All Chapters of Mine - The Alpha's Possession: Chapter 491 - Chapter 500
635 Chapters
Chapter 0491
Once the vampires retreated we shifted back and found clothing that was stashed in trees all over the place and we started with the clean up. The dead bodies of the vampires. We were collecting all the body parts and putting them in one pile to light a fire when Jackson walked over to me and he pull
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Chapter 0492
"No way. You're not sleeping down there. If that was a day walker that bit you, then we will find a way to get that drug out of your system." He says. "How?" I asked. "I don't know. But don't tell me that you're just gonna roll over and accept your fate. You've never done that. You've always fou
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Chapter 0493
Jackson was outside talking to his brothers and sisters for a long time and all of the kids were inside with me. But none of them were talking except for Wyatt. He was the only one brave enough to talk to me. The other kids obviously did think that I was a monster. I got up at one point and looked
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Chapter 0494
We walked to a town that looked pretty destroyed but then there was a building that was completely untouched. And there was no doubt that the vampire council was inside there. We did a little recon first and saw several vampires outside the building on patrol, protecting the council from anything
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Chapter 0495
As the council was sitting there waiting for the inevitable attack on us, we stood there. Not prepared to make the first move. And it was Josiah that was getting more impatient by the second. He was the one that was getting restless in his seat and wanting something to happen. Ezekial just sat there
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Chapter 0496
I ran over to her and I ripped the stake out of her stomach and she was really badly hurt. Fae's could be killed by anything. So I stuck the stake right under her head, in the middle of her neck that I knew would kill her pretty quickly. "How did you do that?" She choked out. "Because I was the f
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Chapter 0497
When Jackson and I went back upstairs we checked on the kids that were sleeping in their rooms and we went to have a shower and when I got out of the shower Jackson was sitting on the edge of the bed. He looked exhausted but he was waiting to talk to me. "What is it?" I asked. "I was going to as
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Chapter 0498
Joseph followed me into the kitchen while I started making breakfast with our new cook, Stella. "Taylor. You do know that I never thought that you were a monster or anything like that. I knew that you were never evil." Joseph says. "Do I? I helped you with your mate and then you turned around an
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Chapter 0499
We got the bodies to the hospital and Jackson and I needed to do the notifications to the families of the dead warriors. And then we called a meeting with all warriors that weren't on current patrol duty. We met them out the back of the packhouse because the meeting hall was taken at the moment an
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Chapter 0500
"It's a little too soon to jump to those conclusions." He says. "No. It isn't. The others have started changing, and now I am. You have to lock me up. But do not let Zara take control of this packhouse." I say. "I am not locking you up. You were being a protective mother, looking out for her son.
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