All Chapters of My Alpha and his three wives: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
146 Chapters
Chapter One hundred and Eleven
End of werewolf clans.Writer's PovThe crowd is in a joyful and festive mood, the mermaids are chatting happily and waiting patiently for the festival to comment and so are the mermen. The little mermaids and mermen are swimming about joyfully as different shades of colors are sparkling all over the palace."I really wonder who'd sing this year." One chirped in happily."What if it turns out to be princess Vessa...hehe....just kidding." One of the mermaids said and relief washed over the faces of the listeners.Somewhere also in the palace, Vessa is seen praising herself as her maids dress her up for the festival, she looks so lovely and happy unlike the Vessa we know who always has a sad countenance but there was this mischievous glint in her eyes. That look of accomplishment can't be mistaken.~~In the Kings Chambers~~The king is done with his dressing and the only thing left for him to go outside was the royal scepter.Taking one look at the table in front of the walk-in closet,
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Chapter One hundred and Twelve
****I walked back leisurely towards my room as members of the pack threw hateful and spiteful looks at me. Do I even care about their looks? Or what they saw me as? The answer was a NO, written In capital letters."She must be quite brave to sleep here every night without fear that she'll be ripped apart in the middle of the night." One of the pack members whispered to her partner and they both chuckled but fortunately, or more like unfortunately I heard them.I wasn't ready to pick up a fight now, maybe that might happen later but absolutely not now. They don't worth my fist, so I just replied in a carefree chatter addressing no one in particular."She slept with wolves without fear, for the wolves knew a lion was among them. She's brave, isn't she?." I replied and winked at them as I strode down the hallway."What audacity!" One commented."This is all the Alpha's fault." The other replied, staring back and forth in a bid to check if the Alpha was anywhere around.I really don't h
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Chapter One hundred and Thirteen
"I believe I asked a question!!!!" Roman growled.I've made a mental note to never in my lifetime call him "Almighty Alpha Roman" as his pack members do.Almighty Alpha my foot, his name is Roman or better still........ nothing.Just then the girls in the fire managed to look at me as they pointed their fingers towards me. Everybody in the pack house stared at me.Did I care? I didn't know what was going on, but I love this new part of me. The only thing I quite understood was that I was angry and they were on fire.Everyone stared at me with fright and a little bit of disdain in their eyes as they wondered what was going on."First, she calls on the moon goddess and she appears and now, it's setting people on fire with her mind....or is it her eyes?." Someone commented to her partner."What happened here?" Roman asked, referring to me as he eyed me suspiciously."Alpha, she—" Amelia was saying but couldn't finish as Roman cut her short."I wasn't referring to you, Amelia." He said to
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Chapter One hundred and Fourteen
~I was in my room going through some of my Alpha duties...Yes, Alpha duties!!!! My room was also my office, not because I couldn't get an office but because I really love my room and therefore made it my office.I was going through some files when my door burst open and one of the palace maids came racing in panting like a deer. "What is it?" I asked in that usual stern voice."The....the human girl just set two of the pack members on fire." she said going all fidgety.I had to go to where the scene was happening, and of course two sets of girls were caught up in fire.I was so shocked, who exactly is this human girl?. First she summoned the moon goddess, something I can't do myself.And now she set two people on fire. Like how is that even possible? Does she work around with fire or something? At this stage, I was so confused. I really don't know what this human girl is anymore.What surprised me most was the fact that the fire stopped burning immediately. Amelia told her some s
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Chapter One hundred and Fifteen
~After what happened today, I went back to my room. Amelia went back to her house too as we promised to meet some other time.I was so bored, there was nothing for me to do, no one to talk to.After meeting Amelia today that's when I realize I've been so lonely.I wanted to keep myself busy with something but I couldn't find any. I took my bath and wore a pink tank top and a short, I let my platinum waist length blonde hair pour at my back. I then decided to take a stroll around the pack house.The pack house is so beautiful, the beauty in it is enough to ease my boredom. But I was still bored.I felt like reading and drinking coffee....I was still walking inside the pack house when I came to a certain huge door.....Oh yeah that reminds me, this room belongs to Roman. I remember seeing him and Nara here.What were they doing??Whatever.... That's none of my business.When I got into the room, I was surprised by what I saw. The room was more like an office. Different books that were
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Chapter One hundred and Sixteen
Writer's POVMila waited patiently for some seconds after replying and no response was forthcoming, she then looked up only to find Roman gazing dreamily at her.She found it so weird.Mila followed Roman's gaze only to see him staring at her exposed body.Now, she felt so dirty, she felt like a seductive goddess, it seems like she came to his room only to seduce him. Her eyes moistened up as she remembered how she just let her guard down. This was so unbearable for her!!!Roman's eyes were still trailing down on her body, she couldn't bear it anymore. "I'm sorry." She said to him tears trickled down her cheeks and she dropped the book she was reading in between sniffles."Huh!!" Roman inquired, raising his left brow in confusion."I''m... sorry." She stuttered and ran out of the room. All she needed right now was to be alone and cry her eyes out. She felt she just kissed the same guy that ordered her death."What are you sorry for?" Roman yelled from behind bu
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Chapter One hundred and Seventeen
Marc's POV "If you don't listen to me, Harlow dies..." She said to me, Harlow? My heart skipped a beat at the sound of the name, and I was frozen in time with my eyes glued to her face, and my heart racing at the thoughts of her words.What had suddenly happened to me was what I could not fathom. It was as though there was a certain fear that gripped me, one which almost caused me to run out of breath, and also have sweat drops suddenly rolling down my face.Her name stirred inside of me a feeling I had never experienced, and a reminisce of her face and features which seemed to have been wiped off by the troubles that came with my position.My knees were weakened, and it only took the strength of the gods to remain on my feet and stable. I looked away from her, looking aside as I thought of Harlow. My beloved was out there, somewhere, while I remained here, drowning in thoughts of her voice and the feel of her skin against mine. But while I was lost in my train of thoughts, I could
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Chapter One hundred and Eighteen
Marc's POV "If you don't listen to me, Harlow dies..." She said to me, Harlow? My heart skipped a beat at the sound of the name, and I was frozen in time with my eyes glued to her face, and my heart racing at the thoughts of her words.What had suddenly happened to me was what I could not fathom. It was as though there was a certain fear that gripped me, one which almost caused me to run out of breath, and also have sweat drops suddenly rolling down my face.Her name stirred inside of me a feeling I had never experienced, and a reminisce of her face and features which seemed to have been wiped off by the troubles that came with my position.My knees were weakened, and it only took the strength of the gods to remain on my feet and stable. I looked away from her, looking aside as I thought of Harlow. My beloved was out there, somewhere, while I remained here, drowning in thoughts of her voice and the feel of her skin against mine. But while I was lost in my train of thoughts, I could
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Chapter One hundred and Nineteen
Harlow's POV"She was a friend, a daughter, a committed follower... and a sister. She was one willing to trade her life for the safety of her sisters" one of the witches who stood at the far end uttered those words.We stood at the river bank, though not exactly close to where the waves and tides would push the waters to touch our feet. Dressed in black, I stood there, looking at the deep ground which was dug for Gwen's body, and I looked afar towards Gwen who laid there, lifeless.The best I could remember, she was one of the liveliest people I ever met, a joyous soul with a touch of authority and bravery. But here we gathered, honoring the dead, about to put her body in the earth where she would become one with nature.I fought back the tears that tried rolling down my eyes, and I wiped off my dripping nostrils, and sniffled hard at the pain her death had caused to us all."Find peace, sister," the lady uttered again.I stood and watched as the other ladies walked towards where Gwen
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Chaptet One hundred and Twenty
Third POVA few weeks had passed since it was officially stated that Harlow had lost the child. It occurred in a matter of seconds, without having any time for a remedy. And for Harlow, it felt as though a part of her was cut off from her being, as though she had lost the most important asset of her existence.She confided deeply in herself, confining herself in a certain room for days, not uttering a word, and refusing any edible substance to aid her survival."It's been weeks, Harlow!" One of the elderly women of the coven said to her. She had stepped into the room, holding in her hand a tray which contained bowels and plates filled with food, whose smelling savour had filled the room While another would easily rush after what sweetened the nose, she remained on the bed, laying with her hands tied and placed on her chest, and her eyes fixed on the ceiling. "Harlow, you can't keep doing this to yourself" the lady uttered. She dropped the heavy item she held in her hand and walked t
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