All Chapters of Mine - The Alpha's Possession: Chapter 501 - Chapter 510
635 Chapters
Chapter 0501
JACKSON POV Watching Taylor in that cell was not the easiest thing I have ever done. It was actually the hardest I have done. I couldn't mind link with her. It's like there was no one in there. She was completely out of control and if I tried to go too close to her then she tried to bite me. So I
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Chapter 0502
She was laying on the cold cement floor, in human form, shaking and trembling because she was so cold. I mind linked the doctor to come to the dungeon and then I opened the cell door and I grabbed a blanket and wrapped it over her. The doctor came to the cell a few minutes later and she examined
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Chapter 0503
Taylor stood there looking at me in fear. This is what she had been fearing. That evil Taylor was going to come out and make an appearance. And if that happened, I had to think about the warriors in the other cell's. I needed to be prepared to free them if she lost control. And if Evil Taylor came o
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Chapter 0504
I went to go back downstairs to the dungeon but an invisible force slammed the door in my face and locked it. I tried to break through it, but for some reason I couldn't. It felt like I was ramming solid steel. I knew that Taylor was doing it, to stop me from going back downstairs. Ethan came runn
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Chapter 0505
Carter stood there looking dumbfounded for a moment. I didn't want to give away what we were doing. I wanted it to be a surprise, but I also wanted to throw him off his game. And that's all I could think of at the moment. He said that he was going to kidnap Taylor before the transformation was compl
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Chapter 0506
"I don't remember doing that." She says. "Don't worry about it. It's fine now. The doctor has been here and looked you over. She took some more blood while she was here too. We're trying to find out what that serum is doing to your werewolf and your fae heritage. It's obviously affecting them both
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Chapter 0507
By the time the sun was setting I was still sitting on the bed next to holding her hand when she suddenly pulled her hand away and she started feeling her gums. I could feel her pain, but it wasn't the canines that she could feel. They were fangs. She was whimpering while running her fingers over he
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Chapter 0508
Ethan tells me that some bodies have been dumped at the border. They look human and they have vampire bites on them. And I tell him that it's a way of luring Taylor out. Just get them to the hospital so the pathologist can look at them and find out who they are. I'll deal with it tomorrow. Taylor ca
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Chapter 0509
TAYLOR POV I understood where Jackson was coming from. He didn't want me to sacrifice myself to protect innocent people. And I know that I've done a lot of dumb shit in the past. But if Carter is planning on using me for evil, then there's no way I am going anywhere near him. I would have stayed aw
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Chapter 0510
"Holy fuck Jackson." I moaned. And he started rubbing it with his finger. He started sucking on my clit as he pushed one finger inside of me and he started pumping it in and out. I ran my fingers through his hair and he pushed a second finger inside of me and my back arched off of the bed. I was a
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