All Chapters of Taking Alpha's Twins Away After Divorce: Chapter 241 - Chapter 250
371 Chapters
Chapter 241
Max was frozen when he heard me. His brows lifted, but then his eyes filled with smiles."What did you just say?""I accept your condition."He shook his head in denial as if he did not ask me that.I sighed and lowered my head."I will be your girlfriend."Max took a brief pause and asked,"Are you saying that because I pressured you for your brother?""No. I thought about it a lot and made the decision to give my life a chance."Max kept quiet, which caused me to raise my head to look at him.However, the moment I raised my head, he pulled me into his embrace.I was shocked by the sudden closeness. His arms tightly wrapped around me while embracing me.My hands were frozen in the air. My mind was not processing whether or not to hug him back.My wolf was not happy that some other wolf was touching me. I closed my eyes tightly and hugged Max back.Since I had decided to be with him, I had to fight back my inner wolf and accept him wholeheartedly."I thought you were so stubborn that
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Chapter 242
Max said he would take me to his favorite restaurant in this pack.He never failed to cast a glance in my direction throughout the entire ride. I was able to sense his gaze. He looked excited.I blushed because he was trying to find some topic to talk about with me. I could not deny myself that I really liked this man. His personality as Doctor Max was appealing to me. He was someone I had always heard a lot about. He was a kind man who always liked to help others and make new cures for unknown diseases.Now, it was time to know him as Max Harrison.I was well aware that allowing a man into my life would not be easy for me. But at this point, I was adamant about moving on.I vowed that I would never again look back at my past. Since I gave this man a chance, I would never do the same to him as what my past had done to me.The car stopped in front of a five-star restaurant. Max's driver got out of the car and opened the door for him. I got out of the car without waiting for others to o
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Chapter 243
Adrian's POVI was occupied with my work. The last two days, I was quite calm because I did something that eased my mind.Now, I could focus on my work,on my company, and on the pack business.I was building an empire that was too high, and I wondered whether or not my son would be able to carry it off perfectly in the future.All I could do was shake my head as I thought about Noah. That young boy continued to hold a deep-seated hatred for me, as if I were not his father.Aria recently began talking to me again, which made me happy. But what would I do with Noah? No matter what, he buried hatred for me in his heart.His blue eyes came to mind. He inherited those wonderful blue eyes from his mother.When I was sitting in my chair, I closed my eyes and leaned back against it. Natalia's blue eyes hunted me down again. Even for a brief moment, I was unable to get her out of my heart. She was always with me in my mind.I could not help but wonder if she was having the same thoughts as I w
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Chapter 244
I threw the phone away as I rose from the chair. I did not believe this bullshit. Still, my thoughts lingered on the photos I had just seen.I grabbed my suit jacket and left the cabin.All the employees outside my cabin stood up hurriedly when they saw me. I ignored them when they bowed to me."Alpha, your meeting..."I heard my secretary behind me. I paused and turned around to look at him.His eyes widened as if he had seen something terrifying. Just looking into my eyes caused his whole body to shake."Cancel it."He bowed after nodding at me. When I turned around and headed for the elevator, I heard my secretary's voice again."Hurry up and get Alpha's car out."He had called my driver and informed him about me.When I arrived on the ground floor, I noticed that the entire lobby area was completely silent. They were conscious of my presence. Sometimes, I felt bored with that kind of treatment. However, if I could not control everyone around me, they would stop obeying me.I left
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Chapter 245
Natalia's POVI was taking orders while standing behind the counter. I kept glancing at the clock. I would have to close the shop soon.Max said he would come to check on my brother tonight. He also said he would speak with my father and check on Eric's health.I was feeling tired. After I got back to the shop, I worked without stopping for four hours. It was a pleasure to meet with Max today.His gentle behavior really captured my heart. I recalled how he helped me when I was drunk in my pack. I could not forget that he was also drunk when he first came into this shop.His first sentence after meeting me in this pack was that he had been searching for me.Now I knew why he was looking at me. He liked me.But did I like him?People around me kept telling me that I had a crush on him. But how true was it?I bit my bottom lip as I remembered what I said to him when he asked me to attend my children's birthday party with him.I said yes.I agreed to join him. I would be there with him. I
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Chapter 246
Adrian did not raise his head to look at me, as if he were hiding something from me. Wasn't he glaring at me a while ago?Since he was not looking at me, I turned away from him and pushed the menu toward him."I am here to take your order, Alpha. Please let me know what you would like to order."He remained silent for a while, which made my fists tighten. This man came to irritate me at work.Otherwise, out of so many lavish coffee shops, why would he come here?"Excuse me? Are you listening to me?"His silence was annoying. So I turned around to leave him on his own.However, he spoke out with an angry tone."Where were you today?"I turned to face him and was stunned when my eyes met his.I could see he was not in a good mood. But his question ruined my mood as well."And what is..." I paused and glanced at others to see if I was being a little loud.I spoke in a low tone once I was certain that everyone was busy on their own."And what is it with you?""I asked you something. Don't
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Chapter 247
Third POV"Wow! He likes espresso!"Natalia was surprised by the girls' apparent admiration for the coffee. If Adrian ordered poison, they might appreciate it as well.For once, she had the idea to mix the poison into coffee.'He would have died at such a young age. I wish I could do that,' she thought while glancing at him.On the other hand,Adrian was gazing out the window.When he entered the cafe a while ago, he was angry at Natalia. He then sat at a table and stared at her for a long time. All of his anger eased just looking at her.He recalled how he spread rumors on the internet a few days ago. He assumed someone would have done the same with her this time.He believed Natalia could not do that. She could only blackmail him and not give another man any place in her heart.He had already insulted her a lot when he thought Noah and Aria were another man's children. This time, he would not make the same mistake.When she came to take his order herself, he was able to smell her sc
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Chapter 248
Natalia stood up straight. Her face turned colder as she glared at the man sitting in front of her."I wish I could poison you. I wish I could kill you," she said, gritting her teeth.Adrian fixed his gaze on the hate-filled, flaming eyes. A stab went through his heart. It was a feeling that he could not describe."Alpha, please drink your coffee quickly and leave the coffee shop as soon as possible," she said mockingly before leaving the table.She looked at the waitresses and said,"If you don't focus on your work and keep glancing at that man again, I will fire you all."Natalia, who once ruled the business world, suddenly reflected on herself. No matter how hard she tried, she could not separate her personality from herself.She was once a strong woman who dealt a lot of head alphas. She had no concern about losing anything now. She was only working here to avoid one man. But now that man had come in to irritate her, it had completely ruined her mind.Adrian sipped his espresso an
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Chapter 249
Natalia's POV"Natalia, where are you?"I caught a glimpse of Adrian, who appeared to be in a gloomy mood. What was the cause of his sudden shift from a calm to a gloomy mood?"I am at the coffee shop. Why? Are you on your way to my home?"Adrian stood up from his chair as soon as he heard me. The chair made a loud noise, startling me. I took a few steps back and looked at Adrian with a frown on my face."What was that sound?" Max asked."A fox broke into the shop," I muttered.I noticed Adrian's fists tightening. I moved my gaze to his face. He looked fierce."Fox? What are you saying?"I laughed and then responded by saying, "I was just kidding. By the way, I was asking you something.""I am here at your house.""What? You are already at my house?""Yeah. I expected you to return home sooner, so I came here directly.""I am coming.""It's okay. Take your time. I am talking with your mom and dad."While he was talking, I could hear my father laughing next to him. I could not help but
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Chapter 250
Adrian's POV"What did you just say?" I muttered as I walked in her direction.But before I could reach her, he got inside the car."Start the car," she said to the cab driver.However, I grabbed the edge of the window to stop her. The driver noticed it and chose not to start the car.I bent down to look at her."I asked what you just said."She looked ahead, ignoring me completely. Her neglect towards me was killing me. I hated it whenever she ignored me."Who did you choose? Who is that man? Max Harrison?"Natalia turned her head to me as soon as Max's name came out of my mouth.Her face turned cold. Her hatred for me was evident in her eyes.The dim light from the street coming in through the window next to her lit up her face a little.I kept my eyes fixed on her. She used to be a fragile woman when I married her many years ago. I never imagined that the eyes, which used to gaze at me with such tenderness, would become so icy."My man is waiting for me at my house," Natalia said i
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