All Chapters of REKINDLED LOVE: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
191 Chapters
Chapter One hundred and Eleven
Allegra’s Pov As I made my way back to my room, the echoes of the conversation with Alpha Xander were still reverberating in my mind. Silver, my ever-curious and loyal confidante, immediately sensed something was up the moment she laid eyes on me. With a knowing look, she gestured for me to spill the tea. “So, spill it, Allegra. How did it go with Alpha Xander?” she inquired, her eyes wide with anticipation.I flopped down onto my bed, letting out a sigh as I recounted the encounter. “Well, let's just say it was intense,” I replied cryptically, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips. Silver raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. “Intense? What do you mean? Did you two finally settle the argument about the territory boundaries?” She pressed, leaning in closer.I explain that we were able to talk things out and come to a more profound understanding of each other's perspectives.” He apologized for being overprotective and explained his concerns,” I explain, a sense of relief ev
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Chapter One hundred and Twelve
Xander’s Pov Leaving Allegra behind is like tearing a piece of my soul away, but duty calls, and I must answer. We haven't officially mated yet, so the rules dictate that she can't be by my side as much as I yearn for her presence. With a heavy heart, I return to the task at hand, assisting Richard in arranging the patrol schedules for our security routine.Richard notices the turmoil swirling within me, his concern evident in the furrow of his brow. “Xander, you seem preoccupied today. Is everything alright?” He inquires, his voice laced with genuine worry.I let out a weary sigh, the weight of my emotions threatening to overwhelm me. “It's nothing, Richard. Just personal matters weighing on my mind,” I reply, attempting to deflect his concern.But Richard sees through my facade, his perceptive gaze boring into my soul. “Is it Allegra?” he ventures softly, his words echoing the thoughts that have been plaguing me all evening.As Richard's question hits the mark, I can't help but fee
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Chapter One hundred and Thirteen
Xander’s Pov I sigh in relief as the nightmare transforms before my eyes, the twisted horrors of my past giving way to a scene of breathtaking beauty and serenity. My parents stand before me, their smiles radiant and filled with love, their presence a comforting embrace that dispels the lingering echoes of fear and despair.The oppressive figure of my grandfather fades into nothingness, his malevolent presence vanquished by the sheer force of hope and love that fills the air. In his place, I see only the faces of my loved ones, their laughter mingling with the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze, their voices a soothing melody that washes over me like a healing balm.For the first time in what feels like an eternity, I am at peace, surrounded by the warmth of family and the promise of a future filled with love and joy. The nightmare fades into the recesses of my mind; its hold over me is broken by the power of hope and resilience.As I bask in the beauty of the moment, I realize th
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Chapter One hundred and Fourteen
Allegra’s Pov As I slowly awaken to the gentle light filtering through the curtains, I find myself nestled in Xander's embrace, the warmth of his presence a comforting anchor in the stillness of the morning. Opening my eyes, I'm met with the sight of his ruggedly handsome face, his features softened by sleep, and his lips curving into a faint smile.“Have you been watching me sleep?” I tease, unable to suppress a blush as his gaze meets mine, a playful glint dancing in his eyes.With a grin, he nods, his voice laced with amusement. “Guilty as charged. But can you blame me? You're even more beautiful when you're asleep,” he replies, earning a playful swat on the arm in response to his cheeky remark.As I shift to sit up, concern clouds my expression, and my eyes are filled with a mixture of worry and uncertainty. “Are you alright, Xander? I felt so much fear through our mate bond that I had to come over,” I confess, my heart aching at the thought of him suffering alone.For a moment, I
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Chapter One hundred and Fifteen
Xander’s PovAs soon as Allegra leaves the house, I waste no time and link Richard, summoning him over to my place. When he arrives, I greet him with a punch on the shoulder, a mixture of excitement and curiosity bubbling inside me.“Dude, why didn't you tell me about you and Silver?” I demand, unable to contain my surprise.Richard chuckles, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. “Sorry, bro. Whenever we talked, it was usually about you and Allegra's issues or the pack's safety. It slipped my mind,” he admits, his expression apologetic.Shaking my head in disbelief, I couldn't help but laugh at his explanation. “Fair enough. But spill it now. How did you know she was your mate?” I press, eager to hear the details of their budding romance.Richard sighs, a wistful smile playing on his lips as he recalls the moment. “Well, that day at the mating ceremony, I couldn't take my eyes off her. I found myself getting more and more agitated as I watched her dance with other guys, so I dec
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Chapter One hundred and Sixteen
Allegra’s Pov The next morning, I quietly skipped back to the training house to get some of my stuff. As I quietly make my way to my room to grab the stuff, the familiar sounds of grunts from the training ground catch my attention. Curiosity piqued, I headed towards the training ground and spotted Miles, deep in concentration as he hones his skills. It's been a while since I last saw him, and I figure it's a good time to catch up.“Hey, Miles, what's up?” I call out, hoping to strike up a conversation.He doesn't respond at first; his focus is solely on his training. Undeterred, I approach him, repeating my greeting in hopes of getting his attention. “Miles, how are you?”This time, I'm too close for him not to hear me. That's when I realize that he's actually snubbing me. Is he for real? I try to tap him to get his attention.Finally, he turns to face me, his expression guarded and unreadable. “Don't you dare touch me,” he warns, his voice dripping with venom.Taken aback by his su
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Chapter One hundred and Seventeen
Allegra’s Pov As I sit there, indecision tortures me and tears stream down my face. Silver enters the room and sits beside me, her expression filled with concern. “What happened? Was it an argument with Miles?” she asks gently, her voice soft and soothing.I nod, unable to find the words to articulate the pain and confusion swirling inside me. “Yeah, he… he expects me to choose him over Xander,” I manage to choke out, my voice barely above a whisper.I frown. How did you even know about it? The argument just happened. Where are you already in the training house? How come I didn't see you when I came in? Where are you with Beta, Richard?”“Woah, woah, Allegra, calm down. I wasn't here, Alpha. Xander linked Richard and told him to ask me to come stay with you. Richard asked him what happened, and he told Richard you had an argument with Miles, speaking of Miles.”Silver's frown deepens, her eyes flashing with indignation. “Allegra, why are you even considering Miles' offer?” She demand
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Chapter One hundred and Eighteen
Xander’s PovAs I stride out of Allegra's room, frustration, and anger bubbling within me, I can't shake the feeling of resentment towards Miles. Why does he constantly try to wedge himself between Allegra and me? I linked Richard, my mind racing with thoughts of how to handle the situation.“Richard, tell Silver to come meet Allegra,” I instruct tersely, my voice laced with frustration.Richard's voice echoes in my mind, filled with concern. “Is everything alright? Did you guys have another argument?” He asks, his tone wary.I hesitate, not in the mood to delve into the details of my argument with Allegra. “I'm not really in the mood to talk about it,” I reply curtly. “Allegra had an argument with Miles.”I feel Richard's irritation through the link; his disapproval is evident even without words. But before he could say anything, I cut him off, the simmering anger within me threatening to boil over.Shaking my head, I try to ward off the searing pain in my chest. The intensity of my
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Chapter One hundred and Nineteen
Xander’s Pov I groan in agony, my heart aching with the knowledge of the danger Allegra faces by remaining by my side. “Allegra, please,” I plead, my voice strained with the effort of holding back the darkness. “You need to go. It's not safe.”But she refuses to heed my words, inching closer despite the blinding light and the ominous aura surrounding me. I can see the struggle etched on her face, the conflict between her desire to help me and her fear of what I might become.As my vision begins to fade and the darkness threatens to consume me, I reach out to her one last time, my fingers trembling with the effort. “I'm sorry, Allegra,” I whisper, my voice barely audible above the din of my agony. “Please, just go.”Allegra moves closer, her presence a comforting presence amidst the chaos. “Xander, hold on,” she urges, her voice laced with determination. “You're stronger than this. We'll find a way to beat this together.”I nod weakly, my resolve bolstered by her unwavering faith in m
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Chaper One hundred and Twenty
Allegra’s PovAs I watch Xander struggle against the relentless tide of dark energy consuming him, my heart clenches with fear and desperation. Every fiber of my being longs to reach out to him, to offer comfort and support in his darkest hour. But as the blinding light emanating from his form intensifies, I find myself paralyzed by the magnitude of his suffering.“Xander,” I call out, my voice trembling with emotion as I take a hesitant step forward. “Please, you have to fight this. I'm here for you.”His anguished groans echo through the forest, each sound piercing my heart like a dagger. I can see the torment etched on his face and the struggle between his human and warlock sides raging within him. And yet, despite the overwhelming darkness threatening to consume him, I refuse to abandon him to his fate.“No, Xander, I won't leave you,” I declare, my voice firm with resolve. “I promised to stand by you, no matter what.”But even as I speak the words, doubt gnaws at the edges of my
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