All Chapters of Taking Alpha's Twins Away After Divorce: Chapter 221 - Chapter 230
371 Chapters
Chapter 221
His words brought me back to my past. When I was married to Adrian, only a few people knew about our marriage.I always heard our chief maid, Amanda, call me beautiful whenever I wore something good for Adrian. She used to say that I had beautiful features, but I looked fragile.That time, I did not have my wolf with me. It was the reason I looked weak. However, this made no difference to my beauty.But I recalled the days when Adrian used to call me ugly. He said I was not comparable to any other attractive woman who could capture his attention. In his eyes, I was the ugliest woman in the world."Can I have another cup of coffee?"Max's voice broke my thoughts. I saw him waving his hand at another waitress.The girl approached the table and looked at me as if asking me why I was not taking Max's order."Sure, sir," she replied to Max."It's for the beautiful lady in front of me. I don't know much about her taste. I hope you make the coffee she prefers."The waitress seemed taken abac
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Chapter 222
Harold's words caused me to scowl. I glanced at Max, who looked calm."Okay, let me check it."I hung up the phone and checked on the internet to know what Harold was talking about.I was surprised to see that there were so many searches conducted under both my name and Adrian's name.I went ahead and clicked on my name. My timeline was flooded with a large number of posts almost immediately."Alpha Adrian is cheating on his girlfriend with his ex-wife?" I muttered with a confused tone.I clicked a few more posts. The fact that people started talking about Adrian pulling me to his office and that some of the employees even claimed to have seen it was something that caught me off guard.Why did they even bother to make a statement? Did they have no fear of losing their jobs?People began to chastise me in their posts and comments about why I went to the company. It suddenly became a matter of their concern.As I read the comments, I felt a growing sense of rage and clenched my jaw."Al
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Chapter 223
"What?"I was on the verge of screaming, but I managed to keep my voice down.I shook my head in disbelief."People are crazy. They think whatever they want to."Max looked at me as though he were studying my facial expressions.Like a sky full of clouds, his eyes started to become cloudy. His calm demeanor changed into an angry one."Max, do you think that too?""No," he answered right away."Exactly. Why can't others understand that?"He did not respond, instead directing his gaze to my coffee. I also drank my coffee without overthinking the situation.There was a deep silence between us, which I did not want to break.When he was done drinking coffee, he broke the silence by saying,“You will not be able to live a peaceful life until you move to a different pack that is far away from him.”I lowered my head and muttered, "I know, but I could not just leave my family here. They would not get any place if all of us left the pack together."Max thought for a moment, then said,"It is p
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Chapter 224
"WHAT?"This time, I could not control myself. I got up from the chair. All the people around us in the coffee shop looked at me.But my attention was on Max. He was calm, as if he knew I would react like this."Max, I-I don't know what's wrong with you.""Everything is fine with me.""Do you even know what you are saying?""Yes, I do."I shook my head in disbelief. "I can't."After saying that, I turned around only to find that the others, including Liana, as well as the customers, were staring at me.I took off my apron and walked over to the counter."I am going outside for some time. I will work extra hours at night."After placing the apron on the counter, I exited the coffee shop.The moment I stepped out of the store, I started walking. I was completely clueless about where to go.Tears enveloped my eyes once again.How could anyone possibly ask me to be his girlfriend?I was a divorced woman. I had children. If my children were here with me, I would have given it some thought
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Chapter 225
Everything he said came to mind, one by one.What made him fall for me? What was it about me that he liked? My life was already out of control. I did not want to mess it up anymore.I took a few steps back while shaking my head in denial.As if he had seen something behind me, Max's eyes widened in surprise. I was about to turn my head.But before that, he hurried over to me. He held me in his arms and turned to the other side.I was shocked.It took a few seconds for me to understand what had just happened.I was about to be hit by a car, but Max saved me. When I turned my head to look at the car, I noticed that the driver had turned his head to look at me.That was not a look to check on me or see if I was okay. Rather than that, it was as if he was trying to see if he had hit me.Strange!Why did he want to hit me intentionally? I might be imagining things."Are you okay?"The sound of Max's voice caused me to turn my head. When I looked into his eyes, I noticed a hint of concern.
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Chapter 226
I stared at Max's car until it faded away from my sight. I was at a loss for steps to take. Why was Max so stubborn?He was now behaving childishly. What did he see in a divorced woman like me? With a snap of his fingers, he could have thousands of young girls.I felt heartbroken for my brother. His life now depended on me.I raised my hand to hail a cab. A cab pulled up next to me, so I got in and gave the driver the address of my house.When I arrived at my house, I saw a car parked at the entrance of my house.A smile appeared on my face, thinking who had returned home.I paid the cab driver and hurriedly entered my house. The moment I stepped into my house, I saw my father sitting on the couch with my mother.I rushed to my father. He stood up and hugged me."My princess, how are you?"I got emotional and shed tears. My father was my power. He was like a shadow, standing right behind me. I wiped my eyes and smiled at him."Dad, I missed you."He put his hand on my head and stroked
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Chapter 227
Eric turned his head at me, and I felt heartbroken. His eyes were not as lively as they used to be. He looked pale. The strong aura he had almost vanished and turned him weak.It reminded me of the day when I woke up in the Blue Blood Pack after running from the Crystal Blood Pack.I was weak, just like that. But at that time, apart from Jason, Eric helped me a lot. He became my friend, and he shared all of my sorrows with me. He helped me move on with my life, and I began to think of him as a family member. He was important to me, just like Jason was to me.I entered the room and closed the door behind me. I walked to the bed and sat on the edge."Eric, it's been a long time."He smiled at me, though he looked in pain. He lifted his hand, and I caught it immediately."How are you?" I asked."Natalia, you haven't changed yet."I chuckled at him. "It's just a couple of months, silly. Not a decade that I would change."My words caused him to laugh. "I know. But I don't think I will stay
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Chapter 228
I rubbed my forehead as I was on the verge of losing myself."Natalia, why can't you just calm down and start a new life?"Eric's question caused me to laugh at myself. I lowered my head and replied,"When a mirror breaks, there is a loud noise. But no one listens to the cry of a broken heart. This need for love destroyed me entirely. I am afraid to even think of being with a man."Eric turned silent. He had nothing to say in reply to my words.I slowly stood up from the bed. "Have you eaten anything? Can you walk?" I asked, glancing at his covered legs."I can. It is just that when I move, I feel pain all over my body.""Okay, I will send maids with your food. Take a rest.""That's what I have been doing for months. Give me some work to do. Death in leisure is not what I want."After saying that, Eric tried to sit up. However, I quickly grabbed his arm and assisted him in sitting up."There is something I wanted to tell you," Eric said, looking at his hands, which looked thin to me.
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Chapter 229
"Miss Natalia, this is Beta Patric."I frowned and moved my phone away from my ear to look at the number. I called Adrian, then why did Patric receive the call?"Where is your Alpha?" I asked angrily.As if Adrian were close to him, Patric asked,"She is asking where you are."Then I heard the voice of the man who had made my life a living hell."Tell her I am in the meeting right now.""Miss Natalia, Alpha is in a meeting."I tightened my fists. "Stop fooling around with me. I overheard him. Give him the phone right now."Beta Patric was silent for a while. Then Adrian's voice reached my ear.“What happened? Didn’t you tell me to keep my distance? I am just working on it.”"How dare you spread these rumors?" I asked while gritting my teeth."Do you have any proof that I spread those rumors?"I laughed at his words. "I am not a stupid woman. You could have dismissed the rumors if you had wanted to. And I don't think anyone has the audacity to spread something about you without your pe
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Chapter 230
Adrian's POVShe did not even let me finish and cut off my call. My blood was boiling in anger. Not because of the way she ended the call, but rather because of what she had said to me.Why did she always blackmail me by bringing another man?After hurling the phone onto the desk, I reached for the packet of cigarettes. I took out one and lit it.My mind reflected on how I got mad when she told me that she was with Eric.Wasn't Eric losing his life slowly in the Blue Blood Pack? In the past, he used to be a beta of another pack, but now he was one of my pack members. I had so many ways to kill him. If that man dared to look at Natalia once again, I would rip his soul out of his body.Natalia's words kept running through my mind. At that moment, I heard a knock on the door."Come in."My secretary came into the cabin and bowed his head."Alpha.""Where is he?"He gulped while lowering his head. I was asking him about the employee who directed Natalia to the meeting room."Alpha, he ha
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