All Chapters of Doctor, I'm Too Sensitive!: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
170 Chapters
Chapter 130  There lay a naked man beside me.
He glanced at the navigation and tremulously reached for a mechanism on the tree trunk.Betty was astonished to see a door appear on the trunk and gave Miles a fierce look before walking into the guest room and closing the door behind her.Inside, Betty saw a man lying on the bed, sound asleep, wearing a mask and messily covered in a sheet, with women's underwear strewn about, as well as Frost's coat.Frost, a minimalist, only wore this one style of coat year-round, and everyone around him knew this habit. Betty sneered and thought, "So, dear nephew Frost, this is how you are."She approached and, with glee, lifted the mask off the man's face, only to freeze in place.This was no ordinary person but my beloved son, Ethan!Betty was almost suffocating. She closed her eyes in despair. Her innocent son had indeed been framed by Frost! At that moment, she faintly heard the sound of running water from the bathroom. In a fit of rage,
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Chapter 131 Bumped Into a Hard Chest
Onlookers cheered eagerly, watching as Tom headed towards the elevator. Then, they all looked up, anticipation in their eyes.After a while, Tom, dressed in protective gear, finally appeared on the platform. The long-awaited crowd immediately erupted with excitement, shouting, "Jump! Jump!"Standing on the platform, Tom gazed into the distance, experiencing the feeling of being "exposed" at helicopter altitude, then looking down at the crowd below.He quickly averted his gaze. Although he didn't suffer from a fear of heights, he was not a fan of extreme heights."Darn it, it's a bottomless pit. Why don't you little brats jump? Why should I jump?" Tom grumbled. The audience, however, thought he was asking for applause, so they clapped and whistled even more vigorously."You little brats, watch how Grandpa jumps!" Tom wouldn't allow himself to be scared. He widened his eyes, gritted his teeth, and leaped off.As Tom plummeted from the platform
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Chapter 132 You will be used to making breakfast for me 21 days later.
Bianca quickly shook her head, but then a strong wave of nausea hit her. She covered her mouth but saw Frost aiming the pocket at her mouth. After a concise and powerful "spit" from Frost, Bianca spurted out...After vomiting violently, her stomach felt better, and she felt more energetic. She looked at Frost with embarrassment and was about to thank him.However, Frost opened the door, threw the clothes outside the car, then picked up a bottle of mineral water, unscrewed the cap, and handed it to Bianca. Bianca rinsed her mouth, took two sips of water, and completely recovered, saying:"Thank you, I'll cover the dry cleaning bill.""No need, you've eaten a lot of oily food for this meal, and there's no point in washing the clothes,"Frost replied."Then I'll compensate you with another piece!"Bianca said firmly."Sure! I remember it's over four thousand. After we get married, if you make me breakfast for 21 days, it will cover the cost
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Chapter 133 I and Bianca's things cannot be completed on the broken sofa.
"Bianca, are you afraid of what happened today?" Frost handed Bianca a glass of water."Afraid, I've always been not very brave,My mom said, when I was little, I would cry when I saw my own shadow.But what's the use of being afraid?""Fear is the most useless thing! And the body is the most important thing!" Frost said, handing Bianca chopsticks.Bianca's heart moved, how did he know her "self-encouragement catchphrases" all along?Bianca took the chopsticks, suppressed the nausea, sat down at the dining table, and courageously picked up a small mushroom."Frost, how can you always be so calm?""Because I want to ensure whatever decision I make, it's a real choice, not an impulse."Frost deliberately demonstrated eating as if he was having a meal, took a big mouthful of beef, swallowed it, and then continued,"Besides, I have experienced scarier things, so my tolerance for being scared is higher. It's not easy to scare m
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Chapter 134 Not Just Dry Wood and Raging Fire.
Frost jumped down first and opened my arms to catch Bianca.Bianca jumped down and landed right in Frost's arms:"You scared me, thank you! Are you feeling unwell? Why are your hands so wet?""I'm sorry... but I am after all a normal man, waiting for a fiancee who doesn't exist..." Bianca was both embarrassed and angry, turned and walked away, but Frost pulled her back."There's surveillance." Frost pointed to a camera ahead.The two looked around and saw surveillance everywhere.For the first time in his life, Frost surprisingly had objections to Tom's precision.The reason why Tom was hired as his private detective has a story:Years ago, Tom lost control of his emotions, causing the death of a suspect, and was forced to leave the police force, becoming a target of retaliation by the criminals,Not only did it leave him penniless and homeless, he was also beaten and bound with duct tape,then thrown into a deep pit he had dug and b
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Chapter 135 Someone wants to endanger Bianca's life! 
Frost rushed towards courtyard 3, followed by Tom pushing a food cart with a grim expression. Just now, after hastily finishing his meal, he returned to guard outside the bedroom door, wearing headphones. He refrained from knocking, reminding himself to be understanding of the youth. He couldn't help but feel both nostalgic and envious of Frost's youthful vigour, increasing the volume absentmindedly. When he raised his head, he saw Leng walking from the opposite direction and heard a man's heavy breathing from the bedroom behind. "We're hungry, take the food and follow me!" Frost looked confident and unapologetic. "You! You snuck out?" Tom produced a key to open the door, only to find no one inside, with only Frost's phone playing a video. "You have the key to my bedroom!" Frost was surprised. "Having a key can't even keep you locked up! Where were you guys?" Tom was furious at his carelessness. "Courtyard 3! Since you wouldn't let us go, we had to find anoth
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Chapter 136 He Just Wants to Be a Handsome and Quiet Talk Show Man.
Ethan immediately felt goosebumps all over his body and his heart couldn't help but race. His face also became ugly, and the words that were about to come out of his mouth were swallowed back down.Master Pot noticed something and turned slightly to see Betty, but he didn't react at all. He was an old hand and knew how to make a clean break in various sudden situations. He must make a quick escape right now!He turned to his assistant and calmly asked, "What time is the opening ceremony later?"The assistant understood and quickly checked the phone's memo, saying, "It's at eight o'clock! Oh no, there's an accident on the road. Master Pot, we have to leave or we won't make it in time."Ethan quickly stood up upon seeing the situation, feeling relieved in his heart. "Master Pot, don't worry. I'll have my helicopter send you over.""No need for the trouble! I dare not accept it. Besides, I'll be criticized for not being environmentally friendly again if
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Chapter 137 An Evil Thought, Planted in Jenn's Mind
As they finished spraying that day, driving back to the villa area on the highway, the two of them laughed heartily in the open-top car, feeling an unprecedented sense of relaxation in each other's company.Being in the most prosperous Skyville among the wealthiest families, this hard-earned comradery made them click right from the start, slowly evolving into cherished companionship.They both wanted each other's dreams to come true, sincerely willing to help each other, albeit through any means necessary, unbounded by limits, yet it was a deeply profound "friendship." Ethan had just driven into the villa gates when he began to feel guilty and short of breath, the earlier joy wiped away. Maddy knew what was going on.She made Ethan pull over and asked a question, "Do you want to leave Mrs. Betty?" Ethan playfully responded with a corny joke he had saved up,"As someone with a human form, lean meat type, of course, I want to have myself and a human form, f
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Chapter 138 The most important checkpoint, is this room.
 The stylist immediately understood and started studying the photo. The next day, the three of us gathered as promised, and the stylist put on his headphones and started creating. Jenn paced back and forth, constantly chattering: "Lucas, do you know what it means to be a ruffian? Do you understand the essence of being a ruffian? It's all about being a ruffian!" Like possessed by a director, Jenn's speech became faster and faster: "A ruffian doesn’t care! What does it mean to not care? It means no matter if you're rich or an official, I won't give you any special treatment.A ruffian is just and humane. We could be chatting nicely, but turn hostile the next second. But they can also admit their mistakes in the next second. Tony, the makeup tonight must be strong, able to withstand not just oil and sweat, but also alcohol and saliva! It can't smudge like the muscles you drew!" Jenn then took off the stylist'
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Chapter 139 The honest body could not react correctly.
 In the center of the bathroom, there was a huge double bathtub. Without thinking, Lucas turned on the tap and watched the water gush into the tub, then he stepped in.In the room, Fiona heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom. Seizing this opportunity, she quickly tidied herself up. Although she was confident as the first party, as Lucas's queen, she still wanted to appear more charming. She applied some lipstick but then felt it was too deliberate and quickly wiped it off.After waiting for ten minutes, fifteen minutes, and twenty minutes, the sound of water in the bathroom was still loud, but Lucas had not come out yet. Fiona waited anxiously, about to get angry, but suddenly she noticed water seeping out from under the bathroom door."This kid, did he faint?" Fiona exclaimed and rushed into the bathroom, only to see the double bathtub full of water, the window on the other side wide open, and several damp shoe prints on the windowsill.
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