All Chapters of Doctor, I'm Too Sensitive!: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
170 Chapters
Chapter 140 Lily Doesn't Have a Dad Too.
Ethan, the provocateur, was portrayed as being manipulated and framed by Lucas, while Lily was labelled as an "accomplice," shuttling between Lucas and Ethan, taking advantage of both. Also, Lily's social media account was "inadvertently" exposed by the informant.Lily suffered organized online harassment, but she wasn't deterred. She bravely wrote a short essay to refute the rumours for Lucas, bearing the immense pressure to truthfully recount the facts. However, she quickly realized that no one was interested in the truth.Netizens were only interested in the "violence, beauty, and conspiracy" in the lies, and no one cared about Lily's words. Lucas, fighting alone, was unable to turn the tide and completely collapsed.All his works were taken down, his social media accounts were suspended, and he h
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Chapter 141 Senior, I will definitely make you grow a new leg.
“Ah? Bianca is my roommate... do you know her too?”Lily also stood up, the three of us staring at each other.“I'm Charlie, the chef of the Frost family! It's a coincidence.Don't worry, Bianca was poisoned two months ago, but it's not life-threatening. She's now in the safest place, receiving the best treatment, and she should be fully recovered soon.” So this chef is Charlie!Charlie suddenly frowned because Tom had previously warned everyone to keep it secret and not tell anyone. Charlie quickly covered his mouth, "Oh my, I accidentally let it slip! I'm sorry, I can't say more, you must not tell anyone!" "Oh my! She was poisoned!" Lily and Lucas gasped, knowing Bianca's whereabouts, and they became even more worried, adding to their heartache. “You must trust Frost. I guarantee with my reputation that he will cure Bianca and keep her safe!" Charlie looked at the two earnestly and vowed.
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Chapter 142: He turned the doctor's coat into a high-end windbreaker.
 Bianca was stunned by Frost's intimate move, took a step back, and looked at him angrily. "Dean, how can a doctor use his forehead to measure a patient's temperature? What if the other person has some contagious disease!"Dr. Jasmine spoke, she stepped forward to separate the two, standing between them, looking resolute. "Uh!" Frost shrugged, indifferent, "But Bianca is not my patient, Bianca is my..." Before he could finish, Bianca stepped forward and covered Frost's mouth.The two looked at each other, but both saw something extraordinary in each other's eyes. They stared at each other in silence for a long time, until Linda spoke, and Bianca quickly removed her hand."Dr. Frost, we came here specially to thank you, thank you for taking care of both me and my daughter these days." Linda pulled her daughter and Bianca nodded.She wanted to ask him about going to India but didn't know where to start. "This is my will, and it has been written for a l
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Chapter 143 If I can't come back, please continue to be single, no one is worthy of you except me.
 Even if it's… make sure you figure out why Dad suddenly turned into a scumbag, it not only concerns mom's health but also how I should handle my relationship with Dad, it concerns my life Thinking of this, Bianca quietly clenched her fists, looking at her mom who had already fallen asleep on the hospital bed after the care.Bianca felt that not only had her mission not changed, but it had become clearer. The door to the ward was gently pushed open, and Frost walked in.The doctor and nurse left tactfully. Linda had fallen into a deep sleep, Bianca held her mother's hand and said softly, "Mom, thank you for telling me about Dad, it means a lot to me!"Bianca looked up at Frost and saw the tear marks on his chest. She felt a little embarrassed, but then she remembered what Frost said in the conference room she asked softly, "Are you going to India too? Is it very dangerous?"Frost looked at Bianca, seeing her worried express
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Chapter 144 The Mother of the Fifth Generation of the Astor Family.
Ethan gritted his teeth in pain - mainly because he felt sorry for himself for having spent a great deal of effort to buy the expensive shoes."Aunt, Ethan, please be quiet! Otherwise, please leave the ward!" Frost commanded in a low and serious tone.In the ward, Frost saw no social relationships, no elders, no relatives, only patients.Here, he was not only a doctor but also the hospital director. His authority was unquestionable, and no one dared to defy his orders.Betty and Ethan wisely kept quiet and made way for Frost.Just now on the way, Frost had already called Georg, carefully inquiring about the details of the rescue. Georg told him that Mr. John's condition was very pessimistic. Although the rescue temporarily relieved the symptoms, the fundamental cause was not found. The subsequent recurrence would be very tricky. He did not elaborate on the specific situation but wanted Frost to come and see for himself.At the door of the ward, Frost he
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Chapter 145 Cake Price: $14,500. 
In the lounge, the dining table was already set up, and the exquisite dishes made it seem like a high-end restaurant, not a hospital room.Charlie thought that everyone must be worried about Grandpa's condition and might not have a good appetite, so he prepared light meals.Ethan's wound had been taken care of. Just now, Grandpa publicly embarrassed him by scratching him, leaving him feeling embarrassed, especially in front of Bianca and Georg. He sat quietly next to Betty, playing with his fork and knife with boredom.Maddy served appetizing soup to everyone one by one. When she walked up to Ethan, she whispered, "Men with scars are charming, you know!" Ethan knew she was comforting herself, so he smiled wryly and prepared to eat with determination.Bianca noticed Frost's silence and said to him, "Don't worry, I won't leave first. I'll stay with Grandpa." "Are you sure? I thought you would rush back to the meatballs," replied Frost.He had this id
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Chapter 146 Nail Frost to The 'Husband' Cross.
She sat by Mr. John's side and coaxed him like a little girl, swaying his arm and complaining, "Dad, how can you easily believe a chef's words!" Betty scolded with a fierce look at Charlie, who was very important as the chef in a prestigious household, and his mouth was tightly closed. He was always cautious, trying to speak as little as possible and would not speak at all, if possible. It wasn't until he encountered his dear daughter recently that he found the courage to yearn for a better life. According to his personality, he would never speak more than required. He had a resin key pendant in his chef's pocket, with a photo of Lily and himself inside, which allowed him to look Betty in the eye. "Madam, I'm telling the truth," Charlie replied confidently. "Charlie has followed me for 30 years. I
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Chapter 147 I have always kept myself decent for Bianca.
Ethan looked at Maddy, his eyes surprisingly moist. If the occasion had been right, he wanted to rush over and hug her on behalf of Frost. Grandpa turned his head to look at Frost, his eyes carrying a dignified gaze that was both intimidating and awe-inspiring. Then he looked at Bianca. At this moment, Bianca was surprisingly calm. Just now, when she heard Maddy say that she was pregnant with Frost's child, Bianca indeed felt a strangely mixed feeling; a bit of surprise, a bit of anger, a bit of excitement, and a bit of jealousy.Various emotions were mixed in Bianca's mind, making her brain go blank at that moment. She repeatedly asked herself in her mind: Is this true? She had the instinct that Frost couldn't do such a thing, but Maddy's confident appearance was beyond doubt. And indeed, she had only known Frost for a few months. Moreover, she had no relationship with this family at all. Why did some people insist on he
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Chapter 148 He Put One Toot In The Mouth.
Tears blurred her delicate makeup, and Maddy, who had always been proud and dignified, cried with her head down. The atmosphere in the room was exceptionally tense.Frost did not arrange the operation. Ethan, confronted with the sudden news of having a child, felt very wrong, not understanding what was going on. It was a well-prepared plan to help Maddy conceive Frost's child, why did he get involved? He looked at Maddy, feeling sorry for her, but also couldn't recall having a one-night stand with her."That's right, I said it was you who harmed us, Ethan!" Betty took the opportunity to attack, "It's commendable that you admit the consequences." Betty said, maliciously looking at Frost as if the whole thing was instigated by Frost. "Betty, you shut up!" Maddy looked at Betty's performance and finally couldn't suppress her anger and roared at Betty.But then she didn't know what to do next. When she found out she was pregnant, she was
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Chapter 149: We Both Hit And Take It As We Wish. 
But Bianca didn't say anything, she knew that the last thing Maddy needed was her sympathy and comfort. The atmosphere in the room gradually eased.Only Maddy, the crying and fuss just now seemed like a desperate dream, and she was still struggling to wake up. 'Maddy, I'll take it as you are willing to give birth to this pair of children for our Astor family!Excellent women should seize every opportunity to become even better!' Betty clapped her hands, excitedly bouncing like a girl to Mr. John's side. 'Dad, rest assured, I will take good care of Maddy, you just wait to be a grandfather!By the way, Dad, Frost is going to India, the hospital cannot be without someone in charge.Your daughter voluntarily volunteered to be the acting dean. For the sake of your great-grandchildren, I will make our hospital even better!'"B
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