All Chapters of My Alpha and his three wives: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
146 Chapters
Chapter One hundred and Twenty One
Harlow's POV A bright light shone from above upon my face, one which pierced through my closed eyelids and forced me to wake from my subconscious. I had my hands placed over my eyes by reflex, and looked away from this source with a slight hiss. I blinked numerous times, closing my eyes for long and opening them before I was able to have the perfect view of where I was. I felt something around my skin. From the feel I could tell it was a minute organism. Yet as minute and inconsiderable it could be, I felt the discomfort of having something creep around my neck regionI slammed my palm against my neck, and checked back again to realize my palm coated in blood. The quantity alone was enough to prove my thoughts wrong. But when I glared at my hands and tried to wipe off the blood from my hands, I shrieked at the feel of a bigger creature creeping over my legs, striking a feat inside of me that caused me to yell and roll on the ground before I stood from the ground. I ran from whe
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Chapter One hundred and Twenty Two
Marc's POV"We need more men at the eastern section" one of the guards said to me"And why is that?" I asked him"The people feel insecure, and unsafe. It gives them the impression that you must have abandoned them" the guard said again to me.Abandoned them? That was so untrue of my leadership. Perhaps I must have forgotten about the others and focused only on the elite, and this was probably what could have caused a deviation in the hearts of the people away from me. I needed to set things right, and make sure that the people understood my greatest concern for their safety.I stand at the window, my heart heavy with sorrow. The sun is sinking below the horizon, but it does little to lift my spirits. All I can think of is Harlow, the woman I love with all my being. But she is gone, her memories lost to some cruel twist of fate. I can't even look at her picture without feeling the pain of her absence. It feels as if a part of me has been torn away, leaving a gaping hole in my chest.
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Chapter One hundred and Twenty Three
Writer's POVJust then Amelia with mouth agape in shock, astounded as to what was going on. Before she could say a word to Nara, Alpha Roman came bursting in.Alpha Roman was as shocked as Ameila as a troop was already gathering, staring in fright at the fight that just happened.Before Amelia could reach out to Mila, a rogue wolf came bursting in.Everyone became alerted. Just as Roman was about to charge at the rogue, three tropes of rogue came in all at once.The situation was so tragic!!!!No one planned or prepared for a fight today. Nara was so confused, she never planned for any of this. She seems to be the most shocked person amongst everyone present there."How do I fight in this condition?" Nara asked herself.She was brutally injured from the kick she got from Mila. Mila on the other hand was surprised but doesn't seem surprised.The next thing no one ever expected happened.Mila began to heal from all the punches, kicks, and scratches she got from Nara. Meanwhile, Nar
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Chapter One hundred and Twenty Four
~War cry~The pack was so brutal with corpses all over the place. The whole place was a mess and very tragic. Things were broken and there were visible signs of fighting and blood in the ground and wall.The whole place was eerie.Some pack members were crying, because many lost their loved one's."It really hurts to see all these innocent souls die". I heard Mila say and then she collapsed.Thank goodness Amelia was close enough to catch her."Mila, Mila, Mila are you okay?" Amelia asked her worriedly.Everyone turned towards Mila with worry etched on their faces.I already had my heart in my mouth, but surprisingly Mila opened her eyes. Everyone heaved a sigh of relief. I thought I was the only one holding in my breath."Take me inside please." Mila said out to Amelia in a weak voice."Yes, sure." Amelia answered in assurance.I know Amelia wouldn't be able to carry Mila, but in order not to raise another scene I asked one of the female lycans to help send Mila to Amelia's room bec
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Chapter One hundred and Twenty Five
*Unknown*"Who said I hold anything against her? It's you Roman, you've really changed. You now care so much about someone you barely know. What about me, Roman? Huh...... We have been friends since childhood, yet the attention you give to Mila you've never given it to me." Nara said in a harsh tone.Now can someone tell me what she's emphasizing on.I looked at her with fury in my eyes. She flinched because she knew I was angry. "Nara, we were friends when we were still kids and we are still friends, but that shouldn't make you forget the fact that I am your Alpha." I growled at her angrily."And do not not think that as the beta of this pack you have the right to misbehave." I told her."Roman, i____""That's enough!!!" I growled.Tears trickled down her cheeks, I felt guilty but guilty for what?What exactly is wrong with her and why Is she crying?Jeez!!! This is one thing about women I really hate. They are really drama queens.I didn't spare her anymore time, I just walked o
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Chapter One hundred and Twenty Six
The next morning.....I didn't sleep till the following day, I think it was the effect of the coffee.I felt like I fell off a cliff, my whole body hurts like hell. I couldn't even feel my self.It was now I noticed I was in a different room.The room I saw my self In wasn't familiar to me ,this wasn't the room they gave to me.I thought to my self.But where could this be? Just then Amelia walked in, the first question I could register in my head and asked her was:"Amelia where am I"? "Is that a good morning or what?" Amelia asked me, seemingly displeased by my actions."I'm sorry, it's just that I woke in an unfamiliar room." I responded to her pouting and making a cute funny face.And yes, that got her."It's okay, have you forgotten you asked me to bri____" The remaining words hung in her mouth. She acted like someone who was just reminded not to say a particular thing."You were saying something." I reminded her "Don't bother it's nothing serious." She replied me as she wav
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Chapter One hundred and Twenty Seven
Mila was slowly stealing the heart of everyone. After what happened the previous day between I and Mila, it seems to be that I am now an invisible figure in the eyes of everyone.No one talks about anything else other than how brave, courageous and strong she is.They all know that I am far stronger than she is... although, technically, I am stronger than her.And now, it's my sister Amelia, she thinks am wicked she sees me as a bad person....Yeah I know am a bad person but not that kind of bad okay?Yeah, I asked Amelia to befriend Mila, I never knew their relationship will be as strong as this. And oh my gosh.... Mila and Amelia play together like they are of the same mother, just like they shared one womb.I felt so angry when I heard Mila giggling. Everything about her annoys me.How could she be this beautiful? Why does she have to be brave? Just....why? She has everything I have ever wished for, and now she wants to take over Roman and my sister, Amelia."Honestly, Amelia, Na
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Chapter One hundred and Twenty Eight
When the seer asked me that question, I felt really angry.So she can't even offer me a seat?The next minute I did something really outrageous.I grabbed her hair and was about to slam her head on the wall, but a force swift me off my feet.I fell hard on the strong and well built wall.What the heck was wrong with me? Did I forget that she's the seer... No one else but the seer.Even Roman who is the Alpha respects him self when it comes to dealing with her.What will become of me now!!!I just hope she spares my life."Your dangerous and corrupt mind would be the end of you, did you forget who I am, Nara?" The seer scolded as her eyes turned fiery red, an essence flame appeared at the edge of her fingers as her face twisted to a smug smile.Someone remind me never to try this to the seer in my entire life the next time I go to her house, even if am crazily mad.By now, I was already spitting out blood."I'm... I'm sorry, please spare my life," I pleaded.Yeah, yeah you all heard m
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Chapter One hundred and Twenty Nine
Writer's POV How come Nara suddenly what to become friends with Mila? What exactly does Nara has in mind? Well....just scratch that!!!"I'm serious, please let's keep the odds aside and become friends." Nara told Mila.Would Mila really agree to become Nara's friend out of the blues?But then Mila replied Nara, "Nara, I would accept your apology, but if it seems to be that you are not keeping to your words, I would surely deal with you in a very dreadful way ever." Mila gave this as a serious warning.Whoever heard the tone in which she said this would know the seriousness she's emitting right now and I bet the person won't dare to joke with her.She was giving off a bad bitch vibe now!!!"What's up with this Mila. This moment she's playful, the next moment she's the daredevil." Nara thought, and she then gave a tired sigh and massaged her forehead.Suddenly, Mila collapsed.What's wrong!!!What's really wrong now? Why would Mila just collapse?Nara was so shocked and scared at the
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Chapter One hundred and Thirty
****I saw myself in an unknown land, I was utterly confused and scared, because I remember vividly everything that happened before I collapsed.But why did I collapse? Am I going to die like this? Or am I already dead? These questions kept flowing in my head as tears fell off my cheek.While wandering around the dark and thick forest, I bumped into someone because of lack of concentration."How do you feel Mila?" The person asked me in a very nonchalant tone.How did she even know my name?I wasn't ready for any of these, so I went straight to the point."Who are you?" I demanded because the person's aura alone was scary and mysterious."I don't think that's a nice way to thank someone who saved your life, little one." The voice of the same person retorted as her eyes suddenly grew cold and fierce.How did she save me? What exactly is she talking about?Although when I heard her talk now, fear gripped me as I stared at the most horrifying and appalling yet quite Beautiful woman.Yea
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