All Chapters of Hidden Monarch: The Silent Resurgence: Chapter 511 - Chapter 520
914 Chapters
Chapter 511
Lydia was devastated when she looked up and saw it was Henry.She even thought she had vision problems.She must have overthought, which was why the situation occurred.However, she soon heard Henry's voice.That voice was gentle but firm and authoritative. She could not help but be drawn to it.Henry had already helped Lydia in getting up."You! Why are you here?" Lydia was shocked. She experienced joy, excitement, and other indescribable emotions; her feelings were complex."Why wouldn't I be here? You're clearly in danger," Henry spoke lightly.Lydia almost lost control when she heard that and wanted to throw herself into his arms.Simon's face turned green as he saw that; he wanted to kill Henry.'It's fine. Henry, please wait. I'll change my name if you can survive until tomorrow night.'Simon's family had informed him just before he arrived that Hadleigh would be heading to Hodbridge the next day.The provincial capital was close; Hadleigh would arrive around noon.B
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Chapter 512
"You! You must be looking for death."Landon was furious and immediately summoned the rest of his followers to charge forward together.'No matter how good your fighting abilities are, your fists won't be able to handle so many of us. You'll see!'However, Landon soon realized in despair that his people meant nothing to Henry. After a while, everyone was lying on the ground, screaming in pain.Everyone was severely injured. All of them had sustained internal injuries.Henry had treated him better, possibly because of his position as leader—only two of his hands were broken.However, Henry noticed that people were approaching to watch them. Some even took out their cell phones. Henry quickly covered Lydia and left.He did not want to appear on the Internet again.When Landon noticed they had left, he immediately called the police. He looked at Sarah angrily and asked, "Ms. Holmes, what's this? We're supposed to put on a show; are you trying to kill us?""I didn't expect this ei
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Chapter 513
Sarah was still thinking about how to get Lydia into Simon's bed when Lydia called her on her cell phone.Lydia had a mental block earlier when she walked out with Henry. She suddenly remembered Sarah after they had left.She immediately said, "Henry, Sarah is still in there.""Don't worry, she's fine," Henry replied."Really?""Well, they're in the same gang. Why would anything happen to her?""That's nonsense."Sarah was badly beaten, and she fought so hard for me. How could she be in the same gang as them? Besides, why would she get those people to stage a scene? What's the purpose?"Henry wanted to say it was to create a scene in which a hero saved the damsel.However, he remembered that in the end, he was the hero who saved the damsel that day."Henry, I'm grateful you arrived on time and saved me. However, Sarah's in no way associated with them."I understand you have prejudices against her. Even though she wronged you because of me, she has repented," Lydia said."We
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Chapter 514
"Don't worry. I have plenty of assets. Furthermore, I still have a few houses, so I won't be short of this small sum.""No, I don't believe you. You said it was just acting, but what happened next? Look at my brothers; none of them can even stand now," Landon sneered."Have you thought about it? I don't have time to wait for you. I'll give you ten seconds. If you don't accept it, I guarantee you'll never have a good life in the future," Landon said.That was because he heard an ambulance siren outside."Okay, just once, only once with you. Otherwise, I'll never agree."If you're willing to do it only once, I'll still pay you the 75,000 dollars in medical expenses."Sarah still had a target, and her ultimate goal was Henry.She must not stay with such a man indefinitely. How could she marry Henry then?Landon did not expect such a good deal. He got both beauty and money. He agreed immediately and said, "Okay, just once. This is what you said. You'll accompany me to the hospital
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Chapter 515
At 8:59 a.m., Lydia arrived at the lawyer's office and reluctantly parked her car.She arrived late on purpose. She looked at the door before exiting the car. Henry was not present, so she walked in calmly.Lydia checked the time after arriving at the entrance.It was past 9:00 a.m.Henry still had not shown up.'Huh, what a bastard! He's only stubborn with his words. It's past 9:00 a.m., and he's still nowhere to be seen.'It's obvious that he doesn't want to divorce me.'That's right. I'm as beautiful as a fairy and equally outstanding. Which man would be willing to let me go after having me?'Lydia's mood improved as she thought about it more. She no longer felt nervous, anxious, or worried.She even took out her cell phone and was about to call Henry to ask why he was not there.However, as soon as she placed the call, she heard a phone ring behind her. She trembled.It was Henry's cell phone.'It can't be him. This is impossible.'"Are you calling me?"She heard Henr
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Chapter 516
Lydia was in an excellent mood then; she was much more patient and willing to listen to him.Then, Lydia's cell phone rang. She looked up and realized it was Sarah.Sarah was furious at the moment.Landon declined to have sex with her the previous night because he was injured. However, while in the hospital, he forced her to have oral sex with him.That disgusted and sickened Sarah. She went home and rinsed her mouth several times but still felt extremely uncomfortable.Sarah believed that Henry and Lydia were all to blame for what she had gone through.Lydia and Simon would have been together if Henry had not sabotaged her plan, and she would not have been tortured.Sarah would not have been in that situation if Lydia had not abandoned her."Sarah, are you okay? Is your face still hurting?" Lydia asked, concerned. Last night, Sarah did everything she could to help.Sarah's eyes showed resentment when she heard that. However, she said, "I'm fine; it's over now. What about you?
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Chapter 517
Henry finally agreed after hearing Lydia's words.He was reluctant, but Lydia insisted, so he had no choice but to comply. Furthermore, becoming sales director would result in an excellent compensation package, which he must not pass up.After a few days of absence, Henry returned to the company. He drew the attention of numerous people.Many people recently claimed that Henry had become arrogant due to his minor accomplishments. That had infuriated Ms. Miller, and she wanted to fire him.Furthermore, at that time, everyone received an email informing them that Henry had been relieved of his position as Team One's leader and Lora would take over as team leader.Carol was shocked when she saw the email.Lora mentioned it a few days ago, but no action was taken for so many days. With so many negative rumors surrounding Henry, she wondered if the plan had been canceled.It did, however, eventually happen. She looked at Lora and said, "Congratulations, Lora. You'll be the team leade
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Chapter 518
"We don't hold any grudges against you. It's just that some of the girls in the office are blind; they're attracted to you. We can't stand it."Henry finally understood after hearing that. He replied calmly, "I don't believe they're blind. On the contrary, you're the ones who are truly blind.""Herman, go to the human resources department and fire them."Everyone was stunned when he said that.Herman was also stunned for a brief moment.'Henry, you might not have been able to fire these people in your previous position. How will you do it now that you've been dismissed?'Everyone else was initially taken aback. Then, they mocked Henry. "What? Who do you pretend to be? Do you still think you're the team leader?""Yes, I'm no longer the team leader. However, I'll be Mr. Truman, the Sales Director, shortly," Henry said."What? That's impossible!" Several people panicked.Herman was also stunned."Nothing is impossible. Henry is going to take up the position of Sales Director."
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Chapter 519
Henry was unaware that Simon was targeting him again. It was not because he could not track Simon's movements; he did not want to waste more effort.An ant would pose no threat to a lion.Lora thought Henry was extremely handsome when she saw how arrogant and confident he seemed.Her heart raced, and her face flushed as she watched him handle everyone confidently and arrogantly.Furthermore, Carol had teased her earlier. She could not help feeling drawn to Henry.When she saw Henry had handled the situation, she exclaimed joyfully, "Henry, you're finally back.""Yes. You've worked hard these days."Henry noticed Lora's unusual behavior. 'I hope this girl won't fall for me.'"It isn't hard. I was worried because you hadn't been to the office in a while," Lora said, a glint in her eyes.Anyone who was not stupid would notice she was acting differently.Henry, in particular, did not want to get into trouble with Lora, so he immediately said, "I'm a grown man; there's nothing for
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Chapter 520
"Of course you have!" Cecilia replied immediately."Then why are you so happy?""Don't use more excuses to push me away. I want to know the truth. Do you like Henry?""No, I don't." Cecilia quickly denied it, but her cheeks flushed. That was because she knew she appeared to have unusual feelings for Henry.'Would I agree if Henry were to pursue me?'As soon as she thought about it, she had a firm answer.When Hilda saw Cecilia's expression, she realized her prediction was correct. She shook her head and said, "Cecilia, don't blame me for reminding you. Henry is excellent, but you shouldn't have any thoughts about him.""Why do you say that? Do you know something about him?" Cecilia asked curiously. She wanted to know who Henry was."I don't know him well, but I know he's not single," Hilda explained.Henry was outstanding, young, and handsome; she could not help but be tempted.She might have wanted to get to know him if she had not guessed Lydia and Henry's relationship.Af
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