All Chapters of Taking Alpha's Twins Away After Divorce: Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
373 Chapters
Chapter 201
Taking my eyes off of him, I averted my gaze. There was a slight tightening of the holds on the glass. My attention was drawn to the pressure that I exerted on it. I did not want to break it and show him how I felt inside.When I thought back to the night of the war, I felt a stab of pain in my chest.That night, when I went to the Blue Blood Pack, my only intention was to save Natalia. When I heard that someone was attempting to kill her family, my first thought was that she would also be killed. I thought she was a helpless omega who could not defend herself in a war. That night, I had a realization about how much I wanted that woman. It was not because of the matebond that I felt longing for her in my chest.I reflected on the past five years and how her memories continued to torment me each and every night.The truth was, I felt regret every single night."Adrian, are you listening to me?"I lifted the glass and chugged down the wine in one go.When I stood up, my father's eyebro
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Chapter 202
"Go ahead," I told Harold to keep speaking. There was a deep silence in the room. Patric's and my father's eyes were on the screen, as if it were not a phone but Harold himself.They were eager to discover the truth. Harold's voice echoed around the room as he began to speak."Alpha, I have reviewed all of the records and reports.""So, what did you find?""Alpha, a girl named Lynda was indeed hospitalized in the pack hospital. But not on the same day you mentioned. She was admitted here the next day. Her right hand was broken badly. When she arrived at the hospital, her body was covered in numerous scars, and she was in a terrible state. It seemed she had to bear the pain for a long time."When I heard Harold, I tightened my fists. The anger, which I had hidden inside me for those men who kidnapped me, rose once again.How dare they hurt the person who saved me? Where were they? If they were still alive, I would give them the death they had never thought of.I glanced at my father, w
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Chapter 203
It seemed like Lynda did not listen to me. She was quietly hugging me. I did not say anything else. She needed to get some rest. Today, everything was too much for her.My mother approached me and came to a stop beside me. She reached out her hand and stroked Lynda's hair.Lynda broke the hug and embraced my mother in tears.My mother responded by hugging her back. She looked at me with a sad face.After calming Lynda down, she told her to stay in the pack house tonight."Adrian," my mother said when Lynda left the living room."Mom, I don't want to talk about it anymore."She kept quiet and nodded her head at me. "Okay, my son."I saw her heading upstairs to her and my father's bedroom.My mind was already messed up. I just wanted to soothe it for a while. Otherwise, the blood that was boiling inside me would flow out of my veins.Suddenly, my gaze was drawn to a maid coming out of the corner where my children's room was. The maid was holding two plates of untouched food.She was sur
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Chapter 204
Noah and Aria's eyes widened with shock.Aria parted her lips and mumbled,"Y-You knew?"I removed my hand from Noah’s head and pulled Aria's cheek lightly."What are your thoughts on your dad, Princess? If you are not aware of it, then let me tell you. He is the head Alpha of many packs."When Aria heard me, her mouth fell open. I glanced at Noah, who lowered his head.I let go of Aria's check and turned my attention to Noah."I gave you that phone and tab so that you two could talk to your mom."He lifted his head and asked, "Really?"I nodded my head with a small smile.I was not a fool to give the devices to the children to use as a calming aid. They could not pass their days by using them. I knew exactly how it would be used. I knew they would contact Natalia with the help of it.Aria took my hand in her soft hands and requested something from me."Please don't take them back, Dad."I froze every time she called me dad. The word seemed to have so much power that it lightened the
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Chapter 205
I shut my eyes and turned my head away from the screen. I told myself that this was not the time to think about the desire."Why... you?"Her confused voice rang in my ears again. I opened my eyes and turned to look at the screen.She had already fixed her clothes. Her hair also covered her chest area from both sides.My mind returned to our early encounter. I could not quite get the way she left with Max Harrison out of my head."What did you think? You can talk to my kids without my permission, and I will keep letting you do that?"She gulped and shook her head. "I can only request you. Please, Adrian. This is the only way for me to contact them. Don't disconnect them from me."Her eyes were heavy with tiredness. I stared at her for a while. I did not want her to know that I was the one who let the children get in touch with her.I shifted my gaze away from her and took out a cigarette packet from my pocket."Are you smoking in your children's room, Alpha? Where are your manners?" S
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Chapter 206
I thought there would be a happy expression on Natalia's face, but I was wrong. Her calm eyes turned cold.Her breath hitched as she tried to take a deep breath. I was unaware of the reason for her sudden rage."Adrian Miller, are you planning to humiliate me again?"Her words caused me to lift my brows in surprise. "Why do you think so?"She scoffed at me and shook her head. "A man like you can't be trusted. I think you are up to something."I stared at her without saying anything. Did she distrust me so much?"I don't want to attend the party. If you want to surprise them, then send them to my house. I will spend some time with them. I don't believe their father. So, I don't want to get into a trap of insults. He had already done enough for my family. Not anymore."Before I could say that I was not planning anything, she cut the call.The screen turned black for a second, then changed into wallpaper. I looked at the picture carefully.A young woman was holding two kids. Three of the
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Chapter 207
Natalia's POVI was so shocked when Adrian was the one who received the call. It was a relief that he would not disconnect my children from me.Nevertheless, I had my doubts about him when he asked me to attend the birthday party. He was not a kind man who suddenly wanted to be a good person. I was sure he had something on his mind.I sat on my bed for a long time, reflecting on how my life had changed in the last few months.I was fine all these years until I met Adrian again. He came into my life, and my misfortune began to hunt my life once again.That man was the villain of my life.Otherwise, how was he still able to control my life after all the things he had done to me?"I can't even leave this pack now. He has my children."I closed my eyes and collapsed onto the mattress.I rubbed my forehead and stared at the ceiling.Max had just left my house an hour ago, and he had promised that he would keep my brother in his thoughts.I realized that I could not convince him yet. Or did
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Chapter 208
"WHAT?"I just could not believe what I was hearing. Liana quickly patted my hand to calm me down.All the staff members turned their attention to me when they heard my loud voice.I looked at them and said,"Focus on your work, not me."They appeared to be stunned. They were not used to my cold behavior. I was so angry at Adrian that I did not know how to control it.I almost forgot sometimes that I was an Alpha. My aggressiveness kept reminding me of my rank.I yanked my hand away from Liana's hand and rubbed my forehead, preventing my eyes from changing colors.I walked to the changing room and sat on the small couch that had been set up there."I can't believe it, Adrian. You gave my boss such a big order, then placed a condition like this! How dare you?" I muttered angrily.Liana stepped into the room. She rested her hand on my shoulder. "I thought Alpha was your friend, and the way he took you from the shop yesterday led me to believe that you two had caught up on things."I cov
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Chapter 209
Liana turned to me and shook her head, disagreeing. "No, no. I can't let you go there."I grabbed my bag and my ID card from the shop, then headed to the door.Liana grabbed my hand and stopped me. "Natalia, you don't have to do this for me. We will deal with the loss. Nothing is more important than a life."She might have thought that Adrian abused me or that he would kill me. But she was not aware that I could protect myself."Don't worry. I will be fine."I left the shop and hailed a cab. Employees assisted the van driver in loading the coffee inside the van.When the driver started the van, I directed the cab driver to do the same.As soon as the cab and the van arrived at the pack company, I got out of the cab.I looked up at the tall, sky-touching building. It looked so powerful from the outside that anyone would want to work there.It reminded me of my own pack company. I had been the CEO of my packing company. I had witnessed the power that these companies' CEOs wielded. Their
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Chapter 210
Third POVEveryone stared at Natalia. They could not believe that the princess of the Blue Blood Pack was in this pack.They moved their eyes toward her appearance. She used to be a dignified woman who ruled the pack company of her brother's pack.At that time, people used to be devoted to her strong aura. She had the cold look that could give any Alpha a strong desire to make the woman submit to him. However, they were not able to do that.But right now, the woman looked fragile and weak. Her slightly messy hair and the less expensive dress she wore gave them the impression that she was no longer the cold woman they used to deal with projects with. She was no longer the businesswoman who ran the business world but a mere woman who sold coffee. The coffee case in her hand was proof of it.All of them were the Alphas of other packs, and anyone could see a look of surprise in their faces.Natalia stared at Adrian. She could feel others' shocked gazes and sense the way they were scanning
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