All Chapters of Hidden Monarch: The Silent Resurgence: Chapter 471 - Chapter 480
922 Chapters
Chapter 471
Lydia was very pleased with Sheena's performance. Sheena promoted the company's Radiant Skincare Series, which completely transformed the company's image.Sarah arrived at that exact moment to inform Lydia that someone had sent a small anonymous package addressed personally to her, which must have surprised her.Sarah was initially concerned that the parcel contained something that could harm Lydia. She took the initiative to open it. After all, no one knew what might be inside the package.As she began peeling away the wrapper layers, she discovered a collection of photographs inside.Sarah appeared shocked when she saw the contents; she seemed unaware of that.Lydia accepted the parcel right away. Her face paled when she saw the photo in the package.The photographs were crystal clear. They were intimate photos of Henry and Chansey from various perspectives.Chansey had drunk heavily that night, determined to offer her virginity to Henry. Naturally, she was very proactive, and
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Chapter 472
"Not really; this is only the beginning. However, after this time, I feel better than I did at my peak. Of course, all of this is due to you, Henry.""You're saying these meaningless words again.""These are facts. If it weren't for you, Henry, I'd still be hiding in a corner right now. In short, whatever you ask me to do in the future, I'll do it, even if you decide to sell me.""Silly girl! Why would I sell you off?"Henry shook his head. "However, because of you, the person behind this has suffered greatly. I feared someone would do something bad to you, so I hired bodyguards for you."As he spoke, he pointed to two men standing in the distance, both of whom appeared to be skilled fighters. Although they might not be effective against powerful fighters, they could still fight ordinary fighters."I see. I'll do as you say, Henry."Sheena was hesitant, but because Henry had stated it that way, she obeyed him. She said, "However, you must send me home tonight.""Sure."Henry r
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Chapter 473
"That's it?""Yes, that's it." Henry meant that was all that happened, and the photos had captured everything.On the other hand, Lydia felt Henry was unwilling to discuss the matter in greater detail. She was instantly enraged, saying, "That's it? Do you have nothing to explain? Henry, are you still a man? What do you see me as?"Henry was startled and sighed. "Of course, you are my wife. Otherwise, why would I always do my best to help you?""Help me?"Yes, you've helped me, but you've helped yourself too."Lydia angrily exclaimed, "Otherwise, no matter how smart you are, you have no power or background support. Don't think I can't handle everything without you.""Yes, you're right," Henry said.Lydia was about to lose her mind due to Henry's completely ignorant attitude.However, she quickly regretted what she had just said. She realized her words were too hurtful.She would not have been able to make it without Henry, especially since he helped her so much.Even though h
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Chapter 474
However, she was in a bad mood at the time. When she reflected on what Dr. Charles had done, she said coldly, "Dr. Charles, you're a famous dermatologist. How dare I ask you for an apology? Won't I be afraid you'll take action against me?""No, Ms. Miller. You must be kidding. How dare I do that when you have such a strong support system?"Don't worry. I'll apologize publicly online in a moment and do my best to promote your company's products. Please forgive me," Dr. Charles replied immediately.Lydia was stunned the moment she heard that. She had a strong support system. Someone must have warned him. She immediately asked, "Who's this powerful support you're talking about?""He's Minerva University's principal and the chairman of the Medicine Association. Don't you know?" Dr. Charles was surprised.Minerva University and Arelia University, also known as Azurecrest University, were the two most renowned universities in Cathysia. Those were every student's dream universities.Lyd
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Chapter 475
When Lydia heard that, she believed him right away.She had thought earlier that Henry might have found a way to get help as usual, and she was about to clarify with him.She would have asked him right away if they had not gotten into an argument.However, the thought vanished entirely at that point."Thank you very much for your help this time, Mr. Walker," she said."You're welcome. We're friends, and you don't have to thank me," Simon said with a grin. "Besides, Ms. Miller, you look similar to a little girl I met as a child, which always makes me feel really familiar. So, helping you makes me happy."Lydia was surprised when she heard that and could not help but ask, "Mr. Walker, are you still thinking of that girl?""That's for sure."Simon sighed and spoke affectionately, "It's a shame I don't even know her name. I call her Little Sweetie, and she calls me Little Beggar."Perhaps we'll never meet again in this life. Otherwise, I'll definitely marry her."Lydia's heart tr
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Chapter 476
"You can feel my presence? It seems your fighting skills are quite good. But it doesn't matter how good you are. You'll be dead today because I'm here."Henry chuckled and asked, "You want to kill me?""Yes. Don't blame me for being cruel; blame yourself for provoking someone you shouldn't have offended." Maximus was following Simon's instructions to obtain all information from Henry first. As a result, he did not kill Henry immediately.Henry shook his head, saying, "You won't be able to kill me with just you.""Henry, you're very arrogant. You think you have real fighting abilities? When you face a truly powerful fighter like me, you'll have no choice but to die."However, if you're willing to exchange some valuable information or things, I may be able to spare your life," Maximus said with a sneer.They had investigated Henry. Even though his experience appeared quite ordinary, there was always something strange around him. In particular, he had connections with many influenti
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Chapter 477
Even though Maximus was puzzled, he had an order and had to act. He continued to move forward without hesitation, but his attack was more ruthless.When he realized he was about to stab Henry in the neck, he felt proud. 'He still didn't move. He must've frozen in shock.' Maximus must have only been scaring himself.However, Maximus' facial expression shifted dramatically the next second.Henry finally responded. When he reacted, he clenched two fingers around Maximus' throat with incredible speed. Argh!No way! How could he act so quickly? That was too fast.Was he really a Grandmaster?Click!Maximus' eyes widened the next second, and he opened them in disbelief, trying to figure out what was happening. However, he gradually became weak and collapsed on the ground.He had no further reaction until his death.He could not believe it—he died just like that?In his final second, he realized Henry might actually be a Grandmaster.Henry shook his head after killing Maximus.He
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Chapter 478
As a result, he did not see anyone."I see. That's fine. I won't disturb you any longer.""Alright."Henry hung up the phone and did not take the situation seriously.Simon was a minor character, unworthy of Henry's attention.However, Simon was enraged. Damn it! He suspected that Henry was involved in the situation. He simply did not know what Henry did.He had significantly underestimated Henry.Lydia was always busy because there was so much happening in the company. By the afternoon, she had yet to see Henry in the office.'Is this bastard on strike?'Even though some of her words were harsh, it was because he kept making the same mistakes.It seemed like she needed to talk with Henry to find out what he was thinking.If they were truly incompatible, they should separate.For the time being, given Henry's recent outstanding performance, he would be able to survive, even if he did not become wealthy in the future.Lydia noticed a few new developments on the Internet.I
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Chapter 479
Lydia returned to her room and removed a box from the safe. She opened the box and took out the jade pendant she kept inside. She immediately remembered memories from her childhood.Even though their time together was brief, her memories of them were vivid. She had always remembered him and waited for his appearance.She had never forgotten him, even after all those years.However, why did she not feel surprised or happy when she discovered Simon was the Little Beggar? She even felt a little uneasy.Perhaps it was due to Henry.Lydia realized that her feelings for Henry had grown after so much time together. His place in her heart was no lower than that of the Little Beggar she had met back then.She might not have known what she initially thought, but recent events have made her realize that she already had Henry in her heart.However, she always felt like she had broken her promise to the Little Beggar.Lydia realized she did not want to be with Simon after discovering he was
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Chapter 480
So Henry dialed Cheryl's phone number immediately.Cheryl finally answered the phone after a long moment. "Hello.""Cheryl, it's me.""Henry.""Where are you? I'll come to you," Henry said."Henry, why do you want to see me so suddenly?""What do you think? You didn't even tell me you lost the jade pendant. Don't you know I'm very capable and have many ways?" Henry said.Cheryl felt relieved just hearing Henry's voice. She said, "Henry, you have a lot of important things to do. I don't want to trouble you.""Trouble me? If I can't even care for you, what else can I do? I'll hang up now. Send your address to my phone right away," Henry said.Cheryl felt overjoyed as she looked at her cell phone after the call ended and remembered what Henry had just said. Regardless, he remembered her.That significantly improved Cheryl's depressed mood. She texted him her location. She was upset, so she went for a walk at the beach."Who was that?" the short-haired girl beside Cheryl asked c
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