All Chapters of My Alpha and his three wives: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
146 Chapters
Chapter One hundred and One
Alpha Exorcist period.Alpha Ansel's Pov "You killed her!!!" Alpha Xander of the Crimson pack yelled.And that was enough to confuse the remaining sanity I had left."What are you talking about!?" I asked in anger. This is becoming too much for me to handle… but then, I have to be strong for not just myself, including my pack members. I have to protect them at all costs."Don't ask me that question!!! Aside from your pack, there is no other brutal and senseless pack." Alpha Xander blurted out."Enough of the insults already!!! What were you talking about!? Killed who?" I hollered as I felt my brain would explode soon.My head was spinning as I couldn't think straight anymore. When he said 'you killed her' my thoughts drifted to Petal.Could it be that she's dead? No, that can't happen.What went wrong? " You killed Amanda!!! The child was just innocent…You killed her because you couldn't find any way to reach Petal!!!" He shouted.Okay that's fair, nothing happened to Petal and th
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Chapter 102
Xenia's PovFor some weird reason, I felt like Nadia wanted to use me as a pawn in her game but then, I'm way smarter than she thinks.Every doubt I had in mind flushed away when she stated that if I get the sacred staff from the werewolf king, Gwen would be awoken."How long would it take you to consider my offer? Am please do well to shut your mouths so an insect doesn't go in!" Nadia exclaimed in irritation."Okay fine, I have considered your offer but here's the thing. I can't go there alone, which I'm sure you're very much aware of." I expected a response from Nadia but she just stared blankly at me which made me feel kinda weird."Can you say something? Please?" Jerking a shoulder forward, I asked out of frustration after a long pause from her."What matters is the fact that you've accepted the offer so who would be going with you should be the least of problems you have now." Nadia leisurely announced.Does she have a brain trauma or something? I feel she doesn't just understa
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Chapter One hundred and Three
Marc's PovThe moon hung high in the sky, its light casting shadows across the forest floor. I stood at the edge of my territory, the sounds of the night filling my ears. A twig snapped behind me, and I turned, my hackles raised."Who's there?" I growled, my voice low and menacing.Out of the shadows stepped a woman, her dark hair cascading down her back. I could smell the magic on her, and I knew she was a witch. I bared my teeth, ready to defend my territory. The witch raised her hands, palms facing me in a gesture of peace. "I mean you no harm," she said, her voice calm and steady. "I come bearing a message from Nadia, the High Priestess of Black Magic."I hesitated, my instincts telling me to attack, but something about the witch's demeanor made me pause. "What message does she have for me?" I asked, my tone wary."She wishes to speak with you about the sacred staff of power," the witch replied. "She believes that its magic could be used to benefit your pack."I narrowed my eyes,
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Chapter One hundred and Four
~Another Werewolf clan~*Emerging from the woods after a long run sprint with my wolf, happiness flooded my entire being for no particular reason. I just felt happy as I strolled down to the grand pack house.Everyone stared weirdly at me which was the weirdest thing ever for me. Many looked at me with pity while some looked at me mockingly.It made me feel weird but then I had to keep my head up high so I wouldn't embarrass myself in the presence of everyone.When I got closer to the grand pack house, I could hear some maidens who were of the same age as I am mockingly snickered."I don't feel any pity for her... If she's sold out it would save us a lot of stress after all her scumbag who she calls a father caused all these!" One of the maidens jeered disdainfully at me.I've been hearing rumors going around in the pack house that I'd be sold out due to my step father's behavior.But what I don't know is why I have to be sold out to clear the pack's debt, I mean, that's kind of stu
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Chapter One hundred and Five
~Mystery~I woke up with a stinging pain at the left corner of my head.I opened my eyes trying to adjust to the light that illuminated the room."Argh!!" I groaned in pain as I held my head and felt a liquid substance in my hands. Metallic smell fled the air and I realized it was my blood.The last thing I remembered is refusing what my step father said to me and then–Oh goodness!I got hit on the head by Sebastian... He's a bully and he is actually the only one who has the audacity to do such a thing to me in the presence of many people.I felt like crying but there were no tears left to cry.My last resolve was that I would never agree to be sold out to the lycan king.After all this was all my step father's fault and no one else. An Alpha who never thinks of the well being of his pack members, a gambler and a drunkard. He wasted almost all the pack's resources on gambling and drinking.And here comes his son Sebastian, who is hungry for power. One who wants to be entitled as the
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Chapter One hundred and Six
*HERA*"It's time! They're here now let's get prepared!" I heard the voice of my stepfather Alpha Draco yell behind me.I was taken into my room where my preparations to be sold off were made. I got dressed in a blue ball gown and had hazel like crystal fancy on my blonde hair and that accentuated my beauty the most. The blue ball gown looked so well on me that I wondered if it was made especially for me.In no time, the guards, warriors and some council from the pack of Black Alder arrived at my own pack, the blue moon pack.I was expecting to see the Alpha himself but instead he sent his gamma.Not many words were said by either of the pack members and I can see how happy my step father looked because the Alpha throne wasn't taken away from him. Even if emotions weren't always displayed in Sebastian's, I know he was planning his next move and was also satisfied that I was taken out of the pack house.My journey to the Black Alder pack started off in no time... I wasn't given a prop
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Chapter One hundred and Seven
*HERA*My eyes popped out as it met with the smoky and inquisitive gaze of the Alpha and the council of elders.I didn't even know how to start pleading.How would I explain that an unknown man got me pregnant? If it was just the Alpha that was here, I would have tried to reason with him though it wasn't an easy task to take on but with the council here??That was the end of everything I believed in."Hera, a gamma claims to have overheard an outrageous confession and we've come to inquire if it's true or not?." The eldest man spoke up and I could hear Riella chuckling in excitement.This is all she ever wanted!!Meanwhile, Hannah stood before me sobbing with her gaze down and that was all the elders needed to ascertain the claims."Since you've decided to be infidel, then your status has been reduced. For the sake of the goddess, you will live among the people as a commoner." The Alpha declared, his voice dripping with authority."And you Hannah, you have concealed such an outrageous
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Chapter One hundred and Eight
****Not knowing that the door that burst open was going to be a war that would bring so much damage and a lot of things would be in despair, I felt reluctant to even move an ankle and I was so surprised at the attack that came for me.I silently made my way to the door only to see a bloodbath war unfolding in front of my eyes.I was expecting this though.But to be honest I'm so tired of this unending and unnecessary war.I want to live a normal life, far from stress and just the peace of mind to be guaranteed.The moment I realized how fierce the war was, I subconsciously uttered Jane's name and only prayed that she's okay. I didn't have much time as I had to join in the fight.At first, I wanted this war to end, I wanted to make peace with the Blood moon pack.This isn't supposed to be happening, I thought about it standing inactive for some seconds. I looked at how fierce and bloodbath the war seemed and decoded that even if I want to end this in my own way, the Blood moon pack w
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Chapter One hundred and Nine
Supernatural community~****"Darn that bitch called a goddess, she just had to ruin all my hard work by revealing it. I really wonder why she's even the guardian of the river. " I mumbled to myself as I destroyed the treasures in my chamber's.Gosh, it seems like the entire universe is against me but I am VESSA. I won't back down now. I believe that every failure was another opportunity to try harder and get accomplished. I won't stop trying till I get what I want. Ariel must surely pay for being my sister, for winning the love and trust of everyone, for being so breathtakingly stunning, gorgeous and perfect.I had returned to the royal palace only to find the goddess present there, so u immediately made a mental note to hide and listen to them, instead of totally evading their nice little chit chat. *Scoffs* I listened closely to all that transpired and I was really overjoyed when the goddess mentioned the banishment of Ariel. I felt disappointed, to say the least, when my father l
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Chapter One hundred and Ten
****Strip." I commanded in a hoarse voice.Hey, its me again and with me now is one of my old friends, not really considered as a friend but more of a fuck mate.This was Enisa coming to seduce me for the hundredth time and this time I'd say she has succeeded. I had one rule, just one and that was never to sleep with any bitch twice.~~HOW IT ALL STARTED~~Me and my buddies had hit up a cool night club and amidst being wasted, I suddenly felt the urge to use the restroom.I excused myself from them and found my way to the men's restroom. Soon there were sounds of clicking heels headed towards my direction and as I turned to have a clearer view, my jaws dropped.Here was Enisa wearing nothing but a thin pink nighty making her birthday suit visible to the bare eye.Before I could say a word, she wrapped her hands around my shoulder, placing her soft pink lips on mine; kissing me hardly and in no time I reciprocated, showering her with kisses everywhere.
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