All Chapters of Mine - The Alpha's Possession: Chapter 511 - Chapter 520
635 Chapters
Chapter 0511
Jackson stayed in the cell with me the whole night again. He held me close on the bed and he was determined that I wasn't going to hurt him. I guess he had more faith in me then what I had. Because I wasn't too sure of it. It must have been playing on my mind the whole night because I kept waking
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Chapter 0512
"Is their Alpha still alive?" I asked. And he gestured for someone to come to the doorway of the dining room. "Good morning Alpha Jackson. Luna Taylor." He says. "Alpha Richmond!" I was shocked. "It's good to see you again." He says. "Why the hell would Carter attack your pack?" I asked. "B
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Chapter 0513
I took the note downstairs and Jackson was still in the office going through all the paperwork and working on the computer. He looked really busy and I didn't want to bother him, but I knew that he needed to know about this. He must have sensed me there, and sensed my anxiety because he jumped up
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Chapter 0514
"But you can astral project. You can let us know that you're safe." He says. "And what if he already has something in store for me when I get there? To stop me from communicating with you. We don't know what he knows about us. About me. I might not be able to tell you anything. They were smart enou
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Chapter 0515
When I got off the phone with the President I was getting a coffee in the kitchen when Jackson walked in and leaned against the bench next to me. "How bad is it?" Jackson asked. "The President is pissed. He's pissed at us because we haven't done anything. He's the one that bombed the damn town a
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Chapter 0516
"Yeah. That sounds about right." I say. And then I looked at the clock and I saw what time it was and I went to open the curtains of the office and it was dark. "Are you alright?" Claire asked. "It's dark. I didn't even realize." I say. "Is that a problem?" She asked. "No. It's no problem at a
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Chapter 0517
I sat there staring at the note from Carter and I did first think of throwing it away. But I decided to put it in the cupboard drawer. I was trying to figure out when he was able to sneak in and put that note on the computer. But I figured that it had to be the night before. He was still finding his
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Chapter 0518
We had been playing for about an hour when the sirens started going off. I ran to the front door of the packhouse and Ethan ordered all of the warriors to remain at the packhouse. They weren't to leave our sides. And he ordered that I go to the shelter with the others. I hesitated, but I knew that
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Chapter 0519
JACKSON POV As soon as I got the word that our pack had been attacked, I aborted the mission and we ran straight back. We didn't stop for anything. Our wolves pounding paws running along the forest could have been heard for miles. We made it back in record time because I knew that this whole thin
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Chapter 0520
When I got down there, everything was quiet and I looked around every corner until I saw something shining on the floor. I slowly approached it, to realize that it was a torch on the floor right in front of the power box. And the wires that powered the vents had been cut. But there was no sign of
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