All Chapters of Taking Alpha's Twins Away After Divorce: Chapter 251 - Chapter 260
367 Chapters
Chapter 251
I froze when I heard her. I blinked when I realized what she had meant. She was still smiling at me.I slowly moved my hands away from the window and took a step back.She looked away from me and said to the driver,"Let's go."The driver immediately nodded his head and started the cab.My eyes were glued to Natalia the entire time. Her smile was still on her face. But why was it hurting me?The car began to move. After a few minutes, it faded from my sight. I stared at the way the car had left.I lifted my hand and pressed against my chest. My heart was pounding faster.I balled my fist and curled my fingers around my shirt. I hissed when I felt pain in my chest. It was a wound that I never let my wolf heal. It was a wound I got from her. I wanted to see it every day to remind myself how much she hated me.The sound of a ringtone echoed down the lonely road. I had no wish to pick up the call.My legs moved forward as my eyes could not fix at anything. They were roaming here and there
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Chapter 252
Third POVThe day for Noah and Aria's birthday had finally come. Everyone in the pack house was busy. The pack house was decorated beautifully. At the birthday celebration, people from various packs were invited.Why would they not come?After all, Alpha Adrian sent invitations to them. They were eager to attend the party.In the bedroom, Adrian was checking on a file while sitting on the bed.His fingers were holding the cigarette while turning pages. His gaze was fixed on the papers.He got interrupted at work when he heard a knock on the door."Come in," he replied without looking at the door.The door opened, and his mother's voice reached his ears."Adrian, why are you still working? It's already time. The guests have already started to come to the pack house."He turned his head to the window to glance at the sky. Every light was left out of the sky to conceal its true appearance because it was so dark.Adrian lifted his hand to take a deep puff of the smoke.Grace Miller stared
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Chapter 253
Grace thought Adrian was talking about Lynda. She reached out her hand and grabbed his hand."I am not comparing her with anyone else. If you like her so much that you can't even hear anything about her, why don't you get back together?"Adrian's eyes were fixed on the sky. His face was calm and indifferent. But his eyes could not hide the emotional turmoil in her heart."I wish I could," he muttered.A smile appeared on Grace's face. She lifted her hand and rubbed his hair. "Don't worry. You will have a lot of chances in the future. Don't miss any of it. Every woman is begging to be with my son anyway. Who will resist you?"Adrian remained silent. Grace patted his shoulder."Get ready fast. Don't you want to see your beautiful kids? They are eager to go to their party."Adrian's eyes moved slightly when he heard about his children. He looked at his mother and gave her a nod.When Grace left the room, Adrian decided to take a shower.After wearing the expensive black suit, Adrian look
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Chapter 254
Everyone turned around when they saw Alpha Adrian descend the stairs with two children.Their eyes were filled with amazement as they observed them. They had never seen Adrian with children before.Upon closely examining his kids, they discovered they were identical twins. They resembled their father quite a bit.When Adrian came downstairs, he put Aria down and told her to enjoy the party.Noah let go of Adrian's hand when he noticed his old school friends. He raised his head to look at Adrian.Adrian smiled at him and rubbed his hair softly."I invited them for you and Aria."Aria and Noah both ran to join their friends. They looked very happy, which made Adrian feel better in his heart."Alpha Adrian."All of the Alphas from other packs who had traveled to this pack in order to attend the birthday party approached him. They greeted him politely."Your twins are beautiful," one of the Alphas said.Adrian cast a quick glance in the direction of his twin and murmured under his breath,
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Chapter 255
Adrian's POVI stared at Natalia. Her appearance was royal. Her stunning, coffee-colored gown hugged her figure. She looked like a mermaid. She did not look pale or like an ordinary woman, but as if her beauty had bloomed, she appeared to be the most beautiful woman in my eyes.I could not take my eyes off of her.I did not conceal the small smile that curled around my lips from anyone.Her lovely eyes were straying until they settled on my kids."I am glad that you invited their mother," my dad said with a happy tone. He still adored Natalia, just like before.My mother did not say anything as her eyes fixed on Natalia.I moved away from my parents and started to take steps in Natalia's direction.Suddenly, my mood changed about remaining at this party. I really wanted to spend a lot of time here now.Just as I was about to approach Natalia, another person entered the pack house.He walked directly toward Natalia and said something in her ear. Natalia turned to him and chuckled, then
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Chapter 256
Natalia's POV"So Natalia Hansley was hiding them from Alpha Adrian all of this time?"I listened to Adrian's announcement. But the way everyone looked shocked, as if he had said something forbidden,.What exactly was there to whisper about? Could they not see that this man allowed my family to live in this pack? Why did they keep reminding him of his brother's actions against him?I noticed Adrian was staring at me. I gave him a cold look. This man was responsible for all of the drama.Despite everything he had done to me, he pretended to be an innocent father.My gaze gradually shifted down to my children.My eyes welled up with tears as I struggled to keep my emotions in check.They were my babies and my life. It had been a long time since I had seen them."Take it."I heard Max's voice. I glanced at the handkerchief he was offering me. I turned my head toward him. He nodded to me as though to let me know he was with me.Though I turned down Adrian's invitation, I came here with Ma
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Chapter 257
I was stunned when Max said that to my children. I meant I would tell them about it later. I wanted to make them comfortable around him at first. But his sudden confession took me aback."What did you just say?" Adrian's angry voice came out like a blaze of fire.Other people began to glance at us. I rolled my eyes at Adrian.He was such a dramatic man. What was wrong with him?"Alpha Adrian, don't forget that we are your guests. Respect us at least," I said to Adrian sarcastically.However, it was as if my voice did not reach Adrian's ears. He glared at Max and stepped toward him."You are aware of which pack you are in right now. Am I right?"Adrian's words were intended to warn Max. I stared at Adrian. What did he want? Did he want to push away every man who wanted to enter my life? He wanted me to suffer and be alone for the rest of my life.But I would not let him keep doing that.I took a deep breath and leaned toward Max. I locked my arm with him and turned my head at Adrian."
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Chapter 258
Adrian slowly turned his head and lowered his gaze to look at Noah. His eyes were darkened, as if Noah were not a little boy, he would have beaten him to death.Max was surprised, too. He did not expect one of them to say that.Adrian grabbed Noah's hand. "You are talking too much. I think it's time for me to discipline my own son."My eyes widened as I was about to reach Noah's hand to stop Adrian from taking him away.But Max grabbed my wrist and stopped me. "Don't worry. He will not do anything to his son. He is a successful Alpha. He knows his son's worth. "After all, Noah is the heir to this pack."I watched Adrian drag Noah into a corner. Noah turned his head to look at me. As I watched him in despair, tears welled up in my eyes.Max released my hand when he got a phone call. I glanced at her phone as I saw his head Alpha calling him.He received the call."Alpha."I could hear what his Alpha was saying to him because his phone was on my side."Ask Alpha Adrian for forgiveness o
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Chapter 259
"Noah!"I said as I pushed the door of the room.Noah and Adrian both turned to me. I noticed that Noah was standing in front of Adrian while he was seated on the couch."Mommy."I walked to Noah, ignoring Adrian completely."Baby, how many times have I told you not to disrespect your father? He is your dad. You can't talk to him like that.""No, mommy. I don't like him. He is not my dad. Because of him, you always cried."I tightened my fists to control my emotions. Even as a small child, the image of his mother sobbing pierced his heart, and he had not yet moved on from it."Don't say that, baby. I was not crying for him but for my own fate.""Fate?" he mumbled with a confused face.I rubbed his hair and said,"Go back to the party. Aria is waiting for you."Noah glanced at Adrian. I realized that Adrian was silent all the time during my conversation with Noah.When Noah left the room, I turned around and looked at the man sitting calmly on the couch.However, when I looked carefull
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Chapter 260
I felt strange when my name came out of his mouth. I tried to gather my strength to shove him. But he pressed his body against me. It took my breath away for a second.He tilted his head and moved closer to my ear. I clenched my jaw when I heard him whisper."Don’t agree with him. He doesn't deserve you."‘What should I do right then? Laugh at him.’I sneered at his words. "You mean I deserve to be alone all my life?""Um hm. You deserve better," he muttered, releasing my arms and resting his elbows against the wall.I tried to make sense of what he was saying."Someone better? How can I get someone better? You ruined my life so smartly that I have no choice but to remain alone forever. But fate gives me another chance, and I am going to accept the cha–."I paused when he suddenly pressed his palm against my mouth.He turned his head away from my ear and met my eyes.I stared at him. His eyes moved from my eyes and wandered around my face. I blinked my eyes and looked away from him.W
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