All Chapters of Mine - The Alpha's Possession: Chapter 521 - Chapter 530
635 Chapters
Chapter 0521
I had been following that road for about half an hour without turning off anywhere when something hit my nose. I picked up Taylor's scent again. I sniffed the air and tried to find which direction it was headed and it was on the other side of the road. Leading straight into the woods again. So I r
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Chapter 0522
Taylor's scent was all over the place. She wasn't running in a straight line, and I guess that was working in her favor if she had escaped them. She could have easily been trying to hide from them, but these were vampires. If they haven't caught her yet, then there was definitely something still in
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Chapter 0523
"Wow. Taylor." I yelled. And she froze where she was. I could see her shaking and she looked like she was in a bit of shock at first but she dropped the branch when she recognised me. "Jackson." She finally said. And I saw her relax a little and I grabbed her closer to me and hugged her to me as t
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Chapter 0524
"Are they alive?" Taylor asked. "Yeah. Of course they're alive. Everyone in the shelter survived." I say. "But the vent was cut. I couldn't fix it." She says. "We got to them in time. They had enough air before they passed out and we got them out before it could kill any of them." I say. And sudd
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Chapter 0525
TAYLOR POV The following morning when I woke up in the hospital bed Hope was asleep next to me and Wyatt was lying next to me but he was awake. He was just lying there watching the TV. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust and Wyatt saw me stirring and he put the remote down and he climbed over me
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Chapter 0526
I knew that I needed to get out of there and it had to be before we got too far away. Everyone was in the shelter, so I needed to get the hell away from them and get back to the pack. That's all I was thinking about. But the longer I was running in the woods, the longer I thought they weren't going
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Chapter 0527
The noise in the dining room was starting to cause a bit of commotion so Jackson ran around and closed all the doors and locked them so that no one could see what was going on. He came back around next to me and kneeled down beside me, trying to get through to me. "Taylor. Please baby. You need to
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Chapter 0528
"Yeah. I guess we could do that." I say. "Well, I don't really see any other option. Taylor, I really don't want to turn them away." Jackson says. "Neither do I. They need help. Obviously. Let them in." I tell the warriors. So they left the packhouse and we stayed there waiting for them to come
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Chapter 0529
I didn't recognise any of the vampires. None of them were there when they attacked our pack and kidnapped me. They were all staring at us, knowing full well who we were and then they started smirking. Thinking that this was their chance to get me and score brownie points with Carter. But they couldn
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Chapter 0530
Jackson ran over and just before he managed to grab this vampire off my back, the leech sunk its teeth into my back and I let out a roar of pain. But it was nothing compared to the noise that the vampire made. It fell off my back on its own and it was writhing on the ground in pain. It was twistin
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