All Chapters of Taking Alpha's Twins Away After Divorce: Chapter 231 - Chapter 240
371 Chapters
Chapter 231
It was late at night when I was heading back to my house. I did not go back to the pack house because I was waiting for that woman. My driver stopped the car outside my house. From the window, I could see another car parked outside.Before my driver could open the back door for me, another woman appeared in front of my car.She hurriedly walked to the back door and opened it for me.Her desperate gaze met mine. I stepped down from the car and looked at her."Lynda."She shut the door loudly and crossed her hands over her chest."What's going on, Adrian?"I averted my gaze from her and began to walk towards the door of my house.She trailed behind me until she stopped to step in front of me."Adrian, you can't ignore my questions today. You need to reply to me."I looked into her eyes. I saw rage in them. I took hold of her arm and moved her away from my side."I am busy right now. I don't want to talk about anything."When I took out my house key, she held my wrist to stop me."How c
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Chapter 232
Third POV"What did you just say? L-Love her?" Lynda mumbled as she took another step back.She could not believe Adrian had admitted that he loved Natalia.Lynda had tried for years to keep Adrian from even thinking about that woman, so how could he suddenly say he loved her?She shook her head and dashed toward Adrian.She grabbed his collar and drew him down to her height."Tell me you lied to me. You love me, not her. Tell me you are just kidding with me. Did I do something wrong? Have I ever stopped you from doing something?"Adrian fixed his eyes on Lynda. His frown faded as he examined her pale look.He grabbed her hands and pulled them away from his collar. He stood tall and answered her calmly."I am not lying. It will be better for you if you start a new life, just like I offered you years ago."Her eyes widened in surprise. He reminded her of the night almost six years ago.It was just when Natalia divorced him and ran away from the pack.Lynda thought everything was over. B
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Chapter 233
With a frightened look on her face, a woman was standing beside Theta Emon. When she finally caught sight of the almighty man, her legs began to shake in terror.The darkness of Adrian's eyes was almost causing her heart to leap out of her chest. It was like she had come face to face with her own demise.Her hands were locked behind her back. Her mid-length dress revealed her half bare legs, which had a few scratches on them.Her eyes slowly moved from Adrian and shifted to the woman standing next to him.Her gaze grew wide. Her reactions did not go unnoticed by Adrian.Slowly, he turned his head toward Lynda, who appeared to be in the same state of shock as that woman."Do you know her?"Lynda could not reply as she stared at the woman. Adrian moved his hand on her hand, which caused Lynda to flinch."H-Huh?" she said, turning her head to Adrian.Adrian's eyes were as blank as the crystal clear water. It was impossible for anyone to comprehend what he was contemplating in his head.A
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Chapter 234
Faith Pierce was Natalia's adoptive paternal cousin. She was two years older than Natalia.When Adrian got married to Natalia, his father sent Natalia's whole family money as a matrimonial gift so that they could live a peaceful life. So Faith was living a luxurious life despite the fact that Natalia had divorced Adrian and fled the pack."W-What did I d-do?" she asked with trembling lips.Her legs were shaking as she could not bear the power that was radiating from Adrian. Her heartbeat was beating faster, as if she were in front of her death."What did you do? Recall every single sin you have committed in your life."Adrian released her hair and turned around to his house. "Bring her inside. I have a lot of time tonight to listen to her."The woman came running over to Adrian as he unlocked his house. Even with her hands locked behind her, she collapsed to her knees next to Adrian, brushing her head against his leg."I don't know why you brought me here, but please let me go. I neve
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Chapter 235
Adrian entered his house. Faith's loud cries could be heard behind him, coming from outside the house.She did not want to enter, but Theta Emon told the guards to bring her inside forcefully.All the officials followed Adrian inside the house. Adrian threw his suit jacket on the couch and opened two buttons on his shirt.He strolled over to the bar in the living room and made a drink for himself."You seem to be in a good mood," Beta Patric muttered as he looked at him.Adrian's lips curled into a grin. "Of course, I am.""When I was on my way here, I thought Alpha would be in a bad mood. But you look relaxed," Gamma said.Adrian cast a glance at Faith, who was crying on the floor near the couch."You are all aware of how much I enjoy punishing people. It had been a long time since I had felt such maniac pleasure."Holding a drink in his hand, Adrian walked over to the couch.Like a king himself, he sat down on the couch, crossing his legs. His one hand was resting on the headrest, w
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Chapter 236
Faith's whole body shook in terror. She immediately bowed her head to the floor while shaking it."No, I don't want to do anything with this old man. Please don't do this to me.""What are you afraid of? He won't eat you alive," Adrian said."Please, Alpha, forgive me. Don't disgrace me like this.""Disgrace? Why is it disgraceful to you? Is that because he is old?" Adrian pretended as if he were unable to comprehend what she was saying.He turned his attention to the old man and saw the terrified expression on his face. Adrian fixed his gaze on his, his jaw tightening. The video clip was brought back to his mind. He recalled how Natalia was looking afraid after meeting this man. She cried and begged this man to let her go, but he did not budge. Instead, he instructed the guards to bring her inside the room.If Natalia had not dared to run from there, this man would have raped her that night.The old man was standing like a statue. Though he got an offer with a large sum of money fro
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Chapter 237
Faith felt like one of the bones in her chest was broken. She screamed loudly while lying on the floor. She could not even touch her chest because of her locked hands.The guards who went to the room returned to the living room."Alpha, everything is ready."Adrian's eyes were pierced on Faith. He only nodded his head in response."Alpha, should we take her to the room?"Adrian turned his gaze to the guards, who immediately bowed their heads."No need for that. She will go into that room by herself."Faith looked at Adrian when he stood up from the couch. His tall body towered over her as if he were a god, and she was a worshiper."I-I will not go–"Gamma Benjamin could not control himself and rushed over to the woman. He grabbed her hair and pulled her up to her feet."If my Alpha told you to go to that room, you would only have to bow and obey him."His angry voice echoed in the living room. Adrian looked at Gamma Benjamin.Of all of his officials, this one was quite aggressive. If
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Chapter 238
"Aaahh!"Loud and painful screams of Faith came out of the room. Everyone in the living room was completely silent.Adrian was seated on the couch. As he was drinking, his face was expressionless.However, his eyes only get darker with each scream. The guards, who were standing in the room, kept glancing at him.Adrian gulped the drink while thinking that if that day he had not grabbed Natalia and dragged her into his room, that old man would have done this to her or maybe more than what he was doing to Faith.He was only getting angry.After a while, the screams stopped.Patric glanced at the clock and laughed. "That's the end? That oldie really had no juice left inside him. But at this age, he still desires to touch young bodies."Gamma Benjamin looked at Patric and asked,"What about that bitch? She screamed like she was a pure virgin, as if she had never slept with rich men for money."Delta Julian and Theta Emon exchanged glances. They turned to Benjamin. Theta Emon could not hel
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Chapter 239
The old man slowly turned around and said,"I-I am going back t-to my home. My wife is waiting for me."Adrian chuckled as he lifted his hand.One of the guards, who was standing behind the couch, pulled out a gun and handed it to Adrian."The money I gave you was the compensation to your wife for your life.""W-What do you mean?"The man's blood drained from his face in fear. Adrian pulled the trigger and pointed the gun at the man's chest.His smirk vanished as his eyes glowed red. The man came dangerously close to having a heart attack."You dared to purchase my woman for a night. Who knows how many girls ended up trapped like that? That night, she begged you to leave her, but you didn't listen to her and sent the guards after her so that you could ruin that innocent girl's life."The man got down on his knees and joined his hands together in front of him."Forgive this naive man. I didn't know it was your woman."Adrian looked at his officials and asked,"Didn't people refer to m
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Chapter 240
Natalia's POVIt had been two days since I had last seen Max. I had been considering my choice for the past two days. I had to get somewhere today. I could not hang anyone anymore.I had spent a lot of time thinking about it. Eric's suggestion also crossed my mind.I realized that I needed to take a step forward in life. How long would I live like a woman who had no one to be with?Max was not wrong when he asked for a chance from me. Though his way of asking was not right, his intention towards me was clear.It was noon, and I was working at the Moon Lovers Coffee Shop."Are you going somewhere?" One of the waitresses asked me.It was break time for lunch. So, the 'closed' tag was pulled outside the door. Every employee was seated at the tables to eat their lunch."Yeah. I need to catch up with a friend," I replied to the waitresses.Laiana did not come to the coffee shop today. She went to visit her family and would return after one week.Before leaving, she delegated responsibility
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