All Chapters of Hidden Monarch: The Silent Resurgence: Chapter 501 - Chapter 510
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Chapter 501
That scene elicited sympathy from Cheryl, owing to Graham's pitiful appearance—clear handprints on his cheeks and bloodstains on his forehead—which was particularly distressing.Everyone was stunned, nervous, and shocked by what had happened that day. When they looked at Cheryl again, their expressions were of fear and envy, with no trace of disdain or ridicule.Everyone was stunned and terrified when it came to Henry."Cheryl, please, I beg you!"Graham noticed Cheryl's kindness and begged even more.Cheryl could not bear to watch any longer and frowned. "Okay, stop that. Speak properly.""Okay, as long as you spare me, I'll do anything," Graham quickly replied.He was no longer like his former self, let alone having the arrogant attitude of ignoring others."You don't have to paint such a bleak picture. What happened to Ms. Ross?" Cheryl asked.Christina was still astounded by Henry's power and wondered if Cheryl indeed had a way to save herself. If they could help her repay
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Chapter 502
The Padillas might have made some money, but proceeding beyond their means was simply impossible."Is that all you have? Your arrogance and swagger made me assume your family must be extremely wealthy."You'll reap what you sow. Take responsibility for your mistakes," Henry said as he shook his head calmly."The 180,000 dollars is just about enough for you to treat me to dinner tonight. I'll settle the bill tonight, and we'll be clear," Henry said indifferently."Ah—"Graham was stunned momentarily and could not help but whisper, "But this meal costs less than that."He could not help but shrink back slightly and quickly said, "Yes, it does. I was just talking nonsense earlier.""Okay, don't be too nervous. I'm a reasonable person."If you don't believe me, then let's get the bill to see if I'm lying."Henry summoned a server and said, "Please get me the bill; remember, no discounts, no complimentary items, everything at the original price."When Graham heard that, he became
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Chapter 503
Laurie was surprised by Noel's reply. It had exceeded her expectations.Until the last moment, she assumed it was Graham's connections.Hilary gave a bitter smile, realizing that her previous assessment of Henry was too simplistic. She had always thought Henry incompetent. However, Henry had an excellent temper. Despite his harsh words, he had done nothing to her. Though, on second thought, it was undoubtedly because of Cheryl; he would not have said a word to her if it had not been for Cheryl.The others sighed at what had happened that day; it was packed with plot twists. Whatever happened, it only served to highlight Henry's extraordinary abilities.Graham was nothing but a joke.Henry did not seem to care about the others. He turned to Noel and said indifferently, "That's it; he's paying. And he's someone I really dislike. So, don't hold back.""Okay. The server will get the bill for you," Noel exclaimed excitedly.The final bill totaled 196,500 dollars.Everyone was stunne
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Chapter 504
The Everising Platinum Card was just a legend to them; they would not have noticed it if Noel had not pointed it out.Everyone speculated on Henry's identity. He revealed his close relationship with three of the four great families in a short period. It appeared that those families were even trying to curry favor with him. Besides the Joneses and Fords, the Skyline Corporation, who replaced the Seltzers, did the same.Noel was deliberate about that. He said, "Alright, I'll get the bill for you. I'll be back shortly."He would not bill the total amount but half of it. He even consulted with higher-ups about whether the wine should be waived. They had told Noel not to worry because the Fords would eventually cover the expenses.Since everything was settled, Henry stopped pursuing Graham and allowed him to leave freely.Graham was ecstatic, but then his phone rang. When his father called, he immediately answered—there was a desperate roar from the phone."Graham, you damn brat! Who
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Chapter 505
The girls were startled by the voice and turned to look at the woman.A lady with a flawless physique, a tailored chiffon gown, and an angel-like beautiful face appeared.However, her expression was frosty and angry.Lydia's words astounded Christina, leaving her puzzled. On the other hand, Hilary appeared slightly annoyed and responded coldly, "We were talking about our friend's boyfriend. What's it to you?""Your so-called boyfriend is my husband. Shouldn't that bother me?" Lydia replied coldly. She was not sure why, but she wanted to assert her status there.They were getting divorced soon, and she should have left when faced with such a situation. However, she could not help assert her role as Henry's wife.Hilary was taken aback. She wondered why Henry was still so involved with Cheryl despite having such a beautiful wife.Christina was even more stunned. She had not expected Cheryl to be involved with a married man. It would be a scandal if that became widespread.Cheryl
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Chapter 506
"No," Henry replied, shaking his head."What do you mean, no? She seems very upset. Aren't you concerned about her?" Cheryl said."It's not that serious." Henry paused slightly.Lydia should have the strength to handle it. However, things might be different if she were with someone like Sarah."What do you mean, not serious? Hurry up; go check on her," Cheryl said, taking Henry's hand.Even though Henry downplayed it, Cheryl could tell he cared about his wife."Okay, I'll go after her," Henry said.Cheryl watched Henry leave and felt a sense of loss.Hilary shook her head, saying, "Their marriage is only contractual, and you like Henry. Wouldn't it be better if they separated? Why were you convincing him to do the opposite?""No! If Henry likes her, I won't do anything to upset him," Cheryl responded immediately."You're a silly girl," Hilary said helplessly.Christina was puzzled by the situation.Cheryl explained that Henry treated her like a little sister. "We're not a c
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Chapter 507
When Sarah heard Lydia's question, she acted as if she were conflicted, saying, "Well, I opposed your relationship with Henry from the start. I don't support it."Leaving aside everything else, Henry has previously been involved with other women and will undoubtedly continue to do so in the future. Can you stand that?"Lydia was upset when Sarah mentioned Henry's involvement with other women."Also, do you know why so many people are against Henry and you getting together?"Because our society values family compatibility. You may not care about it right now, but there will be more problems if you stay married," Sarah said."I don't care about that right now. But I can't accept him being with other women," Lydia said."Ah, you may not care about that, but what about your parents and grandfather? Will you end things with everyone?" Sarah retorted."As far as I know, it seems none of them support you being with Henry.""Yes, none of them. I'm the only one making an effort, even at
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Chapter 508
"Who's Simon?" Sarah pretended not to know, but her heart had burst with joy."Young Master Walker, the one who helped us to collect the debt last time.""The one that Henry took credit for?""Yeah!""Well, he seems quite polite and gentlemanly. He comes from an extraordinary family, and I haven't heard any bad rumors about him. I can't tell you more, but I always feel he's quite formidable." Sarah pretended as if she knew nothing."Oh.""He's the future heir of the Walkers. Whoever marries him will be blessed for life. I wonder who would be so lucky."By the way, why did you ask about him?""It's nothing!" Lydia did not say more; she was already leaning toward Simon.After driving for a while, the car happened to pass by a bar. Sarah glanced at it and said, "You're not in a good mood now. Why don't I take you to relax?""Relax? Where?""There! The Zero Degree Bar!"Don't worry. My friend runs this bar. It's very safe," Sarah reassured her."Okay."Feeling upset, Lydia in
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Chapter 509
Lydia's eyes were filled with tears. She was utterly unrestrained; perhaps she was intoxicated, so she spilled all of her thoughts.She felt much better, and her emotions calmed significantly. Then, she wiped her tears with tissues."Don't be too sad, Lydia," Sarah said, consoling her."He's not good enough, so you should move on. Countless exceptional young men are pursuing you; why be sad for such a shameless guy?"Lydia nodded. Maybe she should just let go. But just thinking about it made her sick, especially because she had an appointment with the Civil Affairs Bureau the following day.Lydia was about to speak when a group of men dressed in avant-garde clothing approached them. One asked, "Hey, ladies, no men to accompany you? Do you want to join us?""Hey, you look like you've been crying. Did someone bully you? Tell me, and I'll help you exact revenge," another said."Get lost! We don't know you!" Sarah spoke coldly."We didn't know each other until now. But we'll get al
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Chapter 510
The man was caught off guard as he was pushed aside. Sarah immediately scratched the other two men's faces fiercely.It was all part of a script. Soon, the hero, Simon, would appear.Lydia was angry and desperate, not expecting Sarah to fight so hard to save her. Sarah had always cared for her. She had always stood up for Lydia, even when she was misunderstood.Lydia could not be bothered with much else then. She seized the opportunity to run outside.'Sarah, please wait for me. I'll save you,' she thought."Damn, you filthy bitch! Looking for trouble?" The man was furious at Sarah's actions. He slapped her hard twice, pushed her away firmly, and yelled, "Get her!"Despite her desire to flee, Lydia had consumed a significant amount of alcohol. Furthermore, the other party had already planned for that, so she could not escape.Lydia stumbled and nearly fell forward after only a few steps.Simon watched the scene from a distance. His face lit up with excitement, but he quickly su
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