All Chapters of Doctor, I'm Too Sensitive!: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
170 Chapters
Chapter 150 I Want To Kiss You To Death.
She had custom-ordered the pair of slippers, paying a hefty sum. They had been handled by the top craftsman, retaining the softness and warmth of the velvet, being nurturing for the feet, making them as delicate as a baby's skin. But now, her beloved item, which she hadn't worn more than a couple of times, was on the feet of a... She tried hard to restrain the fabric of her apple cheeks, almost about to burst, but what she wanted even more was Maddy's child; the two children were the turning point in her life.Betty cleared her throat and tilted her neck to say, "Maddy, since neither you nor Ethan loves each other, it's easy!You can help me give birth to these two children, but you don't have to get married. I will give you a large sum of money so that you can live worry-free for the rest of your life. One hand for the money, one hand for the child, let's pretend that nothing has happened."Maddy continued to look out the window, ignoring
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Chapter 151 The Cat Transformation.  
After finishing speaking, Frost was about to lean in, but Bianca agilely dodged and stood up, saying, "Dr. Frost, this is the hospital and it's your grandfather's ward.Please calm down." With that, she turned and walked towards the door, only to be tightly embraced from behind by Frost. His two solid arms surrounded Bianca like an iron hoop, his knuckles slightly pale from fatigue and exertion, but appearing even more slender.He lowered his head, gently resting his chin on Bianca's strong but slender shoulders. Bianca felt a warm breath near her ears, followed by Frost exhaling a long breath. Bianca felt a cool sensation on her neck – was it Frost's tears?No one spoke, and they just leaned on each other for a while. Bianca felt Frost's body becoming heavier as if slowly relaxing.Bianca did her best to support Frost, sensing his extreme fatigue at that moment. "I have to leave. Grandfather's condition is becoming more and more bizarre, and I have
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Chapter 152 Frost, I Love You - This Is My Last Words.
Clusters of blue morning glories stretched out from the balcony railings, swaying in the wind as if welcoming her home again. Bianca couldn't help but smile. Usually, with no time to care for pets, the morning glory was her spiritual sustenance.She walked into the corridor with even more excitement.Although she had been happy with her mother for the past few days, she knew that only her small room was truly her place. With so much happening in the past few days, only the warm atmosphere in that small room could truly cleanse her body and mind.He hurried up the stairs, and the corridor was still dim and dilapidated, but she couldn't wait to get back to her little den. Upon opening the door, everything familiar came into view.The small room was still spotless and ne
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Chapter 153 The wedding budget is limited, only one billion.
Until the sun came back, and the footsteps faded away, Bianca opened her eyes, breathing evenly. Fortunately, she was adept at holding her breath and filtering impurities from the air, otherwise, she would have risked bringing harm upon herself if she couldn't help but cough.As she adjusted her breathing, Bianca tried to recall the collapse that had just occurred. She had been so focused on smashing the ground with the hammer that she hadn't heard any noises from outside, nor had she realized that someone had entered. How had that person managed to silently break the wooden pillars and then safely withdraw? Bianca couldn't fathom it.A beam was slanted and pressed in front of her. Hesitantly blowing off the dust from the broken surface, she saw that it was irregular and loose, almost hollowed out by termites.It seemed that there were a lot of ants in this old house. She also thought about the piece of tile and strongly believed that there was something
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Chapter 154 Blood Oxygen 69, Sudden Cardiac Arrest, Frost's gonna die.
Frost picked up the walkie-talkie hanging on his body, but unfortunately, the walkie-talkie was smashed and there was no movement at all.Luckily, the headlight had not malfunctioned.Frost observed the surrounding situation and found a beam lying above him, blocking the falling boulder, with a gap between the beam and the boulder."Bianca, look up. Do you see a beam above your head, and is there a gap between the beam and the stone?" Hearing Frost's words, Bianca looked up and indeed saw what Frost had described, she wanted to smile at him, though she knew he couldn't see her smile."You wait, I'll climb over!" Frost said as he started to climb up."Don't move, I'll do it! I don't want you to get stuck again," Bianca said as she made her way. The gap was very narrow and the stone above was very sharp, but luckily Bianca was small and flexible. In no time, she had climbed to Frost’s side.The moment when her head emerged,
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Chapter 155.Call Me: Madam President!
Bianca also received a rescue notice from the ICU nurse, but she was in Mr. John's ward at the time.Mr. John had just improved slightly, and he could think, talk, and eat with a spoon as usual.The deputy director of neurology instructed not to let the old man be stimulated, so Bianca couldn't show sadness and had to hold back her tears while asking the nurse to inform her immediately of any situation."Bianca, where's Frost? I want to see him," Mr. John suddenly said.Bianca was startled and quickly turned around, saying, "Grandpa, he's been away at a conference recently and won't be back for a while. Let's wait for him, just 2 hours!""But why do I feel like he's here?" Mr. John said, moving his nose and trying to smell Frost's scent in the air. "No, Grandpa, he's already flown to Green City and will visit many other cities afterwards.""I want to see him, I want to go downstairs!" Mr. John said, his spirits getting stronger and seeming i
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Chapter 156 He was licking the banana skin.
She should notify Betty first... But then she held back. At the same time, the ICU nurse finally sent a message, saying that Frost had been rescued and was temporarily out of danger.She quickly caught the teardrops that had welled up in her eyes and let out a long sigh. Frost, now I can only hope that you can wake up soon. Bianca looked at Mr. John and, while she was writing a message to Betty, and then, she deleted it. Mr. John had finished licking the banana, and he began to lick the banana skin.Bianca took the banana skin, Mr. John didn't get angry, instead, he was sitting on the bed, licking his lips leisurely. Bianca got up to help Mr. John lie down and began to comb Mr. John's hair in the us
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Chapter 157 I'll Give Up My Dignity For Fame And Fortune!
At first glance, he somewhat resembles Frost in demeanour, slightly shorter in height, also six feet tall, with broad shoulders and a shapely head.The difference is that this sunny big boy is more approachable and likable than Frost. With a shy smile on his face and fluffy eyes, he looked gently at Betty and sweetly called out,"Miss.Betty, hello!" Betty couldn't help but giggle and stepped forward to pat the big boy, saying,"Lucas, why are you being so polite to me?" Lucas! Yes, Betty's guest is indeed Lucas! The other person must be Lucas's agent, Jenn.Lucas and Betty met while shooting commercials in Thailand, but at that time, due to Bianca's accidental drowning, Lucas was being followed by paparazzi 24 hours a day, and Betty also avoided Lucas to avoid involving the company.So, the two of them never met alone. Now, the well-informed Jenn found out that there was a big incident in the Aurora Group, with Betty taking over as the successor, a
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Chapter 158 Frost Couldn't Make It Through.
I didn't expect several envelopes to fall out all of a sudden, turns out he wrote farewell letters to several people. Betty immediately saw the envelope with her name on it and ordered with interest: "Read what was written to me!" Lucas quickly tore open the envelope and began to read:"Aunt, life is unpredictable, don't be sad for me. The most important thing now is to immediately contact a professional manager to manage the group and the hospital.I have already discussed with several candidates, all of them are top-notch professionals..."Betty snatched the farewell letter and crumpled it, throwing it into the pool. "This child, why trust outsiders, and not family? If I can't do it, there's still Ethan, if Ethan can't do it, there's still me!"Betty's long-winded words made Lucas dizzy. But he didn't care to ponder, instead he secretly stuffed an envelope with "For Bianca" written on it, into the towel."BB, don't be angry, the
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Chapter 159 By The Way, propose!
 Suddenly, there was a cautious commotion outside the room, and the rumbling restlessness approached from afar,Someone opened the door without saying a word and rushed in like a gust of wind.The person was wearing a VIP patient gown, it was Mr. John!Mr. John rushed straight to Frost's bedside, scaring Bianca into quickly sitting up,Mr. John's pupils suddenly dilated, staring blankly up and down at Frost.Just as Bianca was thinking of how to explain everything to Mr. John, several doctors and nurses rushed into the ward from outside and tried to take Mr. John out of the ICU,Mr. John turned and suddenly jumped, leaping onto the table, and then onto the IV pole hanging from the ceiling!"Hiss!" Mr. John opened his mouth wide to the people in the room, making a snake-like sound from his throat.All the doctors in the room looked at each other, they had never seen such symptoms before.Bianca quickly stood up and tried to he
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