All Chapters of Taking Alpha's Twins Away After Divorce: Chapter 211 - Chapter 220
371 Chapters
Chapter 211
"I can't believe that Natalia Hansley is here."“I have heard that Alpha Jason is having a fatal illness. If he was in good health, he would have never let her stay here.”"Yeah. But it was all Alpha Jason's fault. He dared to insult Alpha Adrian. How can anyone get rid of Alpha Adrian's attack?""No wonder she ended up homeless. Alpha Adrian shattered the Hansleys' arrogance. But it is kind of him to provide her with shelter here. It appears she is working in a coffee shop. What bad luck!"While walking to the door, Natalia heard whispers from others.She gritted her teeth to control her anger. She hurriedly grabbed the doorknock and left the room. She shut it loudly and walked to the elevator to leave.A young man appeared to be shocked when he saw her coming out of the meeting room. He rushed to her and stopped her."Miss Natalia, where are you going? Alpha's office is there."Natalia lifted her head to look at him. Her cold look shook him inside.However, he was Adrian's assistan
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Chapter 212
Natalia glared at the man who kept stopping her from going to the elevator. She clenched her fists so tightly that her nails pierced her palm. Blood is oozing from her skin as the nails rip the skin of her palm.She pushed the man to the side. The man was shocked by her sudden strength. How could a woman have such power?"Miss, I beg you not to–"Natalia heard him pause. She thought he accepted his defeat in stopping her.At that time, the elevator door opened. She loosened her fists and just entered. But before she could turn around to the door, a hand grabbed her wrist and began to pull her out of the elevator.She turned her head to glance at the person, and her eyes widened."Adrian Miller, leave my hand," she said angrily.All the employees around them stared at her in shock. They had never heard someone call their head Alpha by his name. She did not even use his rank before addressing him, which was recognized as an unforgivable crime.Adrian did not listen to her and pulled her
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Chapter 213
Adrian fixed his gaze on the woman in front of him. She did not need a second to change herself. Her blue eyes could shake anyone but him. The way her sharp claws pierced his neck, he could smell the blood coming out of his skin.Though those wounds would heal soon, he could not deny that he felt hurt.However, he was Alpha Adrian.During the wars, he had endured more pain than anyone else and managed to win packs against other Alphas. So, this pain was really nothing to him.When she got no response, Natalia pressed her claws hard. She wanted to see him beg her to let him go."Calm down, woman," Adrian said, grabbing her wrist."Why? Is this pain unbearable for you?" she asked, smirking at him.She felt she now looked like a villainess from a novel who was trying to kill another villain.Adrian's dark eyes caressed her face with calmness. Anger was increasing in her eyes. Her jaw was clenched, and her desire was to kill him.Instead of asking her to leave, a smirk appeared on his lip
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Chapter 214
Natalia's claws went inside, and she noticed cracks in her nails. They had blood on them. She wondered if it was Adrian's blood or her own. Because she was feeling pain in her nails as well.She turned her gaze at Adrian once again."Tell me. Who are you? How did you do that?"Adrian stared into her eyes for quite some time until his eyes turned red."I'm your mate, darling," he replied with a smirk.She ignored the pain in her nails and gave him a stern look. "Don't talk nonsense. How did you stop me? What did you put there? Let me see it."She stepped towards him, grabbed the shirt, and then ripped it. All of his shirt buttons dropped to the floor, creating loud noises that could be heard in the silent room.He was stunned by her sudden action. But she was busy learning the truth.How could anyone stop her from attacking someone? She suspected Adrian was hiding something.However, when she saw his bare chest, her hands froze on his shirt.The old marks of her claws were still on hi
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Chapter 215
Natalia's eyes widened. She stared at his mouth in shock.She could feel what he was doing inside his mouth. His tongue was softly licking her fingertips. He gently ran his tongue over her nails, causing her to gulp."W-What are you doing?" She mumbled, trying to look at him.His eyes were fixed on her. They were so intense that it looked like he wasn't healing her but doing something else.She avoided his gaze and tried to pull her finger out. He let go of her finger.She breathed a sigh of relief. She started to feel uneasy being so close to him. So she tried to take a step back.But suddenly, he bent down and lifted her by grabbing her knees.She let out a shocked gasp. "Adrian, what the hell?"He did not listen to her. He seated her at the desk and cast a shadowy glance at her."You are talking too much. I know how to seal your mouth. If you don't let me heal calmly, then you know how I can stop you. You can't even kill me now."She was speechless. He held her hand and put another
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Chapter 216
"You are trying to humiliate me, aren't you?"Her question caused him to back away. He averted his gaze from her and grabbed her other hand.He quietly healed all her fingers without making eye contact. He was aware that she was staring at him with the intensity of an eagle's gaze. Her eyes were penetrating him with their sharpness.When he was done, he shifted his gaze to her."I wanted to make it clear to you that I didn't want you to enter the meeting room."She ignored his words while glancing at her fingers, which looked so shiny and clean. She still considered taking a tissue and wiping them."Stop lying, Alpha. You told your employee to give me that room’s direction. Otherwise, why didn't he tell me to wait?""No matter what I do, you are not going to believe me, right?""There is nothing to believe, Alpha. I know you really well."His eyes darkened. All of a sudden, he wrapped his hand around her waist and pulled her toward him.She realized there was a distance between them u
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Chapter 217
On her way, Natalia bumped into someone. She looked at the man and saw it was Beta Patric."Where are you in such a hurry, Miss Natalia?" he asked, glancing at Adrian's cabin.Natalia cleared her throat to compose herself and replied,"Tell your Alpha that I will not be coming here to deliver the coffee again."Patric was aware of Adrian's condition for the order. He shook his head in response."It's my Alpha's order. You can't deny it," he replied professionally.She tightened her fists, only to discover that her nails were no longer causing her any pain. She loosened her fists and muttered,"You and your Alpha are all just the same."Patric was taken aback. "Please don't mind my Alpha. I swear he told his assistant secretary to bring you to his cabin, not the meeting room. You are misunderstanding him."She rolled her eyes at his words. "Don't swear for that man. You will die."She walked past him, heading to the elevator. Patric turned around to look at her back.Natalia paused her
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Chapter 218
Natalia's POVI walked to the lobby area while enduring other people's gazes. There was a curious look in their eyes, which did not surprise me.I left the company in a really bad mood. I took a cab and headed back to the coffee shop.The day was bright and sunny. My hands were bathed in sunlight as it came in through the window. When I lifted my hand, I took a close look at my fingernails.They were shining in the sunlight. There was no blood, no cut, and no crack.I curled my fingers as I fisted them.My eyes were drawn outside the window. I did not see a single person walking with peace. They looked in a hurry and were anxious about their daily lives. I wondered if they also had problems in life, just like me.My life and fate both changed their colors.How was I supposed to take this? How long would I keep working in a coffee shop and thinking about saving my brother? How long would I have to wait for my brother to wake up and make everything right?I leaned back against the seat
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Chapter 219
I was stunned. Was she talking with Adrian? Did Adrian now have so much spare time to talk with my coffee shop owner?But why did he continue with the order?The thought that he had been successful in convincing Liana to send me back to his company caused my eyes to darken.As if Adrian had hung up the call, Liana removed the phone from her ear.It was then that she focused her attention on me."You are back, Natalia."I took a deep breath when I saw her overjoyed face. Nevertheless, I could not allow myself to lose my self-respect in front of that man any longer."Liana, I am sorry.”I lowered my head after saying that. She walked out of the counter and held my hand."Why are you apologizing, Natalia?"I raised my head to look at her and replied,"I won't go to the pack company from tomorrow. I am sorry if Alpha will cancel the order because of that."Liana stared at my face for a while, giving me a silent look. As I tried to comprehend her expression, she suddenly burst out laughing
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Chapter 220
"Max is here?" I asked and dashed to the door."Nat–"I turned my head to Liana and said,"That's an important person. I need to see him."When she gave me a nod, I left the changing room.I looked around and found Max sitting at a table next to the window.I walked over to him and stood beside his table."Max."He was using his phone. He lifted his head to look at me."Natalia, can we talk?"I thought he would talk about my brother. So I was about to say yes, but then my gaze lowered to my apron."Actually, I'm on duty now. Is it something about my brother?"His gaze shifted to my apron. He thought for a moment, then said,"It's okay. I can wait until you are done."I was surprised by his soft tone. I could not make him wait for the whole day just to talk to me. It was me who needed him. My brother was sick, not his.I looked over and noticed Liana staring at me from the counter.Her eyebrows went up, wanting to know what had happened."I am in the mood for some mocha. Can you make i
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