhelms me.Before I can spiral further into panic, Silver appears at my side, her eyes wide with concern. “Allegra, what's wrong?” she asks, her voice laced with worry.“I just want to go home,” I whisper, feeling the heat rising in my chest as I struggle to breathe.Silver pulls me close, trying to calm me down, but it's no use. The air feels thick and heavy, making it impossible to draw in a full breath.And then, as if things couldn't get any worse, S
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Chapter One hundred
Allegra's PovAs Alpha Xander explains his heritage as a warlock, I can't help but feel a mix of curiosity and confusion swirling inside me. “A warlock? What does that mean?” I asked, my voice tinged with disbelief.He smiles at my puzzled expression, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. “A warlock is a male witch,” he explains patiently. “My father was a warlock, which is why I have some unique powers that other werewolves don't possess. And because of my powerful warlock heritage combined with my strong werewolf lineage, I'm considered one of the most powerful alphas alive.”I nod, trying to wrap my head around the concept of werewolves and warlocks coexisting in the same world. “Okay, but what does that have to do with me?” I ask, my curiosity getting the better of me.Alpha Xander chuckles at my interruption, his gaze softening as he looks at me. “It's alright, Allegra. I appreciate your eagerness to understand,” he says, his tone gentle. “To answer your question, when you fe
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