All Chapters of Hello,Husband,Goodbye: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
156 Chapters
Painful revelation
The days that followed were a whirlwind as I frantically searched for legal advice to counter Marcus's custody petition for our son, Marco. Anxiety gnawed at me with each passing hour, threatening to overwhelm me.I had always prided myself on being independent, but now I felt vulnerable and isolated. The idea of losing Marco filled me with dread. I knew I had to fight with all my strength.“Mr. Harper,' I began, my voice shaking with both fear and resolve, I've been seeking your guidance for days, trying to navigate the legal complexities surrounding my son's case.”Mr. Harper, a seasoned professional exuding quiet confidence, sat back in his chair, his gaze fixed on me. “Ms. Monte Verde, I understand the seriousness of your situation. Marcus's custody filing has turned your world upside down.”“I'm scared, Mr. Harper,” I admitted, my voice barely audible. “I can't bear the thought of losing Marco. He means everything to me.”Mr. Harper's demeanor softened, a glimmer of compassion in
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He left
As he turned and left, the sound of his footsteps reverberated through the quiet house. I stood there, watching him depart, my heart weighed down by a jumble of feelings. I couldn't help but reminisce about the days when Marcus was a lively and joyful child, his laughter echoing through our home. The guilt consumed me as I thought about the sacrifices Marcus had made for my sake. He had endured countless sleepless nights and shed endless tears, all because I had prioritized my son's safety over his happiness. Now, I had to confront the repercussions of my choices.Despite the guilt and regret, a spark of anger still lingered within me. Marcus had also betrayed me by getting involved with Sofia and getting her pregnant. Although his actions stemmed from desperation, they had inflicted immense pain upon me."It's unjust," I murmured to myself."Why must I bear the weight of our mistakes alone?"Elijah's sudden appearance caught me off guard. I glanced at him as he stood there with a bo
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Marcus' downfall
Marcus POVIn the dim twilight of my once-beloved home, I found myself engulfed in a whirlwind of emotions. My heart weighed heavy with a mixture of sorrow and determination. With trembling hands, I carefully packed my belongings, each item serving as a silent reminder of the shattered dreams scattered across the floor.Betty, our faithful maid, approached me cautiously, her eyes filled with concern."Sir Marcus, where are you headed?"I swallowed hard, the taste of betrayal lingering on my tongue. "I am leaving for Sofia."Her jaw dropped in shock. "Sofia? But... why?"Taking a deep breath, I prepared myself for the inevitable confrontation."I am going to be a father to her child."A mixture of pity and understanding softened Betty's gaze. "I know things have been difficult between you and Madam Samantha, but surely there must be another solution...""No, Betty," I interrupted, my voice weary beyond my years. "I cannot bear to witness her with Elijah in this house any longer. It is
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I embraced Marco tightly, cherishing the moment. I had longed for him so deeply. He meant the world to me."Daddy, can we come home with you?" Marco inquired.I paused briefly. I was aware that Samantha might not approve of me taking Marco without her consent. However, I couldn't stand the idea of being separated from him any longer."Of course, sweetheart," I replied. "We'll go home with Daddy."I lifted Marco into my arms and headed towards my car. Betty trailed behind, wearing a worried expression."Sir Marcus, are you certain this is wise?" she questioned."Madam Samantha may not be pleased.""I know," I acknowledged."But I can't bear to be apart from my son any longer."Betty reluctantly nodded."I understand," she conceded."Just please be careful, Sir.""I appreciate it, Betty," I expressed my gratitude."Where are we headed, Daddy?"he inquired, his voice gentle and drowsy."We're going to the park, Marco," I responded."Remember, the place where we used to have fun?"A wide s
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Father's Love
Samantha's expression softened briefly, then hardened again."You had your chance, Marcus. You chose to walk away. Now, you must accept my decision to move forward with my life.""Move on? By leaving and taking my son away from me?" I exclaimed, feeling a surge of panic."And you expect me to respect that?""Yes,"she responded, her tone flat. "Elijah and I have a great opportunity in another country with my job, and we're taking it.""You can't just take him away!" I argued."Marco is my son. I can't bear to lose him!""You've already lost him since I have custody," Samantha stated."Now, it's time for you to move forward," I stated firmly."Marco is my son. He's a part of me," I emphasized."He's also a part of me," Samantha countered."And I'm his mother. I have the right to make decisions about his life," I asserted."But it's not fair!" I protested once again."I love him just as much as you do," I pleaded."That may be true," Samantha acknowledged, "but it doesn't change the fact
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In that moment of despair, I found a twisted solace in Sofia's arms. Despite the fact that she was already three months pregnant, I sought comfort in her embrace, desperate for a connection that could ease the pain Samantha had given me.As we made love, a mix of resentment and anger toward Samantha fueled my passion. I couldn't fathom how she could so easily cast me aside, denying me the right to be a father to my own child.But even as I sought solace in Sofia's arms, I knew it was a hollow victory. The love and bond I shared with Marcos was irreplaceable, and nothing could truly fill the void that Samantha's decision had created.As the night wore on, I lay awake, haunted by thoughts of my son. How would he grow up without a father? Would he resent me for not fighting harder for him? Questions swirled through my mind, leaving me with a sense of hopelessness.The morning after our night of passion and regret hit me like a ton of bricks. Waking up to the feeling of nakedness, my body
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His Struggles
Days went by, and I got into the routine of visiting my son, Marco, at Samantha's place. He had only a few days left before she would be taking him to another country, separating him from me. Amidst my distress, I had been neglecting my duties at my coffee shop.One day, while sitting in Samantha's living room, my phone rang. It was the manager of my coffee shop, sounding worried."Mr. Marcus, I have some troubling news," he said. "Sales have been dropping consistently over the past few weeks."A chill ran down my spine. My coffee shop was my source of income, and its decline spelled trouble for me."How could this be happening?" I inquired, my thoughts racing."We've been analyzing the data, but there doesn't seem to be a clear reason," the manager responded."Foot traffic is down, and our online presence has also suffered."I let out a deep sigh. "I'll be there as soon as I can," I responded.After ending the call, I turned to Samantha. "I need to go," I informed her. "My coffee sho
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Daddy's boy
Elijah's concern lingered in the air, weighing heavily on my mind as I sat at the migration office, diligently completing the necessary paperwork for myself, Marco, and Elijah. The pen felt like a burden in my hand, each stroke of ink a testament to the life-altering decision I was making.Leaning against the counter, Elijah observed me with a mixture of worry and curiosity. His voice pierced through the silence, cutting through my thoughts like a sharp knife."Are you absolutely certain about this, Sam?"His question hung in the air, laden with implications. Was I truly sure? It was a question that had plagued me for the past week, ever since I discovered that Marcus had impregnated Sofia. I couldn't bear the thought of him being near Marco while harboring a child with another woman."Yes, Elijah. I am sure," I responded, my voice unwavering despite the uncertainty that swirled within me."This is something I need. It's something we all need."I could see the worry etched on Elijah's
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Torn between two
And now, as I watched Marco cry in anguish, I questioned whether it was right to uproot his life just to keep him away from his father. I’m so very confused at those times, torn between my anger and resentment towards Marcus and love for my son.Marcus had no right to be Marco's father after he impregnated Sofia. The words echoed in my mind, a bitter reminder of the pain and betrayal that had torn our family apart.I trusted him so much that he won’t going to cheat but he betrayed that trust, destroying everything we had built together.But even as I grappled with my anger and resentment, a part of me couldn't help but wonder if forgiveness was possible. Could I ever find it in my heart to forgive Marcus for his indiscretions? Could I let go of the pain and anger that had consumed me for so long, and move forward with my life?"It's okay, baby," I murmured, my voice trembling with emotion. "We'll figure this out together, I promise."Marco looked up at me with tear-filled eyes, his sm
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Flesh and blood
As I hunched down, fingertips brushing against the edge of Marco's bed, the muted chuckles of my son resonated in the room, a melody of happiness in our modest abode."Marco!" I shouted, excitement coursing through me as I awaited his reply.The game of Marco Polo commenced, each call and response a ballet between father and son, a fleeting moment of joy amidst life's chaos.Suddenly, My phone buzzed persistently in my pocket.“Hello, who’s this?”I inquired."Mr.Johnson?" The voice on the other end was composed, yet tinged with urgency."This is Doctor Thompson from St. Michael’s Hospital. I’m calling about your wife, Sofia."Dread twisted in my stomach, a frigid wave of fear washing over me as I prepared for the worst."She’s not my wife but what happened? Is she okay?" I demanded, my voice betraying the turmoil within."She’s in the hospital. Your baby is unstable now," Doctor Nurse Thompson explained."Sofia was brought in a short while ago. We’re still evaluating her condition, bu
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