All Chapters of My Alpha and his three wives: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
146 Chapters
Chapter Ninety One
**Unknown Pov**After hearing the plans of Alpha Vixen and his special adviser, I went back to the back of the palace and scaled the wall.It was no longer a new thing because I had gotten used to this, In Fact this was now my usual route and it didn't even take up to five minutes for me to scale the wall.Landing on the outside of the pack, I pulled off my clothes and shifted to my wolf form. Grabbing my clothes with my fangs, I sprinted as fast as my paws could carry me.Enjoying the cool breeze of nature hitting my skin, the trees, the forest, the chirping of birds, the picturesque view.Everything was just perfect and my wolf wouldn't stop running, enjoying the sprint more than ever.I had to report to Alpha Alaric and get back here so I wouldn't miss any vital information.Yes, Alaric is an Alpha.Most things are hard to believe, most things are impossible to understand until you eventually stumble upon them.My life as a rogue had been messed up until Alpha Alaric picked me up a
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Chapter Ninety Two
Harlow’s PovThis was my greatest fear, losing someone so dear to me.My whole world ceased.I didn't know how to react as I watched Alaric fall down with blood dripping down from his mouth.Everything happened so fast and it got me shocked and immobile for a few seconds.I ran towards Alaric but didn't notice that he was preparing to knock me down too until Marc intervened.Son of a bitch.I feel he's just a maniac, he's the cause of all these things happening."Alaric, open your eyes." I sobbed holding Alaric as carefully as I could."Why did you go back to fight him? Why didn't you ignore him? Fool...Now what do you expect me to do?" I cried out in pain.Meanwhile Marc and Tobais were already in a fierce war but I couldn't care less as my priority now is to make sure that Alaric is okay."Pumpkin,you don't have to bother about me, I'd be fine..." He said and winced in pain."Shut up, you still have the strength to talk even in this kind of situation!" I scolded and he only chuckle
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Chapter Ninety three
~Unknown clan~The next morning.....I didn't sleep till the following day, I think it was the effect of the coffee.I felt like I fell off a cliff, my whole body hurts like hell. I couldn't even feel myself.It was now I noticed I was in a different room.The room I saw my self In wasn't familiar to me ,this wasn't the room they gave me.I thought to myself.But where could this be? Just then Amelia walked in, the first question I could register in my head and asked her was:"Amelia, where am I"? "Is that a good morning or what?" Amelia asked me, seemingly displeased by my actions."I'm sorry, it's just that I woke up in an unfamiliar room." I responded to her pouting and making a cute funny face.And yes, that got her."It's okay, have you forgotten you asked me to bri____" The remaining words hung in her mouth. She acted like someone who was just reminded not to say a particular thing."You were saying something." I reminded her "Don't bother, it's nothing serious." She replie
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Chapter Ninety Four
Unknown clan~****When the seer asked me that question, I felt really angry.So she can't even offer me a seat?The next minute I did something really outrageous.I grabbed her hair and was about to slam her head on the wall, but a force swift me off my feet.I fell hard on the strong and well built wall.What the heck was wrong with me? Did I forget that she's the seer... No one else but the seer.Even Roman who is the Alpha respects him self when it comes to dealing with her.What will become of me now!!!I just hope she spares my life."Your dangerous and corrupt mind would be the end of you, did you forget who I am, Nara?" The seer scolded as her eyes turned fiery red, an essence flame appeared at the edge of her fingers as her face twisted to a smug smile.Someone remind me never to try this to the seer in my entire life the next time I go to her house, even if am crazily mad.By now, I was already spitting out blood."I'm... I'm sorry, please spare my life," I pleaded.Yeah, y
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Chapter Ninety Five
****I saw myself in an unknown land, I was utterly confused and scared, because I remember vividly everything that happened before I collapsed.But why did I collapse? Am I going to die like this? Or am I already dead? These questions kept flowing in my head as tears fell off my cheek.While wandering around the dark and thick forest, I bumped into someone because of lack of concentration."How do you feel Mila?" The person asked me in a very nonchalant tone.How did she even know my name?I wasn't ready for any of these, so I went straight to the point."Who are you?" I demanded because the person's aura alone was scary and mysterious."I don't think that's a nice way to thank someone who saved your life, little one." The voice of the same person retorted as her eyes suddenly grew cold and fierce.How did she save me? What exactly is she talking about?Although when I heard her talk now, fear gripped me as I stared at the most horrifying and appalling yet quite Beautiful woman.Yea
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Chapter Ninety Six
Unknown PovWhat made Roman become so self centered? This is what was bothering me. Something must have happened for him to be this way.I'm yet to find out!!! ****I couldn't stop thinking about Roman, I spaced on different occasions and this got Amelia really bothered.I tried convincing myself that I was only thinking about how m for the sole purpose of finding out what has been wrong for some time now.But I was wrong, I get this feeling there is more to the reason I think about him. Ever since that strange woman called Cynthia told me how the lycans were treated, I couldn't continue seeing Roman as a figure of wickedness."Amelia I would be right back, I need to take a job outside." I said to Amelia who laid on the bed quietly and kept staring at me."What's up with the stares?" I asked her."Huh?" Amelia gave out a confusing sound .Well that's by the way. "Should I come with you?" Amelia asked me."No, you should rest, you look so tired.""Yeah ,
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Chapter Ninety Seven
~Unknown Pov~I was taking a rest in my room when Nara walked in. I know for sure that I haven't been good to her since Mila came into this pack, and for sure if Mila should be in her shoes she would hate herself."Hey." She said,"Hey." I responded."What's up, you look so worn out,""Yeah, I am indeed worn out." I replied to her and sighed."What's wrong, Roman? We have been friends for a long time and you can share whatever is going on with me. Tell me what's bothering you."If the truth is really bothered, I need someone to talk to so badly. At this stage I feel so vulnerable.How am I supposed to tell Nara that Mila is my mate? She hates Mila so much, and I really can't blame get for that."Nara, don't worry i'm good, I just need some rest." I replied to her."Okay, you need to rest and don't bother yourself thinking much." Nara added.I know I told Nara that I needed to rest, but I couldn't lay my head down to take a nap."Nara? " I called her back."Yes..." She turned and answe
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Chapter Ninety Eight
Roman's POVI held her waist to give her support, I ran my hands across her bare waist and traced her neck with my tongue. She trembled and moaned at the same time.I bet her legs were weak now."Ahh.. Roman..." She moaned my name.While we were in our own world enjoying ourselves, people in the pack were running helter skelter.I don't know what happened but Mila pushed me away and looked around in fright. She seems scared but I don't really know what is scaring her."Roman, they are here again." Mila said she was really scared out of her wits."Hey, Mila? Calm down..."With that she calmed down a little.When she said 'They' are here, I knew the people she was talking about. Her words here again made me know she was talking to none other than the rogues.We heard a shrieking sound, it was a very painful one. Mila hugged me so tight like she didn't want to let me go.I thought she was a supernatural being, so why is she this scared?"Roman, please don't let them take me." She pleaded
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Chapter Ninety Nine
Roman's POVI went back to fighting and saw 5 rouges left. I was mad because one of my fighters was getting ready to be killed by a stupid rogue. I was seeing red. I ran up to the rouge, knocked him over, then I ripped his throat out in one bite, killing it quickly. I kept smelling the rouges out and went on a killing spree. I ripped out 8 more throats before the remaining few fled from the fight.I ran back to the pack house to see if any of my pack members was possibly harmed or injured in any way. But none of them in the safe house was injured.Heck!!!Where is Mila?I ran back to where I spotted her standing before but she was not there.I searched the whole place but Mila was nowhere to be found.Bad thoughts started creeping into my head. I quickly discerned those thoughts.But this shouldn't be what I am thinking, because if it is, I will search for the person leading these rogues and kill him with my bare hands.I ordered some of the pack fighters to join me in looking for M
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Chapter 100
Writer's PovWhile Roman and the seer were in his room talking, Nara was with the rogue.I don't really know what is running through her mind now but I know it's not any good.Nara had this one thought in mind that the rogues were not just attacking them for a fight, she knew they wanted something.And today she saw and knows what they want. And that is Mila.She is ready to put her life at stake even if it means going against Roman, she could so she can take Mila away.She thought so very well that it would be so easy for her to do it.Well, let's see how it goes."Who is your leader?" She asked the rogue.But all she received was a long term silence." I believe I asked a question." Nara commented.The rogue still didn't respond."Maybe you don't understand my language." After saying that Nara put a piece of paper forcefully into the hands of the rogue and made it escape."Run!!! As fast as you can." I think that is the only English the rogue understood. 'RUN.'After making sure th
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