All Chapters of Hidden Monarch: The Silent Resurgence: Chapter 491 - Chapter 500
918 Chapters
Chapter 491
No one believed in Henry except for Cheryl. She knew that Henry must have a reason for what he was doing.As they all looked at him mockingly, Henry remained calm and said, "Very well, your boyfriend must be proud to have a girlfriend like you.""Of course, unlike Cheryl, who found someone like you, who's nothing but a fake and trashy jerk."Everyone only knew Graham was rich, and he sponsored the party. He had always been the center of attention. Laurie finally managed to draw everyone's attention to herself; she felt extremely smug.She did not believe Henry could do anything. Pretending to call the CEO was an absurd joke.Henry's call was promptly answered."Mr. Truman!"Dustin was attending a meeting. When he saw the number, he immediately stopped the meeting and took the call. Everyone was surprised. Even though it had only been a short time, Dustin's efficiency had already earned everyone's respect. They had never seen the CEO show such respect for anyone, let alone over t
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Chapter 492
Hilary agreed with Graham.Cheryl looked coldly at Graham and said, "First and foremost, it's my own business."That statement also implied Hilary."Secondly, I believe in Henry. Whatever he says."When Hilary heard that, she was speechless. Then, she asked, "Do you still believe him after all that nonsense?""Of course! And Hilary, if you keep targeting Henry like this, don't blame me for ending our friendship," Cheryl was outraged by Hilary's words.Hilary was stunned. She had not expected Cheryl to be so harsh toward her because of Henry.She responded angrily, "You want to end our friendship for this lousy liar?""He's not a liar," Cheryl replied."Fine. Let's bet on it. If Laurie's boyfriend gets in trouble tomorrow because he was reported, I'll believe everything Henry says and won't prevent you from being together in the future."If that doesn't happen, you'll never see him again. Are you in?" Hilary spoke loudly.Cheryl hesitated. Even though she believed in Henry, c
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Chapter 493
Noel left after that. As he walked away, he glanced at Henry and hesitated momentarily before passing him by.Henry had noticed and knew Noel was offering all that because of him.However, Graham was unaware of it. He was overjoyed because he thought his reputation was well-established.Everyone else assumed the special treatment was due to Graham's reputation, and Laurie no longer dared to act so arrogantly. She had initially held high regard for her boyfriend.In the public's eyes, the Skyline Corporation had become almost a force unto itself, comparable in strength to Hodbridge's four great families.However, she realized her boyfriend was not as impressive as she had thought."Graham, here's my toast to you. You've truly opened our eyes today.""I've heard that the Sea Gazing Restaurant is only for the rich and noble. Not to mention that the general manager is extremely courteous to you.""Yes, even though I haven't been here before, I've heard many stories about Sea Gazing
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Chapter 494
Henry remained calm and said, "That's because you don't understand her fully. Given her status, she has access to various delicacies!"He implied that Cheryl was his sister and, given his abilities, she could have whatever she wanted.Hilary was speechless.Henry's serious expression suggested he was stating a fact.Graham and the others did not believe him. They jokingly asked, "If you're really that awesome, why don't you treat us to dinner tonight?""Me? Am I crazy? Why should I treat you when we aren't close friends?" Henry shook his head."Anyway, let's not argue with him. He predicted that something would happen to Laurie's boyfriend tonight. If nothing happens, we'll take care of him tonight."Javier spoke up, providing an opportunity to embarrass Henry."That's right, let's give him two more hours," Laurie said coldly."There's no need; you can call and ask him right now. If everything goes according to plan, he should already be apprehended."Dustin should have made
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Chapter 495
Laurie's phone was on loudspeaker, so everyone heard Larry's heartbreaking roar.Everyone in the room was frozen with shock.After a while, everyone realized that Laurie's actions had caused Larry to react so desperately and angry.Laurie was taken aback and asked, "Larry, what are you doing?""What am I doing? Fuck you, stupid bitch!"Keep your stupid to yourself; why are you causing problems for me?"And you still call that guy stupid? You're the stupid one!"Larry was furious, never understanding what was happening, but then he realized the problem was with the woman he had been dating for a short time.Laurie was stunned when she realized that Henry had called the CEO and caught her boyfriend.She wanted to clarify that it was not intentional.However, Larry had already hung up the phone, and Laurie could not hear anything else, so she had no choice but to confess.That person must be terrifyingly powerful to be able to interrupt Dustin's meeting.Larry had no other cho
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Chapter 496
Cheryl was hesitant, but after considering Laurie's previous actions, she asked, "You know we were classmates, but what have you done for me as my classmate?"As long as you can name one thing, I'll help you."Laurie was stunned for a moment and wracked her brains hard, but all she could think of were those disgusting and insulting remarks about Cheryl; she could not remember anything else, not even something as simple as buying her breakfast.The more she thought about it, the more desperate she became.After a few moments, Laurie knelt and begged, "I'm sorry, Chery; I was wrong. I was a jerk before; I deserve to die. Please give me another chance."As long as you can help me, I can give you money. Fifteen thousand? Thirty thousand? Okay, 150,000 dollars is all I have."The scene left everyone slightly stunned.However, no one said anything because it did not concern them.Unfortunately, Henry shook his head and said softly, "I don't need the money.""You? You don't need the
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Chapter 497
Hilary frowned as she noticed everyone nodding in agreement. She suspected that things were more complex than they appeared. Primarily because she had heard Cheryl talk about Henry's power. Hilary knew Cheryl well; she knew Cheryl never boasted.However, Laurie did not appear to be aware of the crowd's support. She became even more arrogant, taunting Henry. "Your luck has run out. If you ever hurt my boyfriend, I'll make you pay for it."Henry was taken aback. He smiled, both at their ignorance and how they had changed. He realized he had been too kind to sympathize with Laurie, who had knelt so pitifully.Cheryl was furious and regretted almost letting Laurie off the hook. She retorted, "Who knows what will happen next? Do you know how Second Young Master Jones treated Henry?""Winson? Second Young Master of Jones?" Graham asked."Yes!" Cheryl confirmed."How about him, Cheryl? Are you saying that Second Young Master Jones respects your boyfriend?" Graham responded with a mockin
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Chapter 498
Hilary was about to say something when Graham said, "Hilary, why waste your breath on her? Can't you see how he's trying to divert everyone's attention from the main topic?""Didn't he say he'd call the second Young Master Jones? Perhaps he can't even make the call," someone else commented sarcastically."Yeah, why all this bullshit?""Idiot."Cheryl was furious at their words.Henry shook his head. He did not want to make the call in the first place. However, he did not want Cheryl to be wrongly accused. He did not want her to be upset. So he casually replied, "It's just a phone call. I'll make it, but do any of you know Winson?""How dare you address him by his name? I'll tell him. See where you'll end up then," Graham sneered."Also, I know him. I even ate dinner with him last time.""Are you sure? Or will you say you don't recognize him when I make a video call later?" Henry said."Of course, I'll recognize him. Don't try to deceive me with a fake," Graham responded."Goo
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Chapter 499
Hilary watched everything in disbelief. Then she turned and looked directly at Graham. She saw nothing but Graham's pale, trembling lips.'No way!' The man on the video call was the actual Second Young Master Jones!'Oh, my goodness, what kind of boyfriend has Cheryl found?'No wonder she still loves him so much even though he's married,' Hilary thought.She saw Henry differently then; he appeared charming and unintentionally made people fall into him.The others immediately noticed Graham's unusual behavior and were shocked, wondering if the man on the phone was the real Winson.Laurie, in particular, was unfamiliar with Winson and could only look at Graham in disbelief."Graham, Graham," Laurie said.Graham had finally recovered from his shock and immediately knelt. He was genuinely terrified."I'm sorry, Mr. Truman. I was wrong!"I apologize for my ignorance. Please give me another chance."Henry shook his head and said, "Don't act like this. Weren't you acting tough and
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Chapter 500
However, Winson was not truly tyrannical. In fact, he had recently discovered several issues with Liam and was preparing to deal with him. However, Winson's ruthless actions had terrified the others, particularly Graham."So, you're one of the Padillas, right? I'll get rid of the Padillas in three days! I'm telling you in advance," Winson said coldly.He acted in response to Henry's personal call."As for you, Graham, you should beg Mr. Truman's forgiveness. Otherwise, you'd die!"Winson's words shocked and stunned everyone.Many of his friends paled, and some even trembled.However, Christina's eyes lit up with hope. She wondered if Henry was really that powerful, and if he could help her.If that were the case, she would no longer have to put up with Graham's torment.Graham was completely terrified and even peed himself in his pants.Laurie was dumbfounded. She never imagined Graham would be so terrified. However, it was not surprising given what Winson had said.At that p
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